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Friday, 28 May 2021

prayer from. 1 Timothy 2:1-3


What a mighty God we serve
What a mighty God we serve
Heaven and earth adore Him
Angels bow before Him
What a mighty God we serve

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1 Timothy 2:1‭-‬3 KJV


Lord eternal o worship your majesty and honour your name

Elohim thank you for this beautiful day and grace of life

Father thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Holy spirit order my steps and guide my utterance 

Father I lift all in position of authority before you lead them lord in all they do

Almighty God uproot every evil advise or adversary that rise against leaders in all capacity

Lord destroy all yokes that is laid on leaders that will affect the role you call them for

Jehohav destroy the laws and legislation that are contrary to your will for us

Lord honour your name and presence in my life henceforth

Lord over this nation let the right leaders be the ones that will take control of all policies and procedure

Father arise and scatter every plan from hell to cause mass burial in this nation

Lord destroy every  evil empire and pull down all evil altars that mock your existence especially over the elects worldwide

Father under no circumstances never allow the enemy to have the final say over my life

Jehovah concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household let your word be our guiding force forever

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jehovah for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord is the burden bearer and the destiny changer. He is alive and in charge of all that concerns me. His spirit is living inside of me causing my destiny to align with His will for me always. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 28th May 2021

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