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Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Prayer from John 1:29

Song by Martin Ball

All heaven declares
The glory of the risen Lord
Who can compare with
The beauty of the Lord

Forever He will be
The Lamb upon the throne
I gladly bow the knee
And worship Him alone

I will proclaim
The glory of the risen Lord
Who once was slain
To reconcile man to God

Forever You will be
The Lamb upon the throne
I gladly bow the knee
And worship You alone

The next day John saw Jesus coming to him and said, Look! There is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world! 
John 1:29 AMPC


Almighty God I worship you and glorify your majesty

Eternal rock of ages I magnify your name for who you are to me

Lord eternal have your way in my life always and never let me walk away from your plan for me

Father thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Lord eternal you are the living God take total control over all that concerns me

Father terminate every evil accusation from the pit of hell planning to hold me down for what is against your will for me

Lord destroy every blood guilt held against my destiny and household

I decree I will never be a sacrificial offering on the altar of workers of darkness

I decree my household is shielded under the shadow of the Almighty

I destroy all negative break set to break my strength and fill me with fear and weaknesses in any area

I decree the blood of Jesus has set me free from all evil accountability

I decree divine protection over my household and I in all aspects of life

I decree I will never function under obscurity or indecision in life

I decree over this nation and nations around the world the blood of Jesus speaks for us

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household the promises of God will no longer tarry they are coming to manifestation henceforth in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you king of kings for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily;Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I have the power of God dwelling in me, I am a product of the finished work on Calvary. Grace works for me and favour speaks for me. My life isn't a mistake and I will never fall prey of the desires of darkness. I am free in Christ, I am free from all blood guilt and negative accusations. I am more than a conqueror because I am a vessel of God, a royal priesthood and holy nation. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 31st March 2021

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Prayer from 1Peter 1:2

Song by Kirk Franklin

Something about the name Jesus.
It is the sweetest name I know
Oh how I love the name Jesus, 
Oh how I love the name Jesus
It is the sweetest name I know.

Some people say I'm crazy but, I can't explain the power that I feel when I call your name (when I call your name) said it's just like fire shut-up in my bones.
The holy ghost is moving (yes it is) and just won't leave me alone. There's something

Said it's sweeter than honey from a honeycomb. I can feel the holy ghost moving and it won't leave won't leave me alone (no, no, no, no, no, nooo) at the name of Jesus (ooohhh) every knee has got to bow (got to bow) so you don't have to wait till the fire comes you can call on him shout praise him do it right now.

Something about the name Jesus, something about the name Jesus.
It is the sweetest name I know
Oh how I love the name Jesus,
Oh how I love the name Jesus.
It is the sweetest name I know, I know, I know, I knoooowwwwww

Who were chosen and foreknown by God the Father and consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and to be sprinkled with [His] blood: May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance [that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts]. 1 Peter 1:2 AMPC

Almighty father thank you for this wonderful day and grace of life

Abba thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Lord thank you for your word that points me to right direction in life

Lord thank you for your increasing grace upon my life

Holy one of Israel thank you for singling me out for your divine encounter always

Father thank you for not allowing the enemy to ride me or keep be ridden in a position of diagrace

Lord thank you for your word that is life and gives grace to me to excel Hallelujah

Father thank you for removing unnecessary cloud upon my face that wants to keep me blinded from your powerful power at work

Lord thank you for removing disadvantage situation and for taking me higher and higher

Lord thank you for your grace is setting me on the pace of glorious encounter and testimony

Father thank you because no divination or machinations from the pit of hell can steal your released grace from my life

Lord thank you for the increase ability your grace has instilled inside of my life beyond the comprehension of men

Father thank you because I will never fall victim of any evil circumstance because you are at work inside of me always

Father thank you for setting my life on the pace and speed orchestrated by you

Lord thank you over (mention) because there is a new dawn and testimony is birthing over it

Lord thank you for undiluted blessings from the throne of heaven that's released upon my body soul and spirit

Father thank you for given me freedom above fear and thoughts of darkness and lies of the enemy in all aspects of my life

Lord thank you for the grace released unto this nation and nations around the world to overcome every plague and plans of the wicked

Father thank you for your light that has been my guide over all darkness instilled by the workers of iniquity

Father thank you for choosing me and for allowing me to use your name to set things right to the glory of your name

Father thank you because I will not struggle, I will not suffer any loss, I will not be disgeaced in Jesus name

*Spend time to pray in tongues or in your understanding as the Holy spirit gives you utterance*

*Intercede for all children those you know and those you don't that they will be battle axe in the hands of God and not a playing tool in the hands of the enemy*

Almighty God thank you for the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household for our spirit soul and body is beautified by your grace and your glory always

Thank you everlasting God for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith, as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am enveloped in the grace of God, it's causing supernatural changes in and around me. My life is experiencing the outstretched hands of God fine tuning my life to His glory. I am not a disgrace and I will never be a disgrace. I will never fail because Christ is working in me. I will not fall from His grace because I no longer live an ordinary life because Christ lives continuously in me. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 30th March 2021

Monday, 29 March 2021

Prayer from James 2:13


Be thou exalted oh lord above all the heaven
Be thou exalted oh lord above the earth
Let your glory be above all the earth
Let your glory be above all the earth

For to him who has shown no mercy the judgment [will be] merciless, but mercy [full of glad confidence] exults victoriously over judgment.
James 2:13 AMPC


Lord eternal I worship and honour your majesty

Ancient of days thank you for this wonderful day and grace of life

Lord thank you forgiveness and your tender mercies over my life

Lord thank you for your word that directs me always

Lord thank you for the understanding to serve you with all that I have and I am

Holy spirit have your way in me and prove yourself great over all that concerns me

Father in anyway judgement has risen against me, let your mercy speak for me

Lord terminate evil gathering of judgement over my destiny

Father concerning my life  let your mercy speak for us in all areas

Jehovah erase every spiritual accusations that wants to taints my spiritual or physical life

Father order my steps and guide my path away from any blood guilt

Lord uproot every seed of backwardness sown into my destiny and household

Holy spirit reveal to me that which I need to do in order not to end up in eternal condemnation

I decree over my children every evil voice calling for judgement over their lives and destiny is terminated

I decree there is no suffering or delay over my life and existence in Jesus name

I decree over all children connected to me they will never become candidate of any accident, incidents or untimely death in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household the grace of God speaks over them all in Jesus name

**Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily;Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The mercy of God envelopes my life. I am not a candidate of negative judgement or accusations. Jehovah is in charge of my life always. I will never be the prey of workers of darkness. All negative accusations and voice is silenced. I am blessed favoured and established by His grace. I will never be disgraced or disadvantaged in Jesus name amen!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 29th March 2021

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Prayer from 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Song by Israel & New Bread

Come bless the Lord, come bless the Lord
Draw near to worship Christ the Lord
And bless His name, His Holy name
Declaring He is good

O that men would praise Him
O that men would praise Him

Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say

O that men would praise His name
Praise His name to the ends of the earth
And again I say

Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say, and again I say

Rejoice evermore.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 KJV


Lord eternal I worship and honour your majesty

King of kings thank you this wonderful day and grace of life

Ancient of days thank you for forgiveness of sin and your mercy that speaks for me always

Father thank you for filling my life with your everlasting love 

Jehovah let everything that wants to weigh me down from rejoicing be totally removed from my life

Lord increase the zeal to rejoice and thank you in all aspects of my life

Abba destroy whatever may have my life under the manipulation of the enemy of my soul

Lord destroy all plans to cause me sorrow over any aspect of my life in Jesus name

Father erase every sadness looming over my household in Jesus name

King of kings increase your truth in me and never allow the enemy to replace my peace with unrest

I decree  I will always have cause to rejoice no power of men or scheme of the wicked will reduce my joy and happiness

I decree all that has been expectations in my life are becoming manifestation of God's blessings and promises

Lord thank you over this nation and nations around the world because your power is subduing all evil power

Lord thank you for the last Sunday of this month, thank you for victory given to me all through hallelujah to you lord

Lord thank you for the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household because our season of rejoicing will never end with sorrow in Jesus name

*Spend time to give thanks to God*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God be faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a vessel of honour and my life is an embodiment of praise and thanksgiving. The grace of God is sufficient over my life. Everything is working for my good and it will all end in praise. I will not be afraid of thousand that stands against because the lord God is at work in my life. The audience if one is in control over my life always in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 28th March 2021

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Prayer from Matthew 19:4-6

Song by Vashawn Mitchell

There's beauty in my brokenness,
I've got true love instead of pain
There's freedom though you've captured me,
I've got joy instead of mourning

You give me joy
Down deep in my soul [x3]
You give me joy
Down deep in my soul [x3]

I never been so free
Caught in your love for me
I never been more secure
Knowing your heart, Lord

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’ ” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”
Matthew 19:4‭-‬6 NLT


Lord eternal I worship you and exalt your majesty

Father thank you for this beautiful bday and grace of life

Abba thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for our salvation

Lord thank you for your eternal presence in my life and household

Lord thank you for the increase of knowledge and understanding your word instills in me

Abba I commit all homes and family going through any form of trial deliver them and fill them with your joy

I decree peace into any home consumed with spiritual or physical unrest

I declare the power of God envelopes all family and all evil penetration is destroyed

I decree all agenda from pit of hell to sow wrong tiding in family and homes is negated

I cancel all power set to cause separation and disunity in all home setting against the will of God

All evil controller over the prosperity and godly environment in homes is destroyed

I decree divine protection over families in all areas of the world

I terminate every joy stilling guard mandated from the pit of hell at the entrance of all homes

I decree the joy of God replace all weakness henceforth

I decree over this community and all nooks and crannies of this vicinity the presence of God is present heavily

I decree power to succeed and be extraordinarily outstanding over my lineage and I

I decree healing for many experiencing any form of loss in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household we are secured in the secret place of the Most High always

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The love of God saturates my being because Jesus is at the centre of everything in and around me. My life transcends the healing power of God to all situations around me. I am a carrier of God's glory, virtues and grace. My destiny is directed by the king of kings not the kings of the world. I am a blessings in every aspect because Jehovah Jireh is at work in me. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 27th March 2021

Friday, 26 March 2021

Prayer from Hebrews 12:1

Hymn by Alan Jackson

Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

Are you washed in the blood
In the soul-cleansing blood of the lamb?
Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin
And be washed in the blood of the lamb
There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean
O, be washed in the blood of the lamb

Are you washed in the blood
In the soul-cleansing blood of the lamb?
Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
Hebrews 12:1 NLT


Lord almighty I worship and honour your majesty for who you are to me

King of glory thank you for this blessed new dawn and grace of life

Father thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Holy one of Israel thank you for the word that chastise and directs me in life

Father thank you for delivering me from all blood guilt in all aspects of my life

Holy spirit thank you for divine ability to grow and excel in all aspect of my life

Abba thank you for the increase of faith in me and divine strength

Lord thank you for the overflowing presence you have released upon my life

Lord I come to you rid me of all sin that wants to cause set back in my journey of faith

Mighty God terminate all evil accusation over my destiny from known or unknown sources

Father uproot every evil agenda set aside for my destiny and my household by known or unknown source

I decree I am free from all evil entanglement that doesn't glorify God

I decree my season of breakthrough is now and I will never be bound in any area in Jesus name

I decree I am an overcomer, a victor and never a victim in life in Jesus name

I decree all things are working for my good and I have victory over and over in my life

I decree my source will never run dry, I excel always and I am a success

I decree grace to excel, to pursue and recover all loss is upon me therefore I will never languish in dispair in Jesus name

I decree I am favoured, blessed and divinely elevated in all areas of life

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world, the blood of Jesus speaks over all blood guilt calling for vengeance in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted it and our household we are excelling in all areas in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you king of glory for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The peace of God, that surpass understanding is around me each and everyday. I cannot be  stuck in any power of darkness because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My life is a victory, I have a Zoe life, I am a victor. I am victorious over all life challenges no matter how huge or small it may be. The power of God makes a difference in my life always. I live above the systems of darkness and the perishing world. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 26th March 2021

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Delete the hurting past and files

*Be Inspired Bible Study March 25th 2021*

*Topic* : *Delete the hurting past and file*

*Anchor* : Sis Leah 

*Text* : *Genesis 25:26 KJV*

*And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.*
So Jacob took the food to his father. “My father?” he said. “Yes, my son,” Isaac answered. “Who are you—Esau or Jacob?” Jacob replied, “It’s Esau, your firstborn son. I’ve done as you told me. Here is the wild game. Now sit up and eat it so you can give me your blessing.” As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and almost before Jacob had left his father, Esau returned from his hunt.
Genesis 27:18‭-‬19‭, ‬30 NLT

Then Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming with his 400 men. So he divided the children among Leah, Rachel, and his two servant wives. He put the servant wives and their children at the front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last. Then Jacob went on ahead. As he approached his brother, he bowed to the ground seven times before him. Then Esau ran to meet him and embraced him, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. And they both wept. Then Esau looked at the women and children and asked, “Who are these people with you?” “These are the children God has graciously given to me, your servant,” Jacob replied. Then the servant wives came forward with their children and bowed before him. Next came Leah with her children, and they bowed before him. Finally, Joseph and Rachel came forward and bowed before him. “And what were all the flocks and herds I met as I came?” Esau asked. Jacob replied, “They are a gift, my Lord, to ensure your friendship.” “My brother, I have plenty,” Esau answered. “Keep what you have for yourself.” But Jacob insisted, “No, if I have found favor with you, please accept this gift from me. And what a relief to see your friendly smile. It is like seeing the face of God! Please take this gift I have brought you, for God has been very gracious to me. I have more than enough.” And because Jacob insisted, Esau finally accepted the gift. “Well,” Esau said, “let’s be going. I will lead the way.” But Jacob replied, “You can see, my Lord, that some of the children are very young, and the flocks and herds have their young, too. If they are driven too hard, even for one day, all the animals could die. Please, my Lord, go ahead of your servant. We will follow slowly, at a pace that is comfortable for the livestock and the children. I will meet you at Seir.” “All right,” Esau said, “but at least let me assign some of my men to guide and protect you.” Jacob responded, “That’s not necessary. It’s enough that you’ve received me warmly, my Lord!”
Genesis 33:1‭-‬15 NLT

The story of Jacob and Esau is a very interesting story that anyone willing to learn can learn one or two things.

These two were born on thesame day but the Bible let us know in Genesis 25:26 that Jacob held the heels of Esau the two of them were two nations.

They were not just two individuals but two whole nations.

Born by same parents but their parents chose their favourite. Jacob was His mother's favourite while Esau was Isaac their father's favourite.

Fast forward to when Isaac decided to bless Esau their mother plotted with Jacob and deceived their father and Jacob a supplanter took the blessings that was his brother's as he pretended to be Esau his brother.

Many years moon and whatever had past. They had both become a nation indeed. Married with children, they had servants, they had flocks, they were amazingly blessed remember they stem down from generation of Abraham. So they had this Abrahamic blessings on them.

It came to that point when Jacob having repented and had encounter with God was going to meet up with his brother Esau.

He was unsure the kind of reception his brother would give to him. In Genesis 33:1-15 we can see how Jacob gathered his family, his workers and his flocks forward and Esau on the other hand welcomed him and embraced him.

Jacob ended up bowing and saying my lord of it please you, go ahead 0f your servant. Esau even offered to get security to guide Jacob and his family on their journey but you know the forgiveness and love he had shown to his brother was enough.

Esau is our person of interest, he had lots of memories of how his brother contended with him, to take his position even to the extent of taking his blessing on their father sick bed.

Esau did not just sit and nurse the past, because the longer you nurse your hurting past the longer you stay in stagnation.

Esau didn't say well I should have got that blessing that's why this and that. He didn't begin a pity party, he didn't allow the background of their relationship to stop him from moving forward with his brother.

These two were twins remember and the hurt could have been carried on and passed on to the next generation but no Esau deleted the files.

In life we will experience things that might want to keep us stuck in a position if we allow it but can I just encourage you to delete the file of your hurting past. You see the enemy of your soul is very cunning but he is not as wise as God in fact he lacks divine wisdom.

When you continue to replay the files and hurts you fail to remove the scale of backwardness and retrogression.

You are as great as you see yourself. You are as achieving as you allow yourself and you are as much a failure as you allow the enemy to penetrate into your hard drive of memoirs.

Are you one of those who sit and continuously recount your loss, what didn't go right, the marriage that didn't work,the divorce that broke your family, the strict teacher that made you hate the subject or course, the law of the land that kept you bound, the community you come from, the rape, the abuse, the fraud the health challenge the health scare, the job woes, the accident, the discrimination, the unprecedented happenings e.t.c.

It's high time you deleted those files, those things do not make you if you don't allow them.

Learn to move out of uncertainty by faith into certainty through the word of God and faith in God.

There is no change God can't make if we allow Him to so your circumstances isn't beyond God's hand work. In fact it is not a surprise or coincidence that you are reading this now. God meant this message for you.

I hope the summary gives more clarity to us all.

I pray for grace to actually delete unnecessary memories.

I pray that whatever we keep holding on to that God doesn't want us to anymore we receive wisdom to let go.

I pray that the kind of understanding that makes you outstanding in the midst of certainty and uncertainty is released unto us in Jesus name amen 🙏

Follow the links to get inspired with life transforming articles, write up, stories and daily devotional prayer.
Kindly rebroadcast be a blessing to others.
Be Inspired by His Word©️

Prayer from Matthew 4:4

Sing by Mauro See

Here we've come to worship You
And praise Your Holy Name
There is no one like You Lord
You're deserving of all our praise

Ibuchimo ooo, ibuchim 
(You're God all by Yourself)
Ibuchimo ooo, onyejemonu ooo
 (You're the God I make my boast in, Lord)
Nani gi bu chimo ooo, onyewenmo (Onyewenmo, the owner of my life)
Nani gi bu chimo ooo, onyewenmo
 (The owner of my soul)

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”
Matthew 4:4 NLT


Father thank you for this amazing day and grace of life

Glorious God thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Father thank you for your word that gives me directions each day of my life

Heavenly father thank you for the strength your word release into me 

Lord you are my king forever continue to reign inside of me 

Holy spirit have your way in me this day and forever

Lord eternal in your mercy, guide all that I do and let your favour overshadow me

Lord increase your capacity in me so that I will not fall prey of the desires of the wicked

Abba never let me depend on my knowledge or wisdom alone but be guided and directed by your word and divine wisdom

Glorious king in anyway the enemy of my soul wants to entice me with the world and it's benefits grant me boldness and grace to overcome victoriously

I decree I will never fall prey of the advise and admonition from the kingdom of darknes in Jesus name

I decree my hope is daily risen because Christ works in and through me

I decree I depend on the word of God always and never my ability

Lord you are the bread of life never let me fall into the tricks of the enemy for the bread of sorrow

Father concerning the economy of this nation and nations around the world let your healing that births overflow rests upon it

Jehovah erase every opposing desires of the wicked militating against the will and purpose of God in all aspects of my life

Father replace all areas my life is affected by worry with worship and praise to you

Lord according to your word when the enemy comes like a flood into my life raise standard against them

Father in anyway my life is ridden by opposition give me divine victory and breakthrough all around

Father I lift the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household unto you, direct us and continuously have your way in and through us in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you king of kings for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word of God is my daily bread, because the lord Himself is the bread of life. He fills me each and everyday making my life an haven of His divine power and disgracing the penetration of the kingdom of darkness. The Prince of Peace is working over my existence and I will never become a machinery in the hands of the enemy. Christ in me the hope of glory. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 25th March 2021

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Prayer from Isaiah 6:3-4

Song by Donnie McClurkin

I call you holy, your name is holy.
You are so holy to me.
I call you holy, your name is holy.
Holy you are and holy you'll be.

I call you holy, your name is holy
You are so holy to me.
I call you holy, your name is holy.
Holy you are and holy you'll be
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I call you righteous, your name is righteous.
You are so righteous to me.
I call you righteous, your name is righteous.
Righteous you are and righteous you'll be.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I call you awesome, your name is awesome.
You are so awesome to me.
I call you awesome, your name is awesome.
Awesome you are, and awesome you'll be.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

They shouted to each other, saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of heavenly forces! All the earth is filled with God’s glory!” The doorframe shook at the sound of their shouting, and the house was filled with smoke.
Isaiah 6:3‭-‬4 CEB


Eternal rock of ages I magnify and honour your name

King of kings thank you for this glorious day and grace of life

Abba have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings

King of kings have your way in me and glorify yourself in and through me

Father you are holy pudge out all unrighteousness from my life and let me begin to exist and enjoy your righteousness

Spirit of the living God take control of my life like never before

Father fill my life up with more of you and let all my life and existence glorify you

Lord terminate every entrance of deceit into my life henceforth

Lord eliminate anything in and around me that wants to ridicule your presence and power

Abba father create in me a heart of service and obedience to you

Lord never allow my life to be a ground that breeds the works of flesh and desires of Sheol

Father keep my feet steady in you and let me enjoy the manifestation of your promises

Jehovah remove every doubt that wants to becloud my faith in any way

Lord almighty take charge over this nation and nations around the world let your will alone stand

Father concerning every office of leadership or position of power let your wisdom trump the wisdom of men

Lord concerning the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household bless us with you divine abundance and let our expectations come to fruition in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I serve the lord who is Holy and kind. He has no blemish, yet He is more than able to wipe off all our blemishes. His kingdom reigns forever because He is Jehovah the creator of all. The everlasting arm of Yahweh has saved me and set me free and I will never become a tool in the hands of the adversary. God is incharge of my life always. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 24th March 2021

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Prayer from Luke 15:4-5

Song by Chris Morgan

Yahweh Yahweh
Where would I be If not for You?
That’s why I sing
Yahweh Yahweh
I worship you (3x)

There is nothing
There is no one like You
Awimayeun(the one who says and it is)
There is nothing
There is no one like You

My everlasting song oo
You never let me go
You never let me down

Yahweh Yahweh
Where would I be If not for You?
That’s why I sing
Yahweh Yahweh
I worship you (3x)

Egadu nu Jehovah yorw
 (God's blessings abound)
Ega-oma lelohi ee
(where His presence dwells)

“Suppose someone among you had one hundred sheep and lost one of them. Wouldn’t he leave the other ninety-nine in the pasture and search for the lost one until he finds it? And when he finds it, he is thrilled and places it on his shoulders.
Luke 15:4‭-‬5 CEB


Abba father thank you for this beautiful day and grace of life

Lord eternal thank you for forgiveness of sin and your mercy

Lord thank you for the salvation of my soul and for directing my path in your will

Lord thank you for making me a partaker of your divine purpose in life

Ancient of days thank you for making me a priest king in every aspect

Lord I commit many that are yet to know you unto your hands let them have an encounter with you

Today lord use me as a master piece that draws souls to your kingdom and depopulate hell in Jesus name

Abba never let me shift my focus on the eternal blessings and heavenly treasure for this perishing world

Father erase every authority that stands against your authority in my life, family, nation and nations around the world

 I decree I walk and function in divine verities beyond imagination of men

Lord for as many at the verge of quiting on life and suicidal today fill their lives with your divine embrace

I destroy every lies of the enemy causing souls to feel left out and rejected from their maker's plan

I decree all opposing authority against the authority of God in and around me is negated

I decree the favour of God surrounds all that concerns me henceforth

Lord for as many condemned by the system of this world, isolated from your truth,today visit them with your light and truth and take them out of darkness

I decree concerning all children connected to me in life they are filled with the truth and fear of God

I lift the body of Christ worldwide unto you lord, uphold the church and terminate all agenda of the enemy against the church

Lord Iift the souls of all that dwell in this community unto you fill them with your fear and truth like never before

I silence every unhealthy spiritual noise causing any form of distraction in my life against the will of God

Father use me as part of the end time army and through my life let souls be won and lives change to the glory of your name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household we will never relent or renounce our walk and faith in Christ Jesus

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me,I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I have Zoe life,a life of glory, incorruptible by the world and power of darkness. I have the indestructible life because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am filled with supernatural power of God. I live Intentionally,my time in life is guarded and guided by Christ. I am favoured, blessed and opportuned by God almighty. Greater things are spoken of me because I am a joint heir with Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 23rd March 2021


Monday, 22 March 2021

Prayer from Hosea 4:6

Song by Jonathan Nelson

In the journey of life
There are winding roads
Mountains high and valleys low
Though the road ahead may be unknown
I'm still focus on the prize that worth pressing for

I will be what you called me to be
I say Yes,
Lord I agree
My desire, passionately
Is to be what you called me to be
That's what I'll be

All road sign read destiny
I'll follow where ever you lead
Nothing can hinder me
For the prize is all I see
I see

I will be what you called me to be
I say Yes,
Lord I agree
My desire, passionately
Is to be what you called me to be
That's what I'll be

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Since you have rejected knowledge, so I will reject you from serving me as a priest. Since you have forgotten the Instruction of your God, so also I will forget your children.
Hosea 4:6 CEB


Ancient  of days I worship and magnify your name for who you are to me

Mighty man in battle thank you for this amazing day and grace of life

Elshadai thank you for your love for me that is evident in each and every aspect of my life

Lord thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

I decree my life will fulfill the purpose of creation in Jesus name

I decree this community and nations will function in the truth of God henceforth

I come against every war, rumour of war, mass killings and death in and around this nation

I cancel every evil agenda to terminate destroy and trump over souls and destinies against the will of God

I decree concerning those in position of leadership and authority in this nation, they are filled with the fear of God

I decree divine guidance that doesn't lead to destruction or wrath of God is instilled into the hearts of all leaders

I lift all spiritual leaders before the almighty God and I pray that the fear of God is increasing daily in them

I commit many who are in position of leadership and abusing the power that they receive the touch of God and amend their ways

I pray for this nation and nations around the world they will fulfill their purpose no evil agenda will trump the agenda of God in any aspect

I pray over the economy of this nation, it receives newness and breakthrough at all front

I decree over children of all ages they are instilled with the fear of God and they are battle axes in the hands of the Most High

I command every authority working against the will of God to be rendered futile henceforth

I decree my life will always be light in this world and through me destinies will be changed and souls will turn to God

I decree the joy of God replace all forms of sadness or sorrow orchestrated from the pit of hell regarding me

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household, there will be no sudden death spiritually or physically we will fullfill our purpose here on earth in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I will live to fulfill purpose. I will not perish with this world because I am the light of the world. The faith I have in Christ increases daily because I serve a living God. The word of God sustains me and bless me all around. The grace of God is superabundant over me beyond the imagination of man. I am a blessing in all aspects and I will be what God has called me to be in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 22nd March 2021

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Prayer from 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Song by Keith Green

There is a redeemer
Jesus, God's own Son
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
Holy One

Jesus my redeemer
Name above all names
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
Oh, for sinners slain

Thank you, oh my father
For giving us Your Son
And leaving Your Spirit
'Til the work on Earth is done

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV


Almighty father I worship and honour your majesty

Blessed Jesus thank you for this beautiful day and grace of life

Abba thank you for forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Holy spirit thank you for divine strength and enablement given to me each day

Abba thank you for your supernatural and unfailing love for me

Lord thank you for the beginning of a new dawn of breakthrough in my life

Lord thank you for granting me divine victory in all aspect of my life

Lord thank you for the supernatural power that sets me free and above all adversaries daily

Lord thank you for divine health and total healing released into my body, soul and spirit

Lord thank you for ordering my steps and guiding my path to position of destiny fulfillment

Father thank you for this nation for only allowing your plans to stand

Lord thank you for the lives of leaders in all office of authority for installing your fear and truth in them

Lord thank you for shelter and divine provision far beyond my reasoning

Lord thank you for dividing and destroying all evil machinations against my household and I

Father thank you for increasing my gaze on making heaven at last and not being carried away by the perishing world

Holy spirit thank you for always giving me insights into things and being my best companion

Lord thank you for the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and her household for daily loading our lives with divine benefits

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you blessed redeemer for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of  God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The grace and presence of God speaks over my life and entire existence. The peace of God rules above all unrest and I am never a candidate of sorrow. My life is filled with gratitude each day because the blessed redeemer is moving mountains and levelling all valley that comes my way. Jehovah is alive in me and I will never be disadvantaged in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️  21st March 2021

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Prayer from Psalms 100:5

Song by Israel Houghton

Lord You are good and Your mercy endureth forever
Lord You are good and Your mercy endureth forever
People from every nation and tongue
From generation to generation

We worship You hallelujah hallelujah
We worship You for who You are
For who You are
For who You are
You are good

Yes You are,Yes You are
Yes You are
So good so good 
Yes You are,Yes You are
Yes You are

You are good all the time
All the time You are good
You are good all the time
All the time You are good
You are good all the time
All the time You are good

For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
Psalms 100:5 KJV


Ancient of days I worship your majesty and honour your name

King of glory thank you for this amazing day and grace of life

Father thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Lord thank you for the efficacy of your word in and through me

Jehovah thank you for your divine presence and power instilled in me through your word

Lord thank you for the undeniable presence and companion of the Holy Spirit

Lord thank you  for being so good to me even when I fall short of your glory

Father thank you for your supernatural love shed upon me each and everyday 

Lord thank you for divine ability to excel in all areas of life

Adonai thank you for giving me breakthrough in all areas of life

Father thank you because my life is a master piece and testimony lots souls will be drawn and saved through

I decree the presence of God rules upon all aspects of my life and household

Father thank you for being so good to this nation and all nations around the world

Lord thank you for not allowing evil gathering of mourning to hold in and around my household

Father thank you for victory even where men had meant for me to be victim

Jehovah thank you for the new song you have given to me over all my expectations

Lord thank you for the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household because we are made whole and free no entanglement of darkness can prevail over us in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a grateful soul, looking back in life I can see the blessings of God. I am never a victim and never will I be. He that the son has set free is free indeed. The grace of God is working for me because whom the lord has blessed nobody can curse. Therefore no enchantment or divination can stand against me because I am blessed by God. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 20th March 2021

Friday, 19 March 2021

Prayer from Psalms 50:1-3


You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah hallelujah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah hallelujah

THE MIGHTY One, God, the Lord, speaks and calls the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. Our God comes and does not keep silence; a fire devours before Him, and round about Him a mighty tempest rages.
Psalm 50:1‭-‬3 AMPC


Elohim I worship you and give all glory due to you alone

Eternal rock of ages thank you for this mighty day and grace of life

Lord eternal thank you for the forgiveness of sin and the blood shed for my salvation

Jehovah thank you for your word sent to me each day to guide me and keep me in faith

Lord thank you for divine direction and provision released upon me

Abba thank you for your supernatural ability inside of me that is keeping me above all life challenges

Father you are the consuming fire, thank you consuming every unwanted situation in and around me

Abba thank you for destroying the desires of workers of iniquity in and around me

Lord over all situation that human are ridiculing your existence in my life prove yourself great

Holy spirit terminate every desires of the wicked set to put my life in jeopardy

Abba concerning (mention) let your consuming fire consume whatever isn't of you in Jesus name

Glorious father terminate every exalted altar of destruction erected against your will for this nation and nations around the world

I decree I will never be a candidate or victim of retrogression in any aspect of my life

I uproot every sown seed of backwardness or limitation knowingly or unknowingly in my life in Jesus name

I destroy every power working to hinder my progress against the will of God in Jesus name

I decree I am successful and always able to excel in all that I do

I decree no challenge risen or not risen will limit my glory or the manifestation of God's promises for me and my household

I decree concerning people in position of authority over this nation and nations around the world they are filled with the direction of God and all their decisions henceforth will be to the glory of God

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household we are saved, sanctified and kept in the secret place of God almighty

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a blessing to behold. The mighty outstretched arm of God has delivered me from the pit of darkness. My life is a living testimony each and every day. Nothing can stop or hinder me from fulfilling purpose of creation in all aspect of my life. I am moving higher and strengthened daily by the power of the Holy Spirit, the grace of God is sufficient for me always. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 19th March 2021

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Prayer from Proverbs 10:12


What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer

Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Hatred stirs up contentions, but love covers all transgressions.
Proverbs 10:12 AMPC


Thank you mighty God for another beautiful day and grace of life

Ancient of days have mercy on me and forgive my short comings

Eternal rock of ages thank you for the grace released daily upon me

Lord thank you for your word that directs, encourage and enables your will in me

I decree every seed of hatred inside of me begin to dry off in Jesus name

I decree every seed of hatred planted inside of anyone against me begin to dry off

I destroy every power that wants to pull me back from the will of God henceforth

I terminate all vision killing agenda over my life and destiny

I decree my life is enveloped with the love of Christ therefore no evil agenda of hatred will have a way in me

I destroy all soul drenching, life stagnating power working tirelessly over my destiny

I decree every seed of hatred in this nation is permanently destroyed

I decree I will not be defeated at the edge of breakthrough or at any point in the journey of my life

I call forth success and testimony over(mention) and I will not be put to shame in Jesus name

I decree the favour of God that surpass the imagination of man fills my life

I put an end to all evil contention raised against my household and I in any aspect of life

Father silence every voice of hatred speaking against my life where I can't be heard in Jesus name

Holy Spirit you are the greatest teacher, teach me which way to go, never let me rely on my understanding alone

Father let your love fill and overflow this nation and offices of people in position of authority beyond human comprehension 

Lord over the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household, let your love radiates in and through us and make our lives untouchable for any power of darkness in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord eternal for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, Iam operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The wisdom of God is upon me always. The power of the Most High energises me and gives me divine victory always. I live above the systems of this world. I am imbibed in the word of God, therefore I live in accordance to the will of God always. My life is a testimony and a treasure to behold because Christ Jesus rules and reign in me in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 18th March 2021

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Prayer from Matthew 16:12


I need Thee, O I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee
O bless me now, my Savior
I come to Thee

Then they discerned that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Matthew 16:12 AMPC


Almighty father I worship your name and honour your majesty

Eternal rock of ages thank you for this day and grace of life

Abba thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Holy one of Israel thank you for your word and the clarity and understanding it gives to my soul

Abba thank you for your unfailing grace and blessings released into my life you deserve my worship

I rid myself off all wrong teachings and doctrines that's against the precepts of God

I decree henceforth the truth of Christ dwells inside of me beyond the comprehension of man

I cancel all teachings that has put me in the path God hasn't ordained for me

I decree henceforth Jesus is my teacher and the word of God remains my manual and guide

I destroy all negative desires appropriating glory to dictates of man in my life

I decree I am sanctified and blessed enormously with the power of the Holy Spirit

I decree my life is endowed with divine truth therefore I will not wallow or perish in the unknown in Jesus name

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world, divine intervention is enveloping all situations

I decree over all in position of authority and leadership, they receive divine clarity in all they do in Jesus name

I commit all law and decision makers for this nation into the hands of God, they will be filled with the fear and truth of God

I cancel every authority from the kingdom of darkness that wants to mislead and cause confusion in Jesus name

I decree my life and that of my household is hidden in the secret place of The Most High God

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household, divine wisdom and strength is our portion in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I have the fear of God in me daily, His fear directs me to live according to His will. His fear has lifted His truth above lies and dictates of the kingdom of darkness and this world. My destiny is forever hidden in Christ and His power subdues all powers that are contrary to His will. I have divine understanding and ability. I have joy like a river inside of me flowing through my entire existence because Christ is incharge of my life. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 17th March 2021

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Prayer from Matthew 16:1-3

Song by Hillsong

I know He's rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe, I believe
My shame He's taken away
My pain is healed in His Name
I believe, I believe

I'll raise a banner
'Cause My Lord has conquered the grave

You Lift my burdens
I'll rise with You
I'm dancing on this mountain top to see your kingdom come

My Redeemer Lives, My Redeemer Lives, My Redeemer Lives,My Redeemer Lives

NOW THE Pharisees and Sadducees came up to Jesus, and they asked Him to show them a sign (spectacular miracle) from heaven [attesting His divine authority]. He replied to them, When it is evening you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,  And in the morning, It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and has a gloomy and threatening look. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Matthew 16:1‭-‬3 AMPC


Ancient of days I worship and honour your majesty

King of all kings I honour and magnify your name for who you are

Almighty God have mercy on me and forgive my short comings

Ancient of days have your way in me and glorify yourself in and through me

Mighty man in battle take control over all that concerns me

Eternal rock of ages thank you for your word that you have given to me and the light it shines on my path

Elohim thank you for divine ability released into my life through the word

Father never let me be ignorant of the times I live in especially the current world system

Jehovah remove everything that is beclouding  me in anyway against your will and purpose

Lord eternal erase whatever it may be that is causing distortion in the sight of men at this present times

Father never allow me to be carried away by the desires and treats of this world that I forget my eternal home

Lord help me to focus mainly on you no matter what I see in life

Holy one of Israel terminate every dominion of ordinary man knowledge that wants to take a lead over your divine knowledge in me

Father uproot from my life all negative seed that wants to terminate the seed of your word growing inside of me

Lord let the eyes of my heart be daily opened to your precepts no matter what the systems of the world says

I decree as for me and my household we will serve the lord forever

I decree grace to attain the height and level of productivity to the glory of God is increased in me henceforth

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer all impacted by it and our household, we are guided by the word of the lord and not the world in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a product of the word of God. I dominate and multiply daily by the infilling power of God. The grace of God is increasing my ability. I am victorious always above the dictates of this perishing world. The word of God is my manual, therefore I will not move in the wrong direction. Favour speaks for me and I am enlightened daily because I am enveloped in His grace. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 16th March 2021

Monday, 15 March 2021

Prayer from Ephesians 1:3

Song by by Phil Thompson

You Lord, You are worthy
And no one can worship You for me
For all the things You've done for me
And no one can worship You for me

Here's my worship, All of my worship
Receive my worship, All of my worship
Here's my worship, All of my worship
Receive my worship, All of my worship

You Lord, You are worthy
And no one can worship You for me
For all the things You've done for me
And no one can worship You for me

You Lord, You are worthy
May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm! Ephesians 1:3 AMPC


Mighty God I worship and honour your majesty for who are to me

King of kings have mercy on me and forgive all my short comings in Jesus name

Heavenly father have your way in me and glorify yourself over all that concerns me

Father thank you for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name

Ancient of days thank you for the spiritual blessings that you have endowed my life with

I decree the word of God fills my existence henceforth and I will never be put to shame in Jesus name

Lord eternal in all that I do let it be evidence that I serve a living God

I decree total liberty from coercing  power against the will of God for my life in Jesus name

I decree my life will not be enveloped by any unfortunate occurrence in Jesus name

I cancel every risen opposition over my destiny known or unknown in Jesus name

I decree my life is not susceptible to any sickness or disease known or unknown in Jesus name

I decree my life is existing under divine and everlasting light of Christ, darkness will have no place in and around me

I decree worrying will not replace worship in my life in Jesus name

I decree over (mention) it will end in praise because it's my season of change to the glory of God

I decree over all my expectations I will testify to the goodness of God over them all in Jesus name

I decree I will not fall victim of any evil known or unknown in Jesus name amen

I decree over this nation and nations around the world the will of God will trump over the dictates of men in Jesus name

I decree concerning those in position of authority and all office of leadership that fear and truth of God will dominate their lives in Jesus name

I decree over the life of the vessel used for daily prayer all impacted by it and our household new doors of opportunity and testimony is opened unto us in Jesus mighty name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily;Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word is working for me,the word is increasing my faith and capabilities in Christ. My life will never be stranded, I will never be put to shame. The promises of God over my life will never be delayed. My season of victorious change is now. I decree the hand of God fills the earth all over and divine change is taking place to the glory of His name, the presence of Messiah manifests in and through me. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 15th March 2021

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Prayer from Exodus 3:14

Song by James Fortune

I have everything I need
I have everything I need
I have everything I need
The great I am provides for me
The great I am provides for me

I have everything I need
I have everything I need
I have everything I need
The great I am provides for me
The great I am provides for me

You are my strength when I am weak
You are my strength when I am weak
You are my strength when I am weak
The great I am provides for me
The great I am provides for me

The great I am, that I am
Is everything, that I need
The great I am, that I am
Is more than enough for me

You're whoever I need you to be
You're the I am, You are
You're whoever I need you to be
You're the I am, You are
You're whoever I need you to be
You're the I am, You are

You're the I am, You are
You're the I am, You are
You're the I am, You are
You are the I am, You are

And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!
Exodus 3:14 AMPC


Lord eternal thank you for this beautiful day and grace of life

Thank you eternal father for the forgiveness of sin and your precious blood shed for my salvation

King of kings thank you for your love that is daily outpoured into my life

Father thank you the confidence your name and your word instills in me each and everyday

Lord thank you because every situation before me now  is turning around to the glory of your holy name

Eternal rock of ages thank you for the finished work on Calvary that is taking me higher and further always

I decree my life is experiencing divine intervention in all areas in Jesus mighty name

Mighty God terminate every opposing thoughts working against your seed in my life

I decree I am empowered to excel and be outstanding in Jesus name

Father I lift all mothers worldwide into your holy hand shield them under your protective arms

Lord in your mercy let every plan for mother to weep over their seed be permanently negated and disgraced in Jesus name

Lord for all aspiring mothers fill them with joy and meet them at the point of their needs in Jesus name

Father I commit all pregnant mothers into your hands deliver  them safely and terminate any negative occurrence planned against their delivery in Jesus name

I lift unto you lord, women waiting for marital settlement, you are the I Am that I Am do that which you alone can do in their lives in Jesus name

I decree over every woman in any form of captivity physically or spiritually or maritally in your mercy set them free and make them victorious in Jesus name

I commit as many in any kidnapper's dens worldwide the mercy of God begin to set them in Jesus name

Father I commit our streets, roads and community unto you put and end to any form of violence in Jesus name

I decree everyone will live to fulfill the promises of God concerning them in Jesus name 

I decree over all mothers and parents at large, they will not weep over their children in Jesus name

Father repair every cord and ties of families worldwide that has been broken knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus name

Father at this end time, use me for your glory,do not let me be a cast away in Jesus name

I decree under no circumstances will I spend the rest of the years of my life in sickness or shame because I Am that I Am is in charge in Jesus name

Father over this nation and nations around the world only your will, will stand in Jesus name

Lord thank you for the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household only the will of God will manifest over our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The I Am that I Am is daily at work in my life. He is the director and author of my existence. He has made me a blessing to the glory of His name. Grace works and speaks for me because christ is my advocate. I am daily loaded with spiritual benefits and blessings. My life is experiencing pleasant changes and surprise. I will never be put to shame in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired by His Word ©️ 14thMarch 2021 

Happy Mother's Day 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Prayer from Isaiah 60:22

Song by Casey J

If God be for me, who can be against me?
If God is with me, whom shall I fear?
If no one knows me, still His heart adores me
I am safe, I am loved, I am… healed
If God be for me, who can be against me?
If God is with me, whom shall I fear?
If no one knows me, still His heart adores me
I am safe, I am loved, I am healed…

Now what can wash away my sin? Sing it
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
And what can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
We're singing
Oh precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
It was no other fount I know
It was nothing but the blood of Jesus
That I could do no words
That I could say no price
That I could pay
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

The least one shall become a thousand [a clan], and the small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will hasten it in its [appointed] time.
Isaiah 60:22 AMPC


Eternal rock of ages I worship and honour your majesty

Jehovah thank you for this awesome day and grace of life

Mighty God thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Holy one of Israel thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Lord thank you for your word in my life that gives me directions and shines the light on the truth

Abba thank you for divine assurance that my latter will be greater than my former

Lord thank you for manifesting your word and promises for me regardless of what man says

Lord thank you for always being there for me and for destroying every opposition against me

Abba thank you for the strength released into my life and destiny you deserve all the glory

Lord thank you for destroying all negative proclamation or declaration concerning me

I decree I will not be weary or silent, I will always worship and raise my praise to the Most High king

King of Glory thank you for your divine intervention over my life and destiny and destroying the plans of the enemy

Father thank you for the open doors concerning me and my household

I decree my life will never be an haven of shame, disgrace and disappointments in Jesus name

I cancel every unwanted occurrence in and around my life in Jesus

I decree divine protection and provision is my lot and that of my household everywhere we find ourselves in Jesus name

I decree no loss will consume my household and I in Jesus name

I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world the power of God is moving things around in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayers all impacted and our household the strength of God replace all weakness in our lives in Jesus mighty name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you king of glory for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord is my strength and I will never be weary or tired. The challenges of life will never overwhelm my soul. I am lifted higher and higher far beyond the imagination of man. The lord has settled everything that concerns me. I am a testimony because my life is for signs and wonders in Jesus mighty name. Grace is making my race a place of greatness and blessings henceforth in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 13th March 2021 

Friday, 12 March 2021

Prayer from Philippians 1:6

Song by Moses Bliss

You are who You are yesterday
Today and forever more
What You say is what You do
You never fail, You never change
You are faithful till the end
Faithful God, I worship you
I worship you

You're too faithful to fail me
You're too faithful to disappoint me
You've proven Yourself in my life
And I've come to realize
You're too faithful to fail me

Lord, You're too loving to leave me
You're too loving to leave me halfway
Too loving to leave me halfway
What you start, You always finish
I've come to realize
You're too loving to leave me 

You're too faithful to disappoint me
Oh, Jesus
You've Proven yourself
I've come to realize 
You're too faithful to fail me 

You are too committed to leave me, oh Jesus
You're too consistent to leave me halfway, yeah
What you start, You always finish
And I've come to realize
That You're too faithful to fail me

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.
Philippians 1:6 AMPC


Almighty Father I worship and honour your majesty

Eternal rock of ages I adore you for who you are to me

King of kings thank you for this amazing day and grace of life

Father thank you for your word you send to me each and everyday

Everlasting king thank you for grace that speaks over every disgrace concerning my life

Adonai thank you for your superabundant power that sees me through and gives me victory

Lord thank you for being forever faithful and too faithful to fail or disappoint me

Lord thank you for removing failure out of my case in life

Lord thank you for taking away every evil repetition that wants to activate itself in my life

Lord thank you for removing disappointment from every occurrence in my life and replacing it with divine appointment

Lord thank you for your divine ability that source out greatness even when life is playing out differently

Lord thank you for grace to overcome and newness it deposits in and through me

I decree I will not be silent and I will not give in to defeat in Jesus name

I decree the plans of God concerning me will not experience any form of limitations in Jesus name

I decree over (mention) the lord will finish what He started and complete what He began in Jesus name

I decree my life will see an upward and forward surge that leads to supernatural occurrence and life transforming testimonies to the glory of God henceforth

I decree over this nation and nations around the world disappointment and failure in all phase and stages of life comes to an end

I decree in the lives of all leader either spiritual or secular or any office of leadership, the hands of God is upon them heavily transforming all that needs to be transformed in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household we are functioning in divine approval and appointment no more loss, failure or delays in Jesus name

*Begin to decree victory over every aspect of your life and lineage*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word of God is the truth and life giver. His word is daily at work in me causing divine transformation in all that concerns me. The lord will finish what He started in me and complete what He began to the glory of His Holy name. The power of God subdues every authority working against my life. Therefore He has made me victorious and I am a conqueror always because Christ is moving in me in Jesus name amen.*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) ©️ 12th March 2021

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Prayer from Lamentations 3:24

Song by Ada

For the Lord Himself is my portion
He lifts my head in glory
For my hand the Lord has exalted
He teaches me to prosper

I have come with stories to tell
I have come with
Take a look at me, you can see it
Say you can call me
It is my time, and it is my season
All around me
And because the Lord is my Shepherd
I shall never want

See the word is working
And I'm so full of praise

In the morning
And in the evening
Now I tell the story
Of how I overcame
I testify, I testify

The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him. 
Lamentations 3:24 AMPC


Lord almighty I worship and magnify your name

King of kings thank you for this awesome day and grace of life

Abba have mercy on me and forgive my short comings

Jehovah have your way in me and glorify yourself in all that I do

Mighty God you are my portion at all times never let me be put in shame

Lord in your power let all situations that has made me wept either in secret or open turn to source of joy

Father terminate every naysayers wish over my destiny fulfillment

I destroy every power or instigation from the pit of hell working against my progress in life

I destroy all effect of negative revelation over my life and all that  concerns me

I decree my current state of life will end in testimony, I will never be disadvantaged in Jesus name

I decree I receive my appointment letter and letter of good news henceforth nothing can hinder the manifestation

I destroy all opposing power working contrary to the plans of God for my destiny fulfillment

I destroy all lies from the pit of hell aiming to destroy my faith and stand in God

I decree henceforth I am not a Victim because Christ has made me victorious over all issues

As I wait expectantly on Messiah nothing will cut off my expectations no matter what life throws at me in Jesus name

I decree all doors of opportunity and greatness are opening unto me henceforth

I decree my sounds of joy will never turn to sounds of sorrow in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used daily prayer all impacted by it and our household joy unspeakable is our portion henceforth

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for fulfilling your promises in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord almighty is my portion and ever reliable source. He has began a good work in me and He will complete it. He is causing restoration to take place in every aspect of my life. He is my ever present help in times of need. He is my divine source and protection. I will never be put to shame because God is alive in me and He has made my life a ground of testimonies. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 11th March 2021 

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Prayer from Psalms 86:11

Song by Travis Greene

Here for You Lord
Desperate for more
Hearts filled with praise
Take over this place and
Have Your way
Have Your way
Have Your way
Have Your way

We are desperate
We are waiting for You Lord
Have Your way

Have Your way
Have Your way
Have Your way
Have Your way

Great Jehovah
The Ruler of everything
Our defender
You are the most high King
God You reign
The Ruler of everything
God You reign
You are the most high King

Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk and live in Your truth; direct and unite my heart [solely, reverently] to fear and honor Your name. 
Psalm 86:11 AMPC


Almighty father I magnify and honour your name for who you are to me

Great king thank you for this blessed and awesome day and grace of life

Lord thank you for forgiveness of sin and your blood shed for my salvation

Holy spirit have your way in and through me henceforth

Father take control over all that I do or will do in life beyond my human understanding

Father remove every distraction and attractions of the enemy working against my focus on you

Almighty God henceforth let my life heed to your divine direction even when it's humanly impossible

Great God over this nation and nations around the world have your way and take off the evil report world wide

Father order my steps and that of my household always, never let us be victims of kidnappers, ritualist or any criminal activities

I decree the presence of God is evident and known in me as I dwell in His will forever

I decree I will never wander off the path of divine direction and eternal bliss in Jesus name

I decree my heart is daily filled with reverent and fear for God above any other thing

I decree the Holy spirit remains my companion and teacher

I decree my life will never experience any void that can't be filled by the spirit of the living God

Mighty God over the body of Christ worldwide have your way and put an end to all wrong teaching that leads souls into destruction

Lord almighty fill my life with your righteousness and crown me with your daily grace 

I decree my life will always effect changes as the Holy spirit takes preeminence over my life in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer, all impacted by it and our household we will never abuse the presence of God in our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

*Pray for your nation*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The presence of the Lord fills my body, soul and spirit. My life has no void because God lives inside of me. My path is directed daily by Messiah and I am lifted daily by His divine strength. I do not dwell in any form of obscurity or darkness because I am the light of the world. I am a city built on the hill that can't be hidden. I am a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar person, called out of darkness into the marvelous light of God. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)©️ 10th March 2021

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

What is your Expectation

What are you expecting/what is your expectation?

Text: For surely there is a latter end [a future and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off. Hear, my son, and be wise, and direct your mind in the way [of the Lord].
Proverbs 23:18‭-‬19 AMPC 

For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.  Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way.  Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh:
Proverbs 23:18‭-‬20 KJV

Our father in heaven our eternal rock of ages we say thank you for always giving us the grace to dwell on your word, to understand and to apply it to our lives. Thank you Jesus for increase in faith as your word takes the rightful place in us. Lord have your way and let all glory be returned to you at the end of it all in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen, that great thought of something manifesting just as your mind desires.

As a believer our expectations should be founded in Christ and on the word of God. What His word says should be the bottom line and the highest point of all our expectations.

The reference text says that surely there is a latter end, a future and a reward and your hope, my hope and expectations shall not be cut off.

Here the Bible is basically telling us our destiny is channeled or can be channeled in the way our expectations go. The word of God further said that we should be wise and direct our mind in the way of the lord. Hallelujah!!

The way of God isn't same as the way of man, I can assure you that the way of man is way lower than that of God. No matter the highest level it may be as in the way of man it's still under the feet of God because this earth we are on and all other planets are God's foot stool.

Many times we expect things from God but our mind is programmed to think otherwise.

Say for example you live in a foreign land and you have been applying for your residency or settlement but you sit each day to watch border force programme and you entertain messages that advise you that people are getting deported and all that. If you put this as your forefront thought you are most likely going to get enveloped and consumed by this thoughts and before you know it, it might be your reality. But if you allow the word of God to be your baseline, your foundation where He said wherever the sole of your feet step on I will give to you, He said ask of me the nations and I will give it to you.

Your mindset must align with your expectations, when your mindset aligns with negativity you will begin to dwell in fear and failure that isn't your portion but you want to allow it.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,  Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20‭-‬21 KJV

Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]– To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).
Ephesians 3:20‭-‬21 AMPC

In the book of Ephesians chapter 3:20-21 there is a Rhema the word of God has given to us.. _Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think_ the starting word says now that means, it is a present thing, it's active it's not dormant. It doesn't matter if you thought now was yesterday today or tomorrow what matters is that it is not dormant it is active.

Then the word of God said that the power, action is at work within us and is able to carry out His purpose...

So beloved you already have that power and action within you and it's able to carry out and fulfill the purpose why it's there.

Do you now see why you must allow your expectations to align with your mindset. You cannot be expecting progress and fill your mind with retrogression and failure, you don't do that. You exhibit what lies inside of you either consciously or unconsciously.

Most times the fear inside of us never come to pass but that shouldn't crown our thoughts and ability. The word of God says that His power within us can do superabundantly far over and above all that we dare ask or think beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dream. Hallelujah!

If God can do beyond our expectations why must or should we allow our mindset to wallow away in defeat.

You may have tried something 99times and on the hundredth time you are like God I give this to you, I won't rely on my ability alone but your power deposited in me. I tell you your outcome will be outstanding but can I just let you know you don't have to allow defeat to crown your existence for 99times before you allow faith to fill your expectations. God is not a failure and He never make any mistake.

It is also important that you watch the kind of people or things that you surround yourself with or allow into your innermost closet. Jesus chose the right disciples, He didn't allow things or people that will take His gaze off the end result to dominate His life.

You are expecting something from God but your life is filled with those who do not have an iota of faith in God, that's error automatically activated. What word are you hearing or allowing to rest in your mind? What are the things you so much pay attention to that daily defeats your level of achievement, faith and understanding or activation of God's words and promises.

What are you expecting, what are your expectations? Towards all expectations you must have a preparation. You can't expect to have home made bread without miracle happening and you just don't make any preparation and yet you are like I want home made bread, except there is a miracle or divine provision you can't have it because you haven't made any preparation towards it.

When you fill your expectations with preparation according to the word of God, you will never be put to shame because the word of God is God. Absolutely nothing is able to overrule or downturn the word of God. 

It is very important that you have a relationship with God for you to function in this realm yes, because what or who you don't have faith in might or will not work for you. Your relationship with Christ will give you a spring in your feet that will enable you to bounce over the enemy.

I don't know if you are wondering how do I get that relationship? It's simple and easy and it's eternal once it's done. If you are ready say this prayer with open mind and faith.

Lord Jesus I come to you today, I confess my sin and I want you to take control over my life and existence henceforth. I want to live for you and I want you to rule and reign in me. Lord write my name in the book of life and henceforth let me live for you in Jesus name amen.

Welcome to the family of Christ, Heaven is rejoicing over that decision you made.

Never allow the wrong preparation, association or activation to delay your expectations, dwell in and on the word of God and you will eat the fruit in Jesus name amen.

Let us Pray

Father thank you for your word and the enlightenment received through it 

Lord henceforth let my expectations always align with your purpose for me 

Father remove all doubt and wrongful preparation delaying my expectations henceforth

Lord regardless of what I see let me dwell on your word and the power deposited in me by faith 

Lord over this nation of my birth, my family, community and world at large let our expectations of divine health and peace manifest in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

Be inspired by His Word ©️

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

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