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Saturday, 20 June 2015

Challenges/Burdens preceeds Victory

Challenges/Burdens preceeds victory ✌.

Hallelujah you have won the victory
Hallelujah you have won it all for me
Death could not hold you down
You are the risen king
Sitted in majesty,
You are the risen king
Death could not hold you down
You are the risen king
Sitted in Majesty

The song above always gladden my heart anytime i hear or sing it. It brings reassurance of the power of faith in Christ and salvation entirely.

One thing in life that is constant is change and we as human struggle with change we tend to look for short cut. Wait a minute if Christ had gone through a short court we won't have or experience or be experiencing salvation.

What am i driving at, we are all dear to God so much. We are the apple of His eyes but He has created us to go through fire in order to come out refined. Just like Gold while crude the value is less but having gone through fire the value increases and infact until gold passes thtough fire it's beauty is hidden

Someone is thinking well God doesn't do evil. Yes you are right, John 3:16 says God loved the world so much He sent His begotten son to DIE so we might have everlasting life. So Jesus went through the most humiliating shame and crucified like a criminal so that He can take away the sting of death in order for us to have eternal life.

As powerful as God is Christ could have sat in heaven and take away the sting of death forever and still give eternal life but no He came in form of human to feel the pain and go through the shame. Hallelujah He won the victory because death couldn't hold Him down.

As human when we go through over burdened situations we feel like God has forgotten us or maybe He can't hear us. Jeremiah 39:11 His plans are greater than the challenges but He wants us to learn through the challenges that only Him can give and no man can take it. Only Him can take and no man can give it back.

I don't know who this message is for but the season of over burden situations will soon pass away in Jesus name. Do not be discouraged by the burdens and closed door or the threat against you but be encouraged because God is on your side as long as you are in Him and you have handed over everything to Him.

God will show forth and carry our burdens if we continue to call on Him and not go against His will. Like Christ we are victors and overcomers even in a gravelike situation because He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.

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