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Sunday, 4 January 2015

Choose not to walk away from His purpose for you.

Choose not to walk away from His purpose for you.

When God created you and I He had a purpose in mind. Infact it was the best and top of the best you can think of.

For everyone one He created He took His time to fit in what is best for us either in our physical state or other phase of life.

It is easy to say I want to fulfill the purpose of my creation but the reality is if you depend on your ability and what you see it will just remain a dream that will not see the light of day.

Taking Joseph in the Bible for example, His creation was for a divine purpose one of which is to save His people from dieing of famine. Before he realised that purpose lots of opposition rose against Him. His family doubted his dream and to crown it all his brothers sold him to slavery. On getting to the foreign land this purpose didn't expire because he chose not to walk away from it.
He could have walked away when Portiphar's wife seduced him or when he was forgotten in prison for two years after interpreting a dream that happened as he interpreted.

His endurance paid off when he was made the prime minister in a strange land. The rejected stone became the cornerstone. The forgotten became the very important person. The one that was written off became someone people will queue for his autograph.

Where am I going with all this appraisal and comparison?  You are the key behind the door that opens to your fulfillment of purpose. You either walk away from it due to pressure, trial, doubt, unbelief, complacency,  fear and all excuse (s) you can look for. We all have been blessed by God with the ability to carry whatever cross we might come across on our way to fulfilling purpose but the enemy of our soul always create an avenue for us to back off (John10:10).

I don't know where your purpose lies, how far or how long you have been toiling in order to  fulfill purpose don't give up. Don't relent, don't be discouraged, don't throw in the towel keep that faith active.  Every appliance comes with a manual same thing applies to all human being there is a creator who holds the manual for your life consult Him always. Don't become apologetic to the enemy of your soul as to the reason you need to fulfill purpose remember you are a child of the king. You are joint heir with Christ (1 Peter  2:9).

It's a new year many will say new beginning,  some will write epistles of New Year's Resolution but second week into the year they would have forgotten about resolution. Ecclesiasties 3:1-8 makes it clear how everything has its time. This year every seconds, minutes, hour, day, week and month God has a purpose for you to fulfill don't be laid back and allow the year to roll by without you fulfilling the purpose for 2015.

I pray that God will encourage, empower and enable us in all areas so we won't waste this year in Jesus name.

Stay connected to your source don't walk away.

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