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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Do not limit yourself.

Do not Limit yourself.

Philippians 4:13 KJV"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

The scripture above from my understanding is one of the famous scriptures quoted by believers.

The question is do we act on what we say. In this context do we practice what you preach?

When you say I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, it applies to everything you do in life.

That is your going out and coming in is included because if you do it limited to man's power your achievement will be limited.

If for real you practice what you preach or believe what you say. After your quiet time in the morning you should launch out by faith  and use the supernatural grace and power of God in your life.

The power given for today will not be enough to face the challenges of tomorrow. You need to move higher everyday in the level God has set before you.

It's not that today you are so filled with the power of Holy Spirit and by night time when you go to bed you feel on top of the world.

The next morning you basically rely on the past, yesterday to carry you for today. You need to go back to Him on your knee in prayer and ask for fresh grace and power for this day. You must believe so that you can actually function in the way the Most High want you to function for the day.

Taking the NEWS we  listen to, read or watch for example, there is always something New in it. If it were to be thesame old NEWS, very soon the whole world will be Ignorants.

The fact that the NEWS brings new imformation if not for a second or minute we hear,listen or read it. Many grab knowledge from the NEWS.

So you want to do all things through Christ that strengthens you? You need to renew yourself in the word of God and communication with God everyday not forthnightly or Monthly.

The enemy of your soul according to John10:10 comes to steal, kill and destroy because he is a thief.

You do not pray for a physical thief to take your possession off you not to talk of a thief who can deny you of your possession both physically and spiritually.

So friends the strength you need to do all things is in staying connected to the source of your strength. Christ Jesus

So when you quote that passage Phillipians 4;14" I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me"
Please check if you are still connected to the source of your strength.

Do you think you are not or you need to be? Say this prayer

Heavenly father I thank you for being my strength from time past, presently and my future Lord forgive me where I have allowed ignorance to deny me of achieving the way you want me to. I come back to you Lord fill me afresh and give me grace to function as you want me to in Jesus name amen.

Stay blessed

Please share it and bless someone else as you have been blessed.

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