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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Don't Stop Interceding

When we hear or read about the word intercession we imagine people who are gifted in standing in gap. Most people believe intercession is a duty or call of particular people.

Honestly we are all blessed in the area of intercession.  Just as Christ keeps interceding for us (Romans 8:34) before God we ought to be like Christ and intercede on behalf of others.

Many are times we give up on interceding for others because we can't see the change that ought to be taking place as a result of our prayers.  We forget that the only one who can change is the Unchangeable changer (God Almighty).

Taking a goldsmiths or a potter for example; a goldsmith won't leave the gold crude if he wants to get the beauty out even as the fire is intensified it takes time before the desired result is acquired. Same thing applies to the potter the shaping breaking amd designing of the clay takes a while but he never give up or stop until the best is acquired.

When you pray for anyone don't expect instant miracle. While God is working on that person the person might be portraying the worst behaviour and you will get worried and discouraged.  It's normal to feel that way as a human but never give up on praying for others. Prayer is like saving money in the bank a day will come when you will need it for the right use.

Dear friend don't give up praying for that parent (s) of yours, your sibling,  colleague,  friend, community, nation, children and as many you pray for. The result might tarry but be rest assured your prayers are not waste of time but best investment of time in the life of others.

Don't stop interceding!

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