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Saturday, 20 July 2024

Lessons from Exodus 23 -24

Exodus 23

From Previous chapters, the Lord was giving Moses the precepts of what should and should not be done by the Israelites. 

Chapter 23: 1-9 started with warnings, do not to give false report, do not to be an unrighteous witness, don't follow evil crowd or treat the poor partially. Some of the warning includes not taking bribe, not oppressing temporary residents.

From these few verses it's easy to note that God wants us to live in a set way and it is the righteous way because all the don't that was listed were things He frowned upon. The main question is are we abiding by the precepts of God or have we watered down the word just to suit us.

From verse 10- 19 documents how God instructed the children of Israel to work for 6 years and allow the ground to rest in the 7th year (this will enable the nutrients of the soil to replenish), the importance of keeping Sabbath and resting, celebrating the feast of harvest which is the Pentecost, the feast of unleavened bread, bringing first fruits, first child to God.

Verse 20-33 Documented how He has secured their protection by sending angels before them, to bring their enemies down, how they must serve God almighty,  how he will drive the inhabitants of the lands He was taking them to little by little and the children of Israel will take over. There was emphasis on not making covenant with any other gods and anything that will make them sin against God.

What I deduce from this chapter is that the love of God is beyond what we can fathom, He has everything planned out. However,engaging in sin or anything that He frowns upon brings reproach. It is a reminder that when I obey God, He will fulfill His promises concerning me.

Exodus 24
Verse 1-8  God requested that Moses come up to the Lord but Aaron and the others should worship afar off only Moses had the special invitation and privilege to come closer to God. By the time Moses told  the Israelites the instructions, they said they will do according to what God said.

One lesson to pick here as a leader is who are you answerable to, I am not talking about hierarchy within an organisation or church setting. Even as an individual aside the physical people you are answerable to, can you access God directly? A leader or person who still do not have a direct access to God need to find a way to do away with anything that limits their relationship and accessibility to God.
Verse 9 -18 recorded how Moses and the elders went up the mountain as God requested. Moses wrote down all God said to Him. It was noted that he went up with Joshua, but only Moses went further. The clouds covered the mountain and the glory of the Lord rested on mount Sinai for 6 days and on the 7th day God called Moses out, and the glory of God appeared to the Israelites like devouring fire then Moses entered the clouds for another 40 days and 40 nights.

The presence of God is where the impossibility is born, when you carry the presence of God things changes in you and around you. As a believer we must crave to spend time in God and with God, if we indeed want His glory over our lives and all around us. It also important to pray for leaders of the gospel to carry the true presence of God, because you will partake from the type of anointing you believe in. If your spiritual leader lacks glory of God it is not possible for it to be dissemination to the followers except the followers themselves seek God personally.

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