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Saturday, 20 July 2024

Lessons from 1 Corinthians 11 -12

1 Corinthians 11
1 Corinthians 11:1-12
This chapter started with Apostle Paul admonishing believers to follow his example as he follows Christ Jesus. He acknowledged how the Christians at the time followed all instructions he passed down to them. However, he made it clear to them that Christ was the head of every man, and the man head of their wife as Christ is the Head and God the head of Christ. He also mentioned how if a man prophecies or teaches with his head covered he dishonours God. I believe this is not literal however it's a spiritual covering that stops the direct connection to the man's true head which is Jesus Christ but we know that most Christian men are not obliged to cover their head based on this but the woman are meant to according to 1 Corinthians 11:6.  Verse 7 further explains the hierarchy of a man being a reflection of God's glory why a woman is the expression of the glory of man. (I believe this is down to the story of creation as woman was formed from the man while the man was created from scratch by God).

1 Corinthians 11:13-19
The question posed by apostle Paul in verse 13 about the appropriateness of a woman leading prayer in public with their head uncovered, a man having long hair is classified as a dishonour. He didn't approve having cliques in the congregation as it leads to division.

1 Corinthians 11:20-28
 This addresses not eating when gathered in the congregation, don't humiliate the poor. He sighted example of the last supper as it was done in an equal manner as the bread represented the body of Christ and the wine His blood and it must not be done unworthily. Which means any iota of sin must not be within you if you want to partake of the communion. It can not be taken where there is division or clique or anything that is not in line with the precepts of God. 

1 Corinthians 29-34
 Partaking of the communion with so much sin and sinful nature is like applying a death sentence to oneself.  He stated that it is the reason many are weak and sickly because the communion represents Christ, taking it worthily will bring healing but taking it unworthily will lead to sickness and possible death. We must only engage in the communion in true spirit, repent of all sin and don't see the communion as a means to quench your thirst or hunger.

1 Corinthians 12:1-3

This chapter started with spiritual gift, Apostle Paul was concerned of misinformation. He clearly stated in verse 3 that no one speaking under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit will lay a curse on another.  I have heard on occasion where people place curses on others and say they are speaking from the spirit of God.

1Corinthians 12:4-12
From verse 4 Apostle Paul mentioned that there are varieties of gifts within the body of Christ but there is just one Holy Spirit. The gifts and talents might function differently but there is only one Lord and one God. Everyone is given the proportion of the Holy Spirit according to the gift in them but the evidence must be leading to one source. Through the Holy Spirit some might be given the spirit of wisdom, utterance, interpretation of tongues all of these are brought together by one spirit of God. 

Just as the body is one unit with numerous parts, that is exactly how the body of Christ is. Imagine the physical body have so many organs and blood pumps through some and water in some, or waste in some but they all function to regulate the body appropriately.

In other words, you can't stand apart from the body of Christ to function against the body of Christ and claim that it is the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit will not lead you to fight the body that He wants us to propagate the gospel about.

1 Corinthians 12:13-26

We are all saved into one body despite our physical or biological background. So if a part of the body decides to be selfish with its function it will affect the other parts. Every organ of the body has its appointed function, the body of Christ must maintain decorum, not division or self gratification of any kind.

1 Corinthians 12: 27-31
Every part of the body of Christ is distinct with their own function but the goal remains the same. Some people are appointed to be apostle, some prophets, teachers, wonder workers those with ability to heal, helpers, administrators, speakers in different tongues. Some might even possess multiple ministries but if you have one stick to it. Don't crave the gift for your self gratification, if it doesn't lead souls to Christ regardless of the fame or accolades you acquire it is not recognized by God. The last verse admonishes us to cultivate the gift of grace above all things.

This scripture is not for the faint hearted even if you have been following Jesus for decades it's worth revisiting and reviewing our lives and our ways to see if it aligns with the will and plans of God. In this age of social media and millions of followers, are your followers aware of who you follow, are you leading them to Jesus or eternal doom?

Lord help us in Jesus name amen.

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