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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Don't stay disappointed.

Don't stay disappointed.

Disappointment in most cases makes us lose trust in people or God.

If someone had promised to do what your heart desires for you and at the 11th hour the person gives you an excuse or let you down on genuine grounds, you will find it difficult to trust anyone or that person again.

What we tend to forget is that God allows disappointment to come our way because He wants us to learn from it or because He wants us to know that He alone is worthy of all our trust and nothing happens without His knowledge.

It's normal to feel disappointed as human when someone let you down but its rewarding and healing to allow God to help you get over it and get through to the next level.

Psalm 60:11 AMP
"O give us help against the adversary, for vain (ineffectual and to no purpose) is the help or salvation of man."
The help of man is vain that is what the word of God says. The word of God is ever true it is living and can never die or lie.

God is never limited in all He does, He has the power to do more than you can think of and what any man can do.

I went through some ups and downs, help from men was not reliable. Disappointment came from where I least expect until I came to the point where the front was not accessible,  the back was blocked there was no way out. I had to  look up to the hills to my maker for help. His help knocked off all the blockages.

God will not come down to help but he will send people who will definitely deliver what you want from Him.

A disappointed heart builds walls instead of bridges don't let this be you. Instead of allowing that disappointment to stop the bridges that links to breakthrough ask God to help you break free.

The most hurting part of disappointment is when the person who disappointed you acts as if they haven't done anything wrong.  Some people can use ignorance to push others to unending pit. You need to be aware of such devices and not allow it to make you prey of unending pit.

It's humanly difficult to move on after disappointment but it's divinely possible.

I pray that God will heal all disappointed hearts reading this in Jesus name amen.

He will turn all disappointment to divine appointment in Jesus name amen.

Don't stay disappointed tap into Divine appointment through that disappointment.��

God knows!

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