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Monday, 20 May 2013

Marry for right reasons not wrong reasons.

Singles out there:

Don't go into marriage because you want an escape route out of your parent's home.

Don't go into marrage or relationship because your friends are in and it feels like what is in vogue.

Don't go into marriage because of loneliness.

Don't go into marriage because you mistakenly fell pregnant for someone or impregnated someone.

Don't go into marriage because you like the bling bling ring on your friends finger.

Don't go into Marriage just to change from Miss to Mrs sisters.

Don't go into marriage because you want a cook brothers.

Don't go into marriage because Someone in place of authority feels the person is right for you and match make you without God's will.

Don't go into marriage because your parents wants to see their granchildren.

Don't go into marriage because you want to change your wardrobe and be in Uniform with her or him.

Go into Marriage because its God's will and appointed time for you.

Be matured spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and all aspects.

Although we grow everyday and learn more but you must be ready before you face that journey.

To be loved by anyone you must first love yourself. What you have is what you will give.

To be appreciated by anyone you must first appreciate yourself and acknowledge the one who created you.

God is the author of Marriage and there is a purpose He has for any male and female that are joined in holy matrimony.

The fact that you are not married now does not mean you will not marry.

The fact that you are not married now does not mean God has forgotten you.

The fact that you are yet to get married does not mean you would not amount to something in life.

The one whom God has chosen for you is not yet to be created. He or she is created and alive somewhere going through process of pruning and rebranding by God just as you are right now. This is because God is not the author of confussion. when He is involved He brings perfection out of imperfection.

Come out of depression caused because you are single. Depression will not grant you your heart desire.

Progression in God's way and will, will take you to God's destination which is greater, mightier and higher than your heart desire.

He is the great I am remember that.

He has plans for you.

He has kept you this far and He is still there for you.

He does not want you to go into any relationship, marriage  or union that will hinder you from the ultimate goal.

There is a marriage when you leave this earth.

It's the marriage to the Bridegroom(Jesus Christ).

Even in your marriage on earth you must prepare every second for that ultimate goal and marriage to the Bridegroom(Jesus Christ).

You must be ready to be a worthy Bride.

Marriage on earth is not the final destination.

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