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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Where is He in You?

Isaiah 53:4-6 says"surely he hath borne our grief and carried our sorrows;yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted. but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with hiw stripes we are healed. all we like sheep have gone astray;we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all".

Most of us know or would have guessed who this Bible passage is refering to. yes it's Jesus Christ. many that have seen the movie "passion of Christ" and other film that illustrated or demonstrated the pain and suffering Christ went through would have a clear or faint idea of what it's like. after so many years of that suffering satan is still in the world turning the hearts of te Children of God against God their maker.

Some of us consciously or unconsciously sell our soul or trade it to lucifer in place of a perishable reward. you might say within you"yeah but i'm trying my best to be upright". Brethren, just put more effort to make your best more than what it is now.

Back to the question, where is He in your life??????????

I mean where is Christ in your life, what position have you placed him or allow Him to be in you? Have you got a genuine identity of whom you are in Christ, do you have a direction in Christ or an in depth knowledge of whom He is?
He died for you, yes you know that and if you don't know that now you know.

The question you need to ask yourself and I need to ask myself is; are we still crucifying Him?
You may be crucifying Him through your ways, thinking, job?(yes your job) some engage in dirty careers and before you know it through your deeds at work you are populating hell. For example you are a medical practitioner and you engage in abortion.

Confused!!!!!!!!!! you don't know where exactly Christ is in you. It doesn't matter the amount of time you go to church or how long ago you became born again. If Christ doesn't have a permanent domain in you, then you are just an empty vessel making noise. If you already know where he is in you and you deem yourself qualified of not constantly crucifying Christ keep the good job going.

Better still you are already in the lord but you have not BORN OR PRODUCE fruits(SOULS), put more effort in that. How many lives have you touched? It's not about preaching alone but does your lifestyle, attitude and other things about you affect people positively or negatively? Think about it, ask the question and answer it....... let's examine our life and see if truly Christ has a permanent domain  in us.

I pray Lord that you open the eyes of our hearts, let's see you and know you more till eternity in Jesus name............amen

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