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Thursday, 14 June 2012


Undilluted Love!!!!!!!!!

1Samuel1:8"Elikanah her Husband would say to her."Hannah,why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"

Elkanah loved Hannah with true and undilluted love. Regardless of Hannah's state of Barreness. He treated her better than Peninnah(Hannah's rival).

A true love between Husband and wife cannot be shaken even when trials of life is darted at them every second.

When you marry someone that completes you in life(that is God's chosen for you),you will both wax stronger in love and fear of God as life goes on and as you grow old. In such home doubt and unfaithfulness will have no standing ground.

Whilst searching(men) or waiting(women) for the bone of your bone always make God the pioneer of your searching and waiting period do not base it on interllect,appearance or material gain.

For those in courtship, this is the period to build each other in the fear of God for present or future challenges.

To the married one(s). Marriage is an institution not a shopping mall where you can buy,try on and after sometime return the goods back or throw it in the bin. You are both together to build generation(s) and fulfill God's will&word on earth. Do not allow internal/external affairs or interferance to put your union in assunder.

Above all in all we do Let's make God the Alpha and Omega.
Never hesitate to hand over your life and living to God only.

There is no perfect man, there is no perfect woman,there is no perfect courtship and there is no perfect marriage. We all walk/work towards perfection. Using the grace of God.

No one is perfect except God our creator!!! (LPj 6:31pm 14/6/2012)

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