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Friday, 15 June 2012

Honour for Mothers

1Kings2:19"When Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to Him for Adonijah, the King stood up to meet her, Bowed down to her and sat down on his throne. He had a throne brought for the king's mother, and she sat down at his right hand".(NIV).


A mother is not just an ordinary family or someone you just know.
A mother is a honourable vessel in the life of a child.
Regardless of how old a child is,to the mother he/she is still her baby.
The honour king Solomon gave to his mother shows how much he valued her.
He didn't say "oh yeah i'm the king could you please get the Kings mum somewhere to stay i am busy".
He honoured her by getting another throne for her to sit on, then he listened to her request.

Hmmm! Do you give enough honour to your mother?
The months you spent in her womb causing her sleepless night, back pain,nausea and all unimaginable craving in the expense of carrying you in her womb.
Wao!!Mothers are not just anybody but Vessel of honour.

Not all mothers actually qualify for such because of what they have made their child(ren) pass through. Some mothers would leave their children because they had issues with the father. In some cases its against their wish and in some cases they couldn't cope.
Hence the child(ren) had a tough upbringing with their father because they lack the mother's love.
If you happen to be in such a person's shoe i beseech you to forgive her and honour her. Leave it to God.
She is still your mum.

Another scenario is that of Mothers who laboured, giving up almost everything to make their child(ren) something in life.
At the end that child became something and the only thing his/her mum owe him/her is a monthly or annual allowance and when she request to see him/her its one excuse or the other.
Some even allow their marriage/career to ruin their relationship with their mother. Giving excuse that mama doesn't get on with my husband or wife *i dont want her to tear my family apart*. She doesn't know the best time to call or visit.

One day you will be in her shoes.
Have you ever thought about that?
What goes around does come around.

Some are so good with their mothers even though there mother has done something unforgiveable(as some might put it) to them in the past,present or thats affecting their future.

They still treat her like a queen giving her all the due respects and affections.
Some can't just toil with the affection of their mother because they love and care for her dearly. Keep it up the Lord sees and knows all and He would  reward you dilligently.

Some have made so much ridicule of their mother even in open places over very little matter. Seek for her forgiveness and God's forgiveness and favour.

Are you a lady/man hoping and praying for the demise of you mother in law or mother in law to be. All because you desire a peaceful marriage.

Probably you have heard that mother in laws are pain.
Stop!!! Seek God for her to have the fear of God and not her death.

Yoruba says"Orisa bi iya ko si(there is no deity like a Mother)".
John19:26-27" when Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciples whom he loves standing nearby, he said to his mother, dear woman, here is your son and to the disciples here is your mother. From that time on the disciples took her into his home"(NIV).
EVEN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HONOURED HIS MOTHER. He entrusted her into the care of His desciples. At this point Christ was going through crucifixion. He placed her into the right care all to honour her. He didn't give an excuse about his pain at that time to say "woman go look for help elsewhere".

I heard a story about a girl whilst in secondary school her mum visited her and she denied her mum saying she doesn't know her.
Apparently she was so boastful in school of how rich her mum was but it was all lies.
Alas! When the woman visited she couldn't accept her in front of all  the people she had lied to.

Have you caused your mother a public disgraced due to your own self gain amd insecurity?
Do not get me wrong not all mothers are perfect.
Come to think of it no one is perfect.
Where is your mother's place in your heart. Does she even have a place in your heart?

Do not wait for her to die before she enjoys the fruit of her womb/labour.
You dont have to run into debt or steal to honour your mother.
Some words alone soothes the pain of a lonely soul.
Just your affection and caring attitude is what she needs its not all about money or Material gain.

Do not be a money miss road that will spend millions in honour of a mother who never enjoyed his/her wealth whilst she was alive.
Let her enjoy whilst she can still see you and speak to you.
There are hidden blessing(s) in honouring your mother.

If you fall in the category of those their mother had disowned or wouldn't have anything to do with you. Maybe she wants you to use diabolic powers or fetish power and your religion is against it. It might  even be because of something else. Do not hold grudges against her forgive her ask God for the grace to do so.
Psalms27:10 says"Though my father and mother forsake me the Lord would receive me"(NIV).

Hmm!!! Are you sad? You don't even know your mother? Or she passed on before you had the chance to know or bless her.
God is your mother. Remember he is mother to motherless

Mothers out there leave the right legacy for your child(ren).
Do not make irrational decisions due to present emotions,circumstances or predicaments that would result in your child denying you when you need them most.

There is no perfect mother or motherhood so to say.
Also there is no perfect child or childhood.
We all look to God and seek grace to walk&work in to perfection by His grace and in His will.

Give honour to mothers not just your mother.
Give honour to whom honour is due.

Lpj. 15/6/2012 7:50am

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