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Thursday, 21 June 2012


Phillipians1;21  for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  what moves or motivates you to live in life,what keeps you going? are you on hold in life, enduring or enjoying and thinking what is the worth of life? it is not how long but how well you live in life. Jerimiah29;11 says for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. one day the stop botton will be pressed on the life you so cherish what will be your excuse of not living living your life for God.

The pain/set backs/ difficulties are there to strenghten and keep us believing in God. when you get knocked out your feet and fall in life refuse to settle there. always see joy in your problem in doing so you will come out of it and overcome easily. your attitude towards situation in life determines the level of your faith. 

When you feel down in spirit due to one thing or the other its advisable/essential you look up to God. it may seem unfair, that you feel set back even though you are doing right do not think less of your achievement instead think positive, act positive be positive and you will experience positivity even when you are in the midst of negativity.

Stop decreeing negative about your marriage, life, career, children,ministry, health and so on anyone that believes in decreeing failure lives in failure. God is not honoured in your defeat or negativity. life is a breeze but with the word and spirit of  God in you whatever it blows towards you it will begat positive result and answers.

When you become clueless on where the breeze of life is blowing you to run without hesitation to the feet of God. Make God the first and foremost in all you do in life. Remember the song that says:

 Unto Jesus i Surrender
 Unto him i freely give
 I will ever love and trust him
 In his presence daily live
 I surrender all
 I surrender all
 Unto thee my blessed saviour
 I surrender all..

Who are you not to surrender your purpose in life to God..
it's high time you let go and stop relying on your ability. let Him who created you and your purpose take charge....

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