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Monday, 18 June 2012

NO ONE LIKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He sees you even when you don't know.
He knew you before you found out about him.
C'mon lets talk about Him without Him you can't be here and you can't fulfil destiny but with Him your purpose on earth is fulfilled.
You are a bit puzzled because you don't know who I am talking about?
He is the creator, call Him what you feel comfortable in but I call Him my God.

He's shown himself to me several times(all around my life) and if He can do that for me, He can do more for you far above your thought.
Are you lost in the tides of this world looking for a way to get out.
Things are not working the way you want them to?
You are so scared because you think you are doomed.
You think you have failed to achieve what you desire.
You keep moving in to disappointment from disappointment?

The time is not late for you to move close and get to know who i am talking about.
He's the greatest God, the one who is and who is to come, the hope of all believers.
The Bible says in Jeremiah1;5"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. ”
Psalm 103:13-14"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;for he knows how we are formed,he remembers that we are dust". 
Let us remember that He is a compassionate God , He is our father and He is always forgiving.

Why don't You try to know Him now Because if you live it for another day it might be too late.
Lovely friend, come to the most caring, providing, attentive, compassionate, loving, forgiving,giving in fact words of mouth can not describe Him ENOUGH.
When you allowyourself to have  a relationship with Him you will know better.
The person I am talking about is God and you can know Him through His son Jesus Christ and His word.
Do you wish to know more ?
You have to keep in touch with through His word.
Move close believers of the word of God.
Find a place of worship that believe and use the word of God.

Lord Jesus I accept you into my life.
Come and take your place in my life today.
come and lead me out of the wilderness of life.
Give me the strenght and grace to worship and serve you wholehearted.
set me free from the shackles of life and this world.
This I ask and pray in Jesus name.
Stay blessed.

written on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 By Leah Bukonla Adepehjuh

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