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Thursday, 10 January 2013

Thank God for the sunset. 2

Rhoda said...  
Tracey the lady that said she was pregnant for Damien was lying. Damien had gone to see her and tell her the damages she had caused him and his marriage. When he got to her door, he had her discussing with a friend how she had hook up with an old friend and how he had fallen for her trick of being pregnant. She plans to claim she miscarried when it's exactly 4months. She would make sure Damien bought a new property for her. Damien had pressed record on his phone so she would not deny when he confronted her.  He found out the week he left our home. He confronted the girl and left her with warning never to come near him.

Damien had gone back to his mum telling her what she caused him. When he got there his mum was not in,she left a note to say she was next door. Damien's mum had gone to see my biological mum. Shirley(my biological mum) and Damien's mum had become friends in a strange was. Damien's mum is Asthmatic she had a crisis one night and fortunately shirley was outside her house when she heard her breathing heavily.

Thank God her room window faced the main road. Shirley took the spare keys under the electric meter where she had seen Damien's mum's housekeeper put it the other day. She rushed in and helped her get the inhaler and that was how they became friends. Damien's mum had told Shirley about me and who I was to her. Shirley had told her how I was conceived.

Shirley's story...
Shirley was an orphan living in the mission house of a church. Very dedicated until the time the Pastor started abusing her sexually she was only fourteen. She got pregnant at fifteen and was excommunicated because of that. No one believed her, they called her evil,slut. She could not cope so she ran away. She started prostitution to make ends meet. She had me but gave me up for adoption to a rich couple. She agreed to stay in touch with them but not me. My adopted parents gave her all she asked for including the property she lived in. She never went back to church or cared to believe because of that. She said God forsake her just like its written in  Psalm 22:1-3 NIV

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me,
so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer,
by night, but I find no rest. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One;
you are the one Israel praises.
She said God never came to her rescue so why does she have to believe or worship Him(God) any more. Until she saved Damien's mum that day she never told anyone she had a child or think about making her way straight with God.

Damien's mum had succeeded in leading Shirley to Christ. She told shirley about me and told her who I was to her. It was one of  their meeting and Bible studies time they were having when Damien walked in.

He was introduced to shirley. All his anger froze when he heard the story. He still told his mum about Tracey and that we were divorced(which Damien's mum was not aware), he also told her I had the receiver that day and it was the reason our marriage became shaky and the divorce. Damien's mum and Shirley came back to his new place hoping to schedule a time to see me and apologise. Also to tell me Tracey was a golddigger.

As they got to Damien's  house,Rhoda was waiting outside his house to inform him about what happened to me.  So Rhoda brought them all to the hospital but insisted they waited outside till she called them in.

It all looked like a dream. I did not know what to say but I remembered while I was in Coma I saw my parents they looked unhappy with me and kept saying go back. Also my mum said forgive and read Isaiah 43:25 NIV"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more".

As I was leaving I saw like a gatekeeper who told me to read .
Isaiah 43:19 NIV "see, I am doing a new thing!Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland".
Isaiah 62:3-4 NIV" You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord 's hand,a royal diadem in the hand of your God. No longer will they call you Deserted,or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah;
for the Lord  will take delight in you,
and your land will be married".

That was when I came around from the coma. Laura told me that one of the tests carried out on me showed I was 6months pregnant.I was lucky the baby was unharmed by the effect of the drug overdose, also my body system was working well which amazed the doctors. I could not believe it. By this time Rhoda had gone to call Damien, his mum and shirley.

Damien came in with tears asking me to forgive him. Which I have even before he asked, he went on one knee and reproposed and I said yes. I told him I was pregnant and he was more than happy.  Damien's mum asked for my forgiveness and introduced Shirley and I to each other. It was a very emotional moment. My life was becoming meaningful again.

I was in the hospital for 2weeks after that day. After my discharge from the hospital I and Damian did another wedding, we renewed our vows. Shirley(my mum) comes to visit often. She became so dedicated to being a mum to me though we knew each other very late in life but she seems to understand me.
I put to bed a bouncing baby boy 3monthd later. We named him Emmanuel because I believe God was and is still with us.

Here I am sitting down in my home, I have my family back and I have my first love Christ. So as we look at the sunset I and Damien sing In Christ Alone to Emmanuel while he giggles.

Damien Sang along harmonizing;
In Christ Alone my hope is found
He is my light my strength my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What height of love, what depth of peace.
When fears are stilled, when striving cease.
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

So I thank God for the sunset, if Rhoda hadn't come round that day to see the sunset view from my living room window I might have died. Not I alone but Emmanuel.

Though I believed in Christ Alone but I forgot He was the  cornerstone and solid ground all believers must stand on and build their life. Now I know better that through the fiercest drought and storm Christ alone is our hope. Amen


Toyin said...

Thank God for Sunset. Indeed Christ is our Hope.Thanks for this.

Anonymous said...

huuuuuuummmmmmmmm, CHRIST ALONE IS OUR HOPE!!!!!!!!

Leah Adepeju said...

thanks Sis Toyin.. thanks anonymous person.. I appreciate your comments.. GOD BLESS YOU

Jummai said...

Thx be to God, n thx

Jummai said...

Thx be to God, n thx

Leah Adepeju said...

halleluyah to the King of kings.. thanks for your comment Jummai.. God bless

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