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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Spirutual Gift.

I will start by saying anything spiritual affects the spirit and soul of human. While a gift is a thibg given willingly without need to pay.

So fron my perspective, spiritual gift is something given to human by God which affects their spirit and soul but to the glory of God.

In Romans 12:5-8 KJV "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness".

As believers and Children of God we are given different types of gifts. It's not for our benefit only but most importantly to the glory of God. So whatever gift God has put in our care or given to us so to say should be nutured in the way of the Lord.

I will take the gift of singing/ministering in song for example. Some think it's a generational gift so it should just be used the way their four fathers used theirs. If your four father was a designer in singing to idols you do not necessarily have to work in the path.

If you know the God whom you serve very well, you will understand that that gift in you must and should be used to the glory of God and not to sing praises to Idols.

In 1 Corinthians 12:5-12 KJV"And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ".

The word of God did not say you will not profit from your gift but your priority should not be about your self gain. Your main priority should be the profit that gift will make to the body of Christ. How many souls are saved by the spiritual gift in you.

Are you using that gift, given freely to you to lure people into darkness or Light?
Is Heaven happy with the way you use your gift.

Ephesians 4:11-16 KJV "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love".

All spiritual Gift whatever category it falls in is only for one purpose to edify the body of Christ. That gift is not fulfilling purpose if it is not used to glorify God.

Meaningless Life.

Life is meaningless.
Believe it or not it is meaningless.
Vanity upon vanity.

In Life;
Someone dies while a new life is born.
Some Marry while some divorce or don't marry.
Some employed some unemployed.
Some own a house while some live on the street.
Some live in comfort while some live in discomfort.
Some laugh while some cry.
Some walk while some have no legs or have legs but can't walk.
Some clap while some have no hands or have hands but not functioning.
Some see while some are blind.
Some hear while some are deaf.
Some speak while some are dumb.

The list is endless you can add yours...

One thing that is certain in this life is you can not, you will not live forever.
One day the owner of life will come and take it.
If you make it to Heaven you will forever live in Christ.

What if you do not make it to Heaven?
Where do you go?
Ask yourself that question.
Search for answers to that.

Remember life can not be held unto forever.
Is like trying to hold water in your fist it will slip away gradually..

So this morning friends what does life mean to you?
Some have it in their mind that they will not be the only one that wont make Heaven but I tell you it's a personal thing.
It can either be personal eternal enjoyment or personal eternal suffering.
Even if you were born as Siamese twin..
Search yourself,while I search myself..

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Honourable Mum II

To that wonderful mother,

That man claims to love you and wants to marry you but your kids are giving him great and unpleasant concerns.

Infact He has suggested you leave your children with family members or your parents when you get married to him.

He was not like this when the relationship started,he loved your children but now he is withdrawn.

He says you mean everything to him but the but are those children or that child.

I want to ask was he blind or deaf when he saw or you told him you have children already?
At least Children are not terminal disease they are blessing.


If a man wants to marry you and give excuses about your children please go and pray again.
You might be far away from the right man for you.

He loves you but can not stand your child/children that is dangerous.

Those children matter a lot.

This is a message to all Mothers that have children whom they are raising up by themself.
This might be as a result of you being a widow, a rape victim, a relationship breakdown.

Whatever may be the cause please do not create means to be cursed by those children in the future because of your choice of man.

Ask God for direction, the man that wil love you and your children will come if you hand it over to God.

Remember you are Honourable and very Adorable Mum.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Stop Pace Comparison..

Stop comparing your pace in life with someone else.

Ibi to ko ju si eni kan eyin loko si elomi.
Somwhere that faces someone actually backs another person..

If you understand God's plan for you, you will be grateful of where you are now, where you were and where you would be..

Saturday, 23 February 2013

In the wilderness 1

Oh! boy so what do you want to become when you grow up..
I want to be a Pilot..
Wao!! That's amazing so why do you want to be a Pilot.
Hmm! So I can fly like Birds in the sky and visit the whole world.
That's my boy give me high five.

That's the memory I have about my dad. The other thing I can remember about Him is mum and I at his grave side paying our last respect. I was only 7years Old when He was killed whilst on official duty as an Army. He died in service basically at the war front. I was not allowed to see his body but mum saw it.

It was a difficult time for mum. She found it very hard to cope alone raising two children myself and Esmeralda. It was an unusal atmosphere round the house once filled with laughter,love, joy and peace.

As young as I was, I had to hide my feelings. I did this because I thought I should be able to comfort myself. I do understand what the death of dad will cause to a certain level.

Mum's friends came to the house everyday or every other day. It was summer holidays, the worst and boring holiday so far.Mum was off work for some months to mourn she was a shadow of herself. How sad to lose someone you love.I would make breakfast and take it to her in her room at least I saw dad doing that before. She will force a smile on her face to show appreciation.

The weeks flew by just like seconds. Mum started coping gradually but it meant  she could not work full time and look after two children. She had to go on part time to cope. The bills did not go on part time infact the bills seems more and more.
She resolved into selling her car so we had just dad's car because the insurance and tax was just too much for her to handle not to talk of the maintainance.

Its now 4 years since dad died. Esmeralda has clocked 8years,I'm in secondary school. I got admission into one of the best comprehensive schools in town. I was a straight A pupil so it was not so difficult. Mum was very proud of me so was Esme(my sister).

My problem started in my  third year in secondary school. That was the year mum re-married not that I was against it I was pleased she found happiness at last. Esme got into thesame comprehensive secondary school  I was. Life was becoming more condusive for us. We could go to school and come back ourselves. Mum was back on a full time schemed paid job which was brilliant.

I was attaining the stage of puberty and my body was changing rapidly. I found girls very attractive. Infact girls flaunt their bodies at me. I was young and naive. At thesame time I was envied by boys of my age. There was gang culture in school you either belong or you are messed up and picked on often.

I was in the midst of all this and life was becoming unbearable for me at school. At home I was the little mummy's boy. Mum got pregnant for my step day Phillip. She had a girl named Chelsea. Chelsea was so lovely. I loved my sibling so much. Mum did not have to get a baby sitter when I was around I did everything I could do to make sure all of us was ok.

I got on so well with Phillip, he was such a cool guy and father figure to me. He was a petrol engineer very intelligent. He was so fond of me and he teaches me physics when he is around. Things were going well generally at home although I struggled with fancying girls in school and invitation/threats to join gang in school but I kept it to myself. I felt capable to handle things without involving my family. That was one of the greatest mistakes I made in my life. Problems shared is half solved but I kept mine away from everyone including my family.

Life became unbearable for me until I gave in to the threats of gangs. I started by smoking gradually to fit into the gang. One day at home, I was smoking in the room when Phillip came in. He caught me, he was surprised and very disappointed. He thought he could speak to me and advice me but I got so upset that I told him to leave me alone.

I gained confidence in bad things, I started sleeping with girls. I carried knife all the time to protect myself. Mum became withdrawn from me after I had attacked her several times beating her and my sisters. Phillip threatened to get me arrested if I do not stop but I guessed he could  not do it because he loved me just like his son.

I became so wayward that I began to perform woefull in my studies.  My GCSE exams was a narrow escape. I had two distinctions, four credits and two unqualified grades. Mum was disappointed  but she still encouraged me that I could do better in order to achieve my goal but to be honest I was not be bothered.

I got addmission into the college to study A levels. At this stage of my life no one could speak to me. Even at home I was treated like an alien. My sisters run away from me including my step dad(Phillips) and mum just tolerated me.  I became so bored of studies I left the house like a student but went about causing atrocities.

My first crime was on grievious bodily harm,  which was an attack on my mum she did not press charge against me. Then I became more violent as the day pass. I just saw violence as my buddy. I was a member of a gang we engage in all types of trouble from molesting ladies to robbing people of their belongings. By age 17 I bought a car and that was another level of freedom for me. I drove about day and night with friends that had no ambition in life.

I moved on from smoking cigarette to smoking weed. A friend introduced me to a drug Lord when I turned 18years. By now I had my own flat because my family could not accomodate me. I caused my family lots of pain, I sold some of the furnitures to pay for my drug use. I became an addict by age 18. It was the most terrible phase of my life. I became less conscious about my ambitions and goals in life. All I felt concerned about was drugs, violence and sleeping around.

I grew wild in sexual immorality which I did not understand until later in my years I thought it was a norm for a boy of my age to do things I did. By age 19 Jessica one of my girlfriends became pregnant with my child but I did not accept the pregnancy. I told her to go and abort the pregnancy which she did. We continued our relationship even though she was indignant because of my way of life. She stood by me just like a pillar, many night I pass out due to drug abuse, something within me knew I was in the wrong but I could not come to accept the facts. I just carried on in the bondage I lived in. I dropped out of college abadoning my precious future and passion for education because of drugs and violence.

By age 20, I had become a drug courier within the nation. I always have a narrow escape with the law. Near miss became my luck, I thought my luck was just exceptional. I do not bother to call my family. One day in the shopping mall I sighted my mum,Step dad with my sisters by their car so I decides to greet them and also show off my new car. As I was approaching mum looked so sad but she looked like she wanted to say hello to me. My sisters came out of the car running towards me but Phillip( my step dad) told them to get back into the car which they did. He also told mum to get in the car.

That got on my nerves, I would not take such insult. Right there I went straight to Phillip and just started punching him on the face. I am 6foot  tall and Phillip was just about 5foot 6inches tall. He struggled a bit with me. Mum came round trying to pull me off. In the midst of the commotion and hearing the sound of Police siren I got a sharp object from the floor and used it to cut Phillip deep on the face and upper arm and I fled the scene in my car before the Police got there.

As I drove off the scene, I was remorseful, weeping terribly. It felt like the pain of losing my father again. I drove home and on getting there instead of being comforted by my girlfriend Jessica. I met her and the drug lord Jordan in a cossy position, this made me more angry and I lost it completely. I ordered Jordan to leave but being my boss he was playing difficult pointing a gun at me to threaten me.

I was not scared of the gun because I had one on me. He used Jessica as a shield on his way out but I would not have anyone insult me on what seems to be my right. I brought my gun out and just fired it continuously. This was how I became a murderer..

I voluntarily handed myself to the police. Mum was contacted because she was my next of kin. It was a painful experience when she visited me five days later with my sisters. She wept so bad and the memory of the pain she went through when my father died just kept coming to me. She prayed for me although it was strange I never saw my mum prayed in all the years I have known her but she did.

She told me she had started going to church some months after I left home because she did not want to lose me. She also said the day I saw them at the shopping mall,that she was in fasting and prayer praying for me. I had no clue what all that meant because I don't believe in God.


It was a cold night. The temperature had dropped to -6°C. I had two hot water bottles all wrapped up in bed even though the heater was on.
With the hot water bottle and duvet I still felt cold even though my body was warm.
I was dreading to sleep though my eyes were heavy. I had a lot on my mind. I was in this thoughts when I drifted to sleep.
Suddenly I felt someone caressing my body. I knew that touch and feelings. It was one of the reasons I dread to sleep. I was screaming but as usual no help. Till he had his way again. He keeps doing it at least 2 nights a week. I can not believe my own flesh and blood could do this, someone I trusted, He is meant to be my confidant. In his arms  and care I lost my trust for men. He is my father.
I sat up in bed weeping and begging for death to come. I am lonely and lost. This has been going on for 6years. I have never been pregnant for once. I am losing focus on my studies. I am in my final year in college.
My Pschology lecturer is a good friend. She looks after me like I was hers all because I get the best grade in class. After crying, I started contemplating if I should inform Mrs Bass(my Psychology teacher). I can't I started blaming myself for not being strong enough to push him away.
The next morning, he had gone to work left a note for me to make his room tidy as possible as I can because his girlfriend will be visiting and he left €50 for my books. I asked for €35 but he always leaves extra money anytime he has his way. He says its COMPESSATION FEE.
On my way to college I was in deep thought not realising the car coming I nearly got hit. The screeching of the tyre on the road jolted me back to the awareness of my environment. Lynda what's wrong with you, it was Mrs Bass. She took me into her car and drove down to college. I would like you to see me in my office after your exams today. I said ok and left.

I manage to write my exams in the midst of teary eyes. Immediately after my exams I went to Mrs Bass's office. She offered me a sit and her next statement got me startled. "I know you are going through somethings that is affecting you and I want you to confide in me now please". I bursted into tears and told her my dilema she heard me out clearly with an understanding look on her face. By the time I finished Mrs Bass had me in her embrace, she was crying as well. She wanted to inform the Police but I said no because my dad was my only surving family. She encouraged me as she always does but this time she said I need a change in my life. She introduced me to Christ I was adamant at first to accept Him but I eventually accepted Christ as my Lord and saviour.
I was scared my dad would be against my new choice because He was an atheist. Mrs Bass volunteered to follow me home that day I had mixed feelings because my dad hates strangers and barned me from bringing friends home. Mrs Bass insisted and said she will leave if need be when we get there.
On getting home the main door was left unlock I entered and from what I can see his visitor was around. I told my teacher to wait in the lounge. I went ahead to his room unfortunately the door was left opened."He was busy doing his thing" I apologised immediately but he was in a rage, very angry he came after me immediately leaving his visitor in the room. He started shouting at me,calling me names, the next thing he did was to slap me. I quickly ran to my teacher but dad wouldn't have no stranger in his house.
I will never forget that day. He beat both of us(my teacher and I). Then he said,he never want to see me again. That was the day My father threw me out. I begged Mrs Bass not to press charges. She agreed after much plea. She decided to take me in, she was a widow and childless. So I became her child.

Oh! Mrs Bass, she became my mother. My mum died at child birth so I never met her. Through Mrs Bass I knew the Lord. I graduated from college as a child Psychologist also I have a degree in Criminal Law. I am married to a minister of the Lord whom I met during my evangelism trip to the Phillipines.

My journey in life started rough but If it had not been for God who used Mrs Bass for me I never know what would have happened.
I later met dad,whilst working on a case. He abused one of his girlfriend's little sister who reported him and pressed charges against him. I happen to be the child Psychologist working on the case. He is now in jail. I have forgiven him, I do visit him and I have preached the gospel to him. He is changed now and he always seek for my continuous forgiveness anytime I visit him.
The scars of my life reminds me of the past,encourages me in my present days and makes me seek grace from God to grow more in Him. I have not allowed my past to dictate my future. Thank you Jesus.
Psalm 27:9-10 NIV
Do not hide your face from me,
do not turn your servant away in anger;
you have been my helper.
Do not reject me or forsake me,
God my Savior. Though my father and mother forsake me,
the Lord will receive me.
This Bible Chapter and verses are my comforting and encouraging words  since I became born again.

(Please note this story is fiction if there is any similarities to anyone's life. It is just a coincidence).

Friday, 22 February 2013


Nakedness, semi nude or whatever you call it ladies in the name of fashions does more bad than good to your worth..

Don't be fashion crazy..
Be fashion wise...
Honour your body..
Don't stand the chance of being blown away into the hell of Fashion destruction..

Your beauty is deep down inside you not in the flesh you reveal...
Be wise!!!!!!!

Live in awareness of God..

If God was to judge man instantly as man sin..
Many human will not last a minute from the day they acknowledge right from wrong..

Do whatever you do bearing in mind that God sees and knows all...

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Plus Jesus Christ

Life + Jesus Christ =Everything..
Life - Jesus Christ= Nothing.
Friends if Christ brings Joy to your soul like flowing River, why not Live your life for Him and put a Smile on His face.
If you Live for Christ Jesus, He will put Everlasting Smile on your face that is here on earth and when you get to Heaven the Glorious Eternal Home.©

All is in His Hands..

Are you feeling like the clock should stop because the hour, minute or seconds seems unbearable?

Are you feeling like no one cares or knows to what extent the loneliness,pain,shame is affecting you?

Are you on the verge of breaking down?

Do the people around you seem careless?

Jeremiah 23:24 KJV"Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord . Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord" .

Even ministers,friends and family are letting you down and you are just saying "Abba father please let this hour pass quickly"?

Whatever it is, I say whatever it is, Remember he's got the WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS...

Isaiah 40:12 KJV "Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?"


Isaiah 49:14-16 KJV "But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me".


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Bent Road

The fact that the road or path you are on presently is bent does not mean the road or path ahead is not straight..

God has a plan for that bent road.

Prayer changes things

Life can bring any form of challenge towards you..

At times the challenges knock you down so hard and you feel like the ground should open and swallow you.

Don't give up on your prayers its time to wrestle in Prayers.

Believe it brethren, Prayer Changes things...

Yes it does...
Don't be discouraged it might seem like things aren't changing but I tell you they are.

Prayer is like putting a penny in the bank the more you put the more money and value the money gets.

By the time you will withdraw you will be joyous..

So keep praying..
If you don't pray start praying...
God will answer our prayers in Jesus name amen.

Am I qualified for the assignment 2

The doctor had said I might be induced early before the due date because its a multiple pregnancy. It was my 31st week of pregnancy. My mum(Mum in-law), is a mother she did not make me feel like an orphan she stood by me. She changed my clothes even when I vomited on it. Thank God I married God's choice. I got married at 26years waited for 7years. Now I am 33years expecting triplets. What more can I ask for? It was in the midst of this pain that I felt a very sharp pain I screamed. My mum(mum in-law) ran from the living room to my aid she nearly fell. Precious what is it? Before I could answer her another sharp pain came followed by water. I said mum get me to the toilet I am pressed. She knew what it was immediately she called my husband and told him I was in labour. She called the ambulance. She held my hand on the way telling me to pray within as she prayed along. We were just getting to the hospital when the first baby's head came out mum(God bless her) just held my hand while the paramedics got me on the stretcher and his colleague and took me to me to the theatre. Before I got to the theatre the first baby was out. As I was been transferred to the bed the other baby's head came out. By then Ephraim was in the theatre room. Mum stood outside praying for me. The third baby came out but the last placenta was very difficult. The consultants were contemplating on doing an operation. Then I went into a trance I was praying in tongues then God showed me Tiffany she was tied down against her wish. She was in a dark place and calling me for help. By the time I came around the Placenta was out. The doctors said it was a miracle. My husband was happy when I opened my eyes. He said love we have been blessed with 2boys and 1girl. Mum was so happy she was dancing without a beat but I was tired. I had Dorcas, David and Daniel at exactly 31weeks and 4days. They were of the right weigth no deformity. They were fearfully and wonderfully made God proved himself to be God. I tried to look for Tiffany but could not get through to her. I looked for "her disciple(Dwayne)" he gave me an address but I could not locate her still. I called him(Dwayne) but could not get through, he called back and said he wanted to see me. I gave him an appointment and made sure my husband was in. When he came Dwayne (Tiffany's ex-disciple) told us that the day I came He saw a light shining so bright upon me, it blinded him partially and that was when something spoke through him that made him shout ungrateful soul at me. Ever since he only sees very bright light everyday. But his sight comes back only when he is asleep dreaming and he sees me praying for him and eventually taking him out of the pit into light then he wakes up. Since then he had been hoping that I will come back. He was now registered as a visually impaired man and he just got a guide dog but He believes God can heal him. He plead that I should pray for him. I told him about Christ and told Him Jesus is the one that heals and he needs to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Although I had a message in the past that My counselling career will be used in God's vineyard when the time comes. I never knew God could use me still. We prayed for Dwayne, he accepted Christ as his Lord and saviour. He was the one that told me that all those that Tiffany sent to her always end up trading the soul of the child they come for to the enemy of their soul. Dwayne became a born again Christian and had led many to Christ. He has regained the full use of his sight and no longer need a guide dog. He is now married to one of his ex disciples who is now in Christ also. It has been 4years since Dwayne's salvation. Dwayne called me one evening saying he had a news about Tiffany. She was in Scotland. She was in a Nursing home that cares for people in need of Palliative care.The next morning we went to visit her. She had lost her left leg and arm to diabetes. She was so frail... Tiffany's story... She said she was deceived into trading her soul. Through a business introduced to her when she left for Africa after studying. As she grew in the business she started going into ritual activities. From which she got promotions till she became a witch doctor. The day she saw me she had an intention of harming me having heard that her disciple's testimony about the light when he saw me. But I refused to get in her car for a ride instead I gave her a church bulletin. She read the church bulletin and the Memory Verse(Job14:7" at least there is hope for a tree: if it is cut down, it will sprout again and its new shoot will not fail.) touched her so much. She said she wept and made decision to know God because she wanted a new life. That night forces of darkness came to visit her, she was beaten and struck with diabetes. Which she never had before, in the process she could not go back to Africa. She was demoted from her position because she said she wanted to leave. She had been in Scotland moving from one hospital to another till she was taken to the Nursing home because she suffers from leg ulcer on the other leg. She said she is determined not to go back to the old group. She wanted a new life even if she dies in the process she does not mind. By the time Tiffany finished I had tears in my eyes it was of joy that God had visited her through that bulletin and I was sad about the situation I met her. Tiffany was led to Christ that day. After which I visited her often. Its been a year since I have been visiting Tiffany, she had grown in faith, her health was back to normal. She has been certified to move to an independent living scheme where she can be by herself and she is living a normal life in Christ. She now has a Prosthetic arm and leg. She is doing well in the Lord. The journey was not easy but it was worth it and necessary. I faced lots of ups and down as well but God took control. I now counsel people both old and new in the Lord but confused of one thing or the other about their faith. Dorcas , David and Daniel are now 6years old. Destiny our last girl is now 3years. I am now a full time mum but impacting lives for Christ on the other hand. My mum(in-law) has made motherhood very easy and interesting, she is always there to help whenever we(I and my husband) are busy. My husband is now a Surgeon of the gospel as well as a medical surgeon. He now has His own hospital in our country(South Africa). Tiffany is now a great Evangelist of Christ and so is Dwayne.. Now I know that when God gives one an assignment, he will equip the person. I never thought I was qualified but God used me still... If I am qualified, you are qualified.

Am I qualified for the assignment 1.

I can't believe what I am seeing or hearing right now.

I Precious Ndumusi-Benson what have I gotten myself into? Arghh! Because of my wants I am compromising my faith Oh my goodness.

"Get out of here you ungrateful soul"(the man shouted at me). I jolted back to reality. I quickly got up and picked my bag running within but walking slowing. What is going on?

I have been married for 7years to a devoted man of God. My husband is the best man in the whole world. He is a caring man, he is everything I want in a man. Although He is not a minister(pastor or Evangelist) but he fears, dilligently seek the Lord and loves the Lord.

We have been waiting on the Lord for a child. Its a trying period for me but my husband is very supportive. He never bothers me, my in-laws are understanding. I am an orphan and an only child. My In-laws take me as theirs, they encourage me always.

I took it upon myself to do whatever it takes to give my husband and my in-laws a Child even though they are not pressurising me but I am the one pressurising myself.
I came across a friend of mine lately Tiffany Pauls. Tiffany and I grew up in the same Orphanage, she was my closest friend. We went to the same Higher Institution. Whilst we were at higher institution Tiffany became so wild. She smoked, slept around with anyone, name it, she changed for the worst. I lost contact with Tiffany when she followed a man to Africa. I thought she was mad. She left a good life Here in Scotland for Africa.

When I met her she had become a witch doctor and was on tore in Scotland. She had lots of followers, she told me all I was going through even before I opened my mouth to talk. I was stunned! She called my name about 10times even though I was in front of her before I came back to myself. It was just surprising me how she had changed. She said she was going back to Africa the next day but gave me a number and said he was one of her disciples and he will take over my case. I called the man the next day and he gave me an appointment.

It was the man that shouted at me to get out that I was ungrateful soul. I thought I was dreaming, a witch doctor disciple calling I a born again Christian an ungrateful soul. An unbeliever correcting a believer. Ahh! I have disappointed God, my husband, family and friends what will they think of me if they hear or see me or my car here.

As I drove out of the drive way of the witch doctor's house I started checking carefully so that no one would see me. My heart was beating fast. I nearly drove past the red light, I had lost concentration, I started asking for forgiveness there and then. I asked God to have mercy on me and lead me through. As I drove into our driveway I saw my husband at the door he looked a bit upset. My heart beat went speedy again.

Questions started coming did he see me. Oh God what will I tell him? I have never lied to my husband what will I tell him? I made up my mind to say the truth. I parked the car and went to him.
Hi sweet(I hugged him). Why do you look upset (my voice was shaky). I am tired, I was so busy today at work. (My husband is a surgeon and he is good at what he does). I forgot my house keys in the car, that was when I realised his car was not in the drive way. Please open the door we can not stay out all night.

When we entered I was determined to tell my husband what I had been up to during the day but he was hungry. I quickly fixed us something to eat. After dinner my husband said he wanted to go to bed so I did not have time to discuss my day with him.
I sat at the dinning table for the next 1hour thinking "ungrateful soul" I?
My husband, what will he say? I love my husband, I love my family, I love God plus I am a choir member. Couple of hours ago I was about to compromise my faith for my want or need in a wrong place.

As I sat there these Bible passages came to my mind ;
2 Corinthians 6:14" do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness".(E.S.V.)
James 4:17" So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it for him it is sin".(E.S.V.)

I started praying I never knew I had been praying for 2 hours. My husband woke up and heard me praying. He quietly came to join me, he was saying amen to all my prayers.
After praying my confidence boosted and I told my husband what I did and what happened. At first he was disappointed but he forgave me and warned me never to go to such a place again. He was surprised about Tiffany Paul's way of life. He said we should always remember her in prayers that God should deliver her from the shackles of hell because it is only God who can change or save anyone or any soul not man.

It has been two months since I had my witch doctor experience. During breakfast my husband said he saw kids running around our living room I was surprised and I claimed it immediately. Then it dawned on me I have not seen my period for sometimes now. I dont keep the dates anymore. I told my husband and he said I should try to do a test.

After my husband left for work, I did a test with the pregnancy test kit I had at home.
Hmm! me it can't be true The kit reads Positive. I quickly called the surgery to book an emergency appointment I was lucky to get an appointment that day.
I sat anxiously waiting for my name to appear on the screen. As my name did I jumped up, I had mix feelings as I explained to the Nurse why I came. The Nurse looked at me and said I should calm down. She did the test and said congratulations you are pregnant. She gave me the necessary forms and booked my next antenatal class.

As I walked home I could not hold my excitement. I started calling my husband's phone. He was not picking up his phone, he must be busy. As I was about to cross the road I heard someone calling my name.
Alas! it was Tiffany Pauls Oh Lord not today, not again. This girl, an unbeliever who nearly pushed me to compromise my faith oh no. Then A Bible passage came into my heart. Acts 10:38(I quickly checked the Bible app on my phone).
Acts 10:38"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and  with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him". Ahh but I am not Jesus. More so, I am just a chorister not a preacher. Then I heard the voice clearly " ARE YOU WITH ME OR AGAINST ME? REALEASE YOURSLEF AND I WILL TAKE OVER".

By the time I looked up Tiffany's car was in front of me. Hey! I have been waiting over there for you. What is it you are doing on your phone that took all your attention? She said.

I apologised to her and we got talking, it was whilst we were talking that she told me that the disciple she sent me to had left her because he said he had found light. She was so angry about it. It was then that she asked me what he did when I went there because it was since that day that he said he saw the light and three weeks later he left.

I told her what happened and she said her disciple must have been deluded. She offered to  drop me where I was going but I declined. I gave her a bulleting that was inside my bag. She looked at the front and looked displeased. I told her to keep it, she objected but kept it still.

When I got home that scripture kept ringing in my head. I prayed to God that he should meet Tiffany at the point of her needs. Also I prayed that he should use that Bulletin to touch her but I did not have enough peace within me.

I sat there forgetting to fix dinner or finish my work for the day because I work from home. Ephraim ( my husband) got back at 9pm. He was the one that woke me up. He wondered why I had  my shoes on and looked like I had been somewhere. Why are you sleeping here love(he said) sorry I came back a bit late, there was an emergency today and even though I ought to finish at  6:30pm I couldn't because an extra surgeon was needed. Thank God the surgery was successful. I called your phone but you did not pick up. Sorry love I saw your missed call. Hope all is well, is there anything you want to tell me.

That was when I realised I had put my phone on silent and left it in my bag. I told him the doctor confirmed that I was 4weeks pregnant. My husband busted into praises to God.
He lifted me up like a new wife though I have added a bit of weight it made no difference. He was beaming with joy that was when he noticed I was not that happy. Precious what is wrong with you?(my husband asked). I told my husband about Tiffany and how I.could not preach to her but gave her the bulletin. He encouraged me by saying God will touch and change her but we should always remember Tiffany in our prayers.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Lord take me to the top.

Not everyone will praise you as you struggle to get to the top or on your way to the top.

Infact out of ten you might be lucky to find one faithfull person that will stand by you.

When you get to the top you don't even need to advertise before you get attention.

Having said that, when God takes you to the top even those you meet at the top will seek your opinion for them to keep their position.

Nothing is impossible for God to do..

New in the Lord your past is erased.

At times your past comes back as a flash or physically showing it self to you.

This kind of period don't be discouraged at all.

It mighy be a relationship gone wrong leaving a denting memory.

It might be a career gone down the drain.

It might be health issue.

Whatever it is that has gone bad in your past but keeps flashing it self around.

First forgive yourself after asking God to forgive you.

2 Corinthians 5:17-19 KJV"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation".

So when the past come, as long as you are not in it anymore remind it/him/her/them of the word of God concerning your past, present and future...

I am new in Christ what about you?

Friday, 15 February 2013

Its possible with God

With God there is no barrier..
He is unstoppable...
He gives us strength for our weakness because He is forever stronger than the strongest...

Lord Prove yourself in my life today in Jesus name amen...

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Be yourself..

It is very common this days for people to live or flaunt a fake life.

Many live to be someone other than who God has made them.

Many are living a photocopy life.

They want to be who they are not.

They have forgotten that what you do not have you can not give.

Social network/media is making it easier.

Many are busy living their life up to someone they do not even know what he/she is nursing in his/her closet.

You see someone all dressed up, nice house, nice ride and you are busy craving and praying to be that person please wake up!

Remember you have just one life.

Yes one life..

If you keep living it on fake I bet when you are no more both your fake and real will cease to exist..

My point is "Be your self dear friend".

There is no harm in being yourself.

Forget about what people will say if you are yourself.

Be more concerned about what God will say.

Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made...

So why the necessity of being someone else?

Psalms 139:14-16 NIV" I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be".

I am Fearfully and wonderfully made..

I am who I am because I am that I am has made me to be who I am...

Thank you Lord..

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Music and My soul

Music and Lyrics....
When we listen to music,
To some its the sound and to some its the Lyrics that ministers so to say to our inner mind or soul..

Believe it or not the music we listen to play some role in our thoughts..

To me the Lyrics matters a lot..
They either transform or deform the listener..

1 Samuel 18:5-9 NIV84 Whatever Saul sent him to do, David did it so successfullythat Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the people, and Saul's officers as well. When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with tambourines and lutes. As they danced, they sang: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” Saul was very angry;

Taking the song sang about David and Saul for example, the effect was deforming in the life of Saul. Although Saul had his own selfish ambition towards David but that song increased and stared the enviness he had towards David.

So when you listen to songs don't just listen what does the lyrics say..
What does the lyric do to your soul..

Whatever song that draws you away from your maker will eventually deform your soul if you permit it.

2 Chronicles 5:12-14 NIV84"All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the Lord . Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.” Then the temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God".

From the scripture above we can understand that music that ministers divinely into us glorifies God and the glory of God will show forth.

Whatever song that draws you close to your maker will eventually transform your soul if you permit it.

Draw me close to you
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear me say that I'm your friend
You are my desire
No one else will do
Nothing else could take your place
To feel the warmth of your embrace
Help me find my way
Bring me back to you..

You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know you are near.

What is that music or song doing to your soul you ought to know.
Stay Blessed

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Hand it over

Things can get tough or should I say things will get tough.

Things might not go as planned but it does not mean you will not get to your destination.

Remember you did not walk thesame day you were born.

Even animals that walk on thesame day still stumble and fall before they become steady on their feet.

That is similar to the journey of life. It will not be smooth always, the ride can be bumpy but when you have the Master.

Hmm! When the Master, King of glory, the Ancient of days is ruling the affairs of your life..

When the going gets tough, He will be the shoulder you can rest on.

He will lead you and see you through.

So dear Friend handover the affairs of your life to the Ancient if Days... 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Who you are to God.

People  might see you as different character.
Some see you as a good person while others see you as a bad person.
To God you are His child whom He cares so much for..
Before you nail yourself because of what people think of or say about you, Take a minute to appreciate the position and who God has made you or sees you as..

God is the originator

Just a quick one for someone..
God made man and man made money.
So the origin of money is in the originator of man.
So if God is the originator of man , stop making money your lord because God has made money a subject to man and not man a subject to money.
Philippians 4:19 NIV"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus". Amen

Monday, 4 February 2013

All glory belongs to God.

Only God has the power to hold back a mountain from rolling or crushing His own.

He is the only one that has power to do the impossible. It's not your power, position or intellect, it's by His grace upin you.

Don't lose your way by trying to take glory for what God has done.

All the glory must be to God.
Revelation 4:11 NIV"You are worthy, our Lord and God,to receive glory and honor and power,
or you created all things,and by your will they were created and have their being."
1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory
of God".

Pest like

Pests are things that can ruin and
we don't want them around us. We try all our best to get rid of them.
Taking rats/mice for instance, they scare me. At the sight of one I will jump and ensure it is out of sight before my feet touches the floor.
I guess some people are bold enough to kill them but I don't have such boldness.
You wonder why I am writing about pest, am not about to study their existence or mode of breeding.
In life some people are pest on your being. They might be friends, colleagues, family member or just a neighbour. Seriously the sight of them brings one problem or the other.
Some of such people, you just walk away from them and they are forgotten while some will always re-visit even when its obvious you just want friendship from distance.
It's not because you dislike them or you are not Christian but the more they are around you, the more challenges and problems arise.
Taking the wife of lot for example Genesis 19:26 KJV "But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt".
She could not get Sodom and Gomorrah out of her system even though physically she was out but within she was tied there. That was why she did not heed to the warning of not looking back she did and faced the consequence.
Some relationship(s) will not enhance you to fulfill purpose in life if they do not keep drawing you back, keep you at a position, they will destroy you.
Just as a mice will ruin as much things as permitted if you do not get rid of it, so will some so called friends will ruin you physically, Materially, Maritally, Academically, career wise and so on.
Also your personal level of relationship with some habits can ruin you if you don't do away with them. For example you take A constant dose of Pain reliever everyday without consulting a Medical Practitioner on the best way out and years after you are addicted to it. Your addiction is not the only problem but the side effect of the self medication turned to drug abuse on your body is a major problem.
Yours might not be drug/medicine abuse. It might be the ability to own and build a mansion with the word of your mouth, whereas you can hardly pay rent for your box  room apartment that is ruining you gradually. People you boast to will eventually lose trust in you because when the truth comes out where will you hide? You are a professional liar I suppose, so you can fabricate another make believe(gba kan gbi pardon my yoruba language). One day it will blow up in YOUR FACE.
Another pest like way is pretending to like someone just because you dislike them. You say the sweetest things to them but place curses on them secretly. Just like a rat/mice bite and chew available toe and blow air on it so that the owner of the toe even though will face pain later will keep sleeping whilst the rat/mice conclude its mission.
Psalm 62:4 KJV"They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah".
Psalm 62:4 NIV"Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place;they take delight in lies.With their mouths they bless,but in their hearts they curse".
Some people are exactly the way the scriptures in Psalm 62:4 said. There intention within is not obvious because they do not do what they have inside to you. They appear to be there for you but they are against you.
Pests never have good intention for the host its all about them. How they can feed off the host and survive whether its at the expense of the host its non of their business.
As believers we must wake up and do away with all pest like people, habit and so on. It can be difficult to do at time buts make sure you involve God to help you. Even if you are a heavy weight champion, somethings or people can render you powerless and helpless if you do not take caution when necessary.
I pray that God will open your eyes to see the pest like situation, thing or person in your life in Jesus name.
Also as many that are pest unwillingly God will deliver you in Jesus name.
To identify the pest like things or people God must open your spiritual eyes to see the motives of those things spiritually and your physical eyes to see the pretence where hidden.
May we not fall prey of pests in life in Jesus name amen.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

God sustains and maintains what He ordains..

Many are times we forget that the promises God make is not in vain neither is it based on deceit.

We run helter skelter trying to quicken the manifestation of promises hence we neglect the condition of the promises which is mostly to abide in Him(God) always.

Some even wait till 11:59 hour then deviate, causing the promises to tarry the more before manifesting.

Some will wait through thick and thin but will not cease to lament all day long.

Some will wait through all trials and they seek for grace to carry on.

One thing you must believe, understand and hold on to is that "Whatever God Ordains, He will provide sustaince and maintainance for it".

So God never and will never deceive in promising what he will not do He wont promise.

Jeremiah 32:27 KJV"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?"

Friday, 1 February 2013

Welcome to February 2013!

Happy New Month Everyone..

Hmm! this month will be greater than last month in Jesus name Amen.

God alone will be glorified in our lives in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...