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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Single and waiting

It is not easy to be waiting but through the grace of God you will pull through.
This message is not centred on anyone but just an eye opener for sisters in Christ. Like you know for every Ruth God will provide a Boaz.

Sisters always allow God to have His way in your marrital choice. Many wolves in sheep clothing are out there to mislead you.

They come to you saying;
Thus saith the Lord,you are perfect match for brother so and so whereas God has not spoken but mare man match making.  Or whilst praying God show you to me. 
Did you pray before saying yes?
Did you even seek God's will?
Are you just saying yes because you just want to be a Mrs?

Sisters do not be desperate to get married else you will fall into a ditch of struggle.
Some Brothers come to Church just to get a godly lady.
Where and when the Minsiter in charge is so concerned about wedding conduction in their ministry you will get all sought of Man spirit claiming to be Holy Spirit.
God can speak to you if you care and want to know when you have a father-daughter relationship with Him(God).

Many unordained marriages are coming to existence in the church these days because the parties involved have neglected their individual role of seeking the face of God and not just following what someone says.
This is equally increasing divorce rate.

Weddings are conducted without both parents consent but at the Ministers consent.
Sisters Let us be careful in our Marital Choice. 
God has a plan for you.
That minister will not be in the marriage with you but God.
So why can you not follow God's lead?
Are you Single and thinking of Mingling, be careful so that you will not Tangle.
Take the step when God ask you to.
Pray and wait the answer will come.
Beware of brothers that want to taste the waters.
Drop the garment of desperation.
Put on the garment of preparation by waiting,praying and listening.
God is not a man that He should  lie.

Single and waiting?
God will Beautify your waiting period with fulfilling and God ordained Marriage.

Written by Leah Adepeju Adebowale.

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