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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Do not give up your Prayers.

Prayer! Prayer!! Prayer!!!

Our prayers are like mails being sent through the post.
The difference is its been sent to God on a special delivery and the content is to God for changes in our lives.
Prayer at times is like depositing money in the bank penny by penny by the time it is due for withdrawal, the penny that was of less worth would have increased in value.
The withdrawal will serve purpose the penny could not stand the increase without accumulating alone.
This is like a long term prayer request the time it will come to manifestation, you will pinch yourself to confirm if its reality or dream because it will fit all purpose.

Why do you want to give up on your prayers?
Never give up on your prayers.
Keep on praying in your closet and God will reward you openly.
Believe in the power of prayer, engage in praying and you will receive its reward in abundance in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Single and waiting

It is not easy to be waiting but through the grace of God you will pull through.
This message is not centred on anyone but just an eye opener for sisters in Christ. Like you know for every Ruth God will provide a Boaz.

Sisters always allow God to have His way in your marrital choice. Many wolves in sheep clothing are out there to mislead you.

They come to you saying;
Thus saith the Lord,you are perfect match for brother so and so whereas God has not spoken but mare man match making.  Or whilst praying God show you to me. 
Did you pray before saying yes?
Did you even seek God's will?
Are you just saying yes because you just want to be a Mrs?

Sisters do not be desperate to get married else you will fall into a ditch of struggle.
Some Brothers come to Church just to get a godly lady.
Where and when the Minsiter in charge is so concerned about wedding conduction in their ministry you will get all sought of Man spirit claiming to be Holy Spirit.
God can speak to you if you care and want to know when you have a father-daughter relationship with Him(God).

Many unordained marriages are coming to existence in the church these days because the parties involved have neglected their individual role of seeking the face of God and not just following what someone says.
This is equally increasing divorce rate.

Weddings are conducted without both parents consent but at the Ministers consent.
Sisters Let us be careful in our Marital Choice. 
God has a plan for you.
That minister will not be in the marriage with you but God.
So why can you not follow God's lead?
Are you Single and thinking of Mingling, be careful so that you will not Tangle.
Take the step when God ask you to.
Pray and wait the answer will come.
Beware of brothers that want to taste the waters.
Drop the garment of desperation.
Put on the garment of preparation by waiting,praying and listening.
God is not a man that He should  lie.

Single and waiting?
God will Beautify your waiting period with fulfilling and God ordained Marriage.

Written by Leah Adepeju Adebowale.

His Favor

God's favour will work for you irrespective of enemies,haters and frienemies conspiracy,Gossip,whisper and abuse.

Any Misuse of power against you will not stop God from working in a way that will favor you His child.
Haters,enemies,frienemies will definately try but be rest assured they will not triumph over you in Jesus name.

You are a chosen vessel in God's hand but remember pray for your enemies and never use evil to pay evil or evil to pay good.

It is well have a glorious day.

Saturday, 22 September 2012


Stand up, Get up, Move away from that slumber and Weariness...

A songs says;
Oluwa nsishe e ko mo(God is working even though you do not know)
Oluwa nshishe o nshishe e o Fura(God is at work but you are not noticing)
Dide ninu ibanuje,Irewesi ati idalebi(Stand up and move away from sorrow,weariness and condemnation)..

At times we focus on a thing so much because we want God to surprise us over it.
We lose focus on the things God is doing for us every second,Minute,Hour,day,Month and year.

As a result we become unnecessarily weary because our focus on just a thing is evetually taking toll on our faith so we begin to lose faith in God over just a thing then unbelief sets in.

God is at work.
Even though you can not see the manifestation just yet, your weariness will not speed the result up at all.
God is Unlimited and Unstoppable.
No one can stop Him from fulfilling His promises for us.
The enemy to anyone's Progress is SELF.
You are the first enemy to your answered prayers and promises.

Bible says we should be thankful in everything.
Weariness,complaint postpones manifestation of promises of God and answered prayer.
When you understand how great and Unlimited God is,
You will stand up from your weary corner.
You will start counting your blessing and see what God will and Has done.
You will start rejoicing and singing "it is already looking better for me" "I am going higher for the Lord is on the throne I am going higher"
You will begin to claim the promises and start thanking God for it.
Believe they will surely be fulfilled at a time that God only will be praised.


If you believe God is at work and He will fulfill all His promises concerning you,
Stand up now kick weariness away and start rejoicing.
My God is Unlimited and Unstoppable... 

Friday, 21 September 2012


Time is an infinite continued
progress of existence and event in past,present and future. It can also be defined as plan, schedule, period, age or season.(online dictionary)

Time I believe is an important thing that breeds things in life. It is expensive, essential but can either be lost by devaluing it or it can  appreciate by treating it with value.

Ecclesiastes3:1" there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven"(N.I.V)

Time is something that people tend to waste, run ahead or ignore.
All we do, will do or have done has a specific timing to it which God had ordained.
Ecclesiastes12:1"Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, I find no pleasure in them".

We live in a world where everything is done ahead of the norm. Technology has done a great thing. Many live a life of fantasy before waking up to reality.

Things that are norm are now considered ancient. We aim for fast,faster and fastest. This leads to many running ahead of the time God had proposed for them in life hence ending up in a ditch.

The time of your youth is an important time and what you do with it is important. Many want easy and fast money. Some want quick fame. Some want undivided attention from the world around them even if its not in the plan of God for them.


It now seem like the thing of the past to enquire from God on steps to take in life. Some look at physical clocks ticking and base their life around that.
Time is something we ought to commit into God's hands. God's ways are not human ways. Running ahead of your God proposed time can ruin your purpose of existence or dent it.

Singles out there this is the time to give it all to God. Lay foundation that is solid in God. When your foundation is solid in God its difficult for it to be destroyed.

Psalms11:3"If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"
This passage asks a very sensible and real question.
A person's foundation starts from craddle and what is planted in that foundation is what those that brought the person up had done.
Parents invest negatively or positively into a child's life but as the child grown, he/she become independent and choose what to follow and what not.

Parents/Guardian, what have you or are you investing in the life of your child(ren). Are you a modernised parent an i-mum/i-guardian and i-dad? iparents are the computer aged parents. 

Everything around their life and family life works like programming something on computer. The shift and delete button is always useful. No time to tell the children about their creator thus the children grow to become modernised i-individual.

The I here means Invisible. Even though you are a family but your existence and impact in your children's life is unknown, not seen or minimal. Your offspring grow to breed super I-generation.  You can not give what you do not have.

For every age we attain in life there is a specific timing. What we achieve and how we use it is important. Man lives but for a while, the time spent on earth will never outnumber the time spent in eternity.

When you allow God to walk/work with you in life by committing everything and seeking His face at All time you will fulfill every purpose for your life at the appointed time.Time is very essential.

Are you running ahead of time?
What are you doing or have done with your time?
Everything has a specific timing.
Birth,death,studies,career,health,wealth,single life,marriage e.t.c.
They all have a due time.

What are you doing with your time?
Do what is right when it is right. When you are meant to stay long in a place ask God to give you the grace to wait patiently and when you are meant to move on ask God to lead you so that as you move on you will not take the wrong direction or step.

Some had misuse their time, while some are clueless about it and some are just following other people, while some are faithfully and dilligently waiting on and following their creator as He leads.

Whatever you do against the time of God ends up working against you.
Do not jump because people around you are jumping.
The saying :when we are in Rome we behave like Romans does not always befit every situation. When you are in Rome choose what is Godly in the Romans that you lack not everything.

Some have misunderstand the timing of their life because the author of their life has been excluded from their life. When you do not take God's ways important in life though you might make it in the world's book but that book does not matter compared to the book of life.

All event in life is recorded in there and all shall account for it.
Many change the direction of their life as the trends in life changes.
What you do with your time is important to God. Make your time an edifying piece in life by doing the will and purpose of God concerning you.

Stop allowing unnecessary trend to dictate your timing but wait on God to give you unfailing direction.
There will be a time when what you did with your time will either stand to praise you or against you in condemnation. Which one do you want?

Whatever position you are right now, there is an appointed time assigned to it. When that time expires then you experience Change.

Taking Human life for example, time of conception,time of birth, time of physical growth and evetually time to say Goodbye to this world.

What you invest your time on earth in will determine where you spend your time in eternity.
Do not allow anything in life to stop you from spending your time in life in line with your God given destiny.

Some say I used to be vibrant and devoted in the Lord but since  I got this job,I had children,since I relocated to this place,Since I got married.

Quit giving excuses and ask for God to rekindle the fire of your first love in Him.

A song says;
My life time, I will give God my life time.
When I give God my life time.
He will take care of me.
He will never ever let  me down
I will give God my life time.

Many have eluded their time and no time left to correct their wrongs. Many have done what they ought to do at the right time and are enjoying eternal life now.
What is it that you are focusing on that is making you lose focus on what you are created for.

The later part of Ecclesiastes12:1 say before the days of trouble approach, i understand it as the time when there is no alternative left.
The time when you look back and regret. May we not regret in Jesus name.
In order not to regret invest godly and eternally in everything during your life time.

This message is for all of us including the writer(Adepeju). May God teach us to number our days that scripture is not only about birthday date as its often used there is more to it.

Time! Time!! Time!!!


Thursday, 20 September 2012



Everyone has an opinion they share about others.
This opinion is not only based on the relationship between them.
People have both honest and dishonest opinion about you.
Either they are close to you, family, friends or you do not even know them.
Everyone has one opinion about people either in spot light or not.
One thing people fail to consider is being in the other person's shoe.

Some look at your appearance and condemn everything about you not considering to know you better. While some take the time to know you and still share negative things about you. Some know everything, your wrong and right but will never judge you or have negative opinion about you. That is Human nature.

There is no supernatural being anywhere except God.
Whatever opinion you have about anyone think, rethink and put yourself in the person's shoe before you say negative things about others.

If it was possible to swap life would you swap your life with his/hers.

Try to be a soul lifter with your words not a soul cruncher.
You will give account of everywords before God.

Check your opinion; it does not mean you should lie or deceive people when you need to say the truth but never undermine people with your opinion.

If it was you what would you expect from that person?
Be your brothers keeper.
Your words go a long way check it always.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Expectation in God

When your expectation is high in man and Low in God it is hard to see the manifestation of God's plan and promises for your life.

When your expectation is high in God and low in man, God uses man to do unexpected and exceptional things in line with God's plan and promises for your life for you.
You begin to walk fron no platform to great platforms, to greater platforms and the greatest platforms.
You begin to flourish in dry land because God is your source...

Today ask yourself this question.
Where is my expectation, is it in man or God?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

The Big Question

The Big Question.

When you face uncertainties in life the question some will ask is why? why me God? Why my family?
Through perseverance, patience and Endurance Faith grows.
You should always understand your circumstances by the Love of God and not allow your circumstances to dictate your Love for God.

Psalms62:1-2"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress I will never be shaken".
It takes a firm faith in God, God's word and God's promises to confess the above verse in the midst of trouble and challenges.
When you see trouble and challenges in the world at large even though it affects you, It does not affect you as much as when you experience challenges within your personal world and all you have is sleepless night.

Psalms42:5"why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him my saviour and my God.
Being Honest with God about your hurts and challenges keeps you on track with God. It gives you confidence and peace that you have  A Father, A Redeemer, and Comforter who can change you situations around.

The situation you are experiencing at the moment might be as a result of your sin and it might not be but the most important thing is you have a Redeemer  who is ready to carry you on His shoulder if you stay on track. Never lose Hope in God.
God is a comforter and He comforts His Children and guess what you are the child of the gratest comforter. Halleluyah

When you hurt so bad remember to call on the Comforter who is always ready to help you through.
God is in control of everything which includes your life. It might seem difficult to understand the reason for your predicaments but remember there is God, the one who has all answers to your Big Questions.

The peace and joy of God makes your ancient worries and sorrow to vanish. Never ignore or under rate God because of your problems.
In your present situation, God is walking/working with and in you. The courage to carry on in the situation can be found in God and His word.

Relying on human ability might cause the situation to take the worst turn or remain stagnant but trusting in God your creator will change the situation to His glory.
Psalms19:1-3" The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard".
If skies and Heaven can declare the glory of God how much more you His child created in His image?

Are you going to allow that situation you are in right now to hinder you from hoping in God, talkless of declaring His glory?
There is no situation that is too  difficult for God to understand.
God understands yes he does.
He knows the begining and the end.
Remember God is Alpha and Omega.
He know the end from the begining.
He is more concerned about you than anyone could be.
He is God remember.
He has the answer(s) to the Big Question(s).

Monday, 17 September 2012

Prayer works

Some times  you feel so down when needs are not met. But Phillipians4:19 says my God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Some times you feel like you have lost all but Psalms126:1 when God brought back the captivity of zion they were like those that dream.

What is it that is weighing you down?
What is bothering you?
God is mighty and able to make way.
Just Take it to the Altar of prayer.
Communicate with your creator.

Matthew11:38 come to me all you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
It is only God that can give you rest and lift those burden off you.
Why not go to God in prayers and let Him take over that situation.
It is well..

Friday, 14 September 2012

Love without Condition

When you know the Lord your God so well.
When you think back and remember all he has been doing for you.
You will Love Him and crave to Love Him more.
The Lord who did not let you perish when you could have.
The Lord who has loved you from day one of your life.
The Lord who has always been by your side at the darkest hour of your life.
The Lord who will always be with you even when friends, family and love ones let you down.
We should not just serve God because of what He will do.
But we must serve God because He is God and will always be in God.
Never put condition on your Love for the Lord.
He is God that Love you regardless of your past present and future.


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Strength is by Choice

As Human we draw strength from encouragement and might lose strength from discouragement.
Which ever one we stick to happens by choice.
We live life based on the choice we make.
A bad choice, a good Choice, it all has to do with the person making the Choice.
Choice! Choice!! Choice!!!
Your Choice can make or break your Destiny.
Choose wisely and Godly..

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Give honour to whom honour is due.

If a man curses his father or mother, his lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness. (PROVERBS20:20)

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. (EXODUS20:12)





Lift those that fall...

Some people take pleasure in other people's downfall.
This is a lack of knowledge and wisdom.
No one is infallible.
When you see people falling instead of mocking them render your help.
Be your brothers keeper.
Love your neighbour as yourself.
Do not castigate others because of where you are at the moment and where they belong now.
Change is something that applies to all Human.
Changing from bad to best is better than the other way round.
Be encouraging and Hospitable.
Stop condemning and ridicling..
God is able to turn things around in everyone's Life.
No one Knows Tomorrow but God...

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

It wont be long indeed

Indeed it wont be long.
Do not allow anything to stand against you.
Even if that is the Most precious thing in your life do not let it stand against your name in the Book Of Life.
Make Heaven Your Goal.
Tomorrow might be late.
Make the decision Now.

I plead to you watch this Movie and make amends where needs be.
God bless you..                         Watch "It Won't be Long" on YouTube -

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Lie! Truth pays but Lie pains

Bi Iro ba lo fun Ogun odun Otito a baa lojokan.
When lies goes on for 20years one day the truth will prevail.
Using lies to cover up lies will always bring damages to you.
Even when you find it difficult to say the truth try to stand on the truth because that is when you can stand tall.
Lieing is a pathway to ruins.
Be careful of words that you say to cover up your evil deeds.
No one is above mistake when you make a mistake learn from it do not use lies to cover it.

Do not be deceived God can never be mocked whatever a man sow he will reap. whosoever sow to please their flesh from flesh will reap destruction. whosoever sow to please the spirit from spirit will reap eternal life(Galatians6:7-8)

Friday, 7 September 2012


When the word confinement is
mentioned all sought of things comes to mind depending on our understanding of the word.

Confinement  means;imprison, restriction, having set boundaries or being kept in.

As human being, there are some stages in your life that are within limits and set boundaries. It is not because you desire for such but powers beyond human control has kept human being in such state. It will only take divine intervention and power to visualise the unseen.
It is regarded as the unseen because it can not be seen with physical eyes even when you put on contact lens or spectacles but it is glaring through the grace given through spiritual Vision.

In Jeremiah 33:1-3" While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the word of the Lord came to Him a second time: This what the Lord says he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it the Lord is His name. call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearcheable things you do not know".(N.I.V.)

Jeremiah was captured and confined but the word of God still came to Him. He could still hear God and God was still promising him with confirmation that he made Heaven and earth and his name is The Lord.
It can seem so difficult when we can visibly see the restrictions and boundaries that surrounds us in life but do not know the way out but still dwell without wavering on the purpose and promises of God for our lives.

Human being can be confined in different ways and different aspects of life. Confinement sets limitation to reach out to one's needs and wants in life hence subjected to what is made available. One thing you must always remember is that God is never a failing God. He will fulfill whatever He promise.

When God allows everything that you have to be taken away and you feel you do not have anything and you are a nobody, If you allow God to be everything you ever need or want you will have a lot of things and eventually become  somebody. Halleluyah!!!

Confined situation(s) in can be related to different things in individual's life. It could be academical confinement probably you aim to get a degree of education to boost your carrier but one thing led to the other and you feel like giving up on your dreams, it could either be as a result of financial instability, Family problems beyond physical control or status issue.

Is yours a marital issue; being married but enduring instead of enjoying? waiting and looking up to God for fruit of the womb? Unfaithfulness in marriage and you feel trapped you want to break loose but do not know how!

Is it loneliness? you are of age but no suitable sister or brother? The questions keeps coming unending? You are geting tired of praying? Fingers are being pointed at you? Negative comments and looks? Tired of going to a weddings/celebrations because of how you feel afterwards?

Is yours a status issue? You are not yet what God said you will be career wise? You stay in a land filled with honey and milk but you are slave to the milk and honey of such land because of what you are classified as?

Is it employment worries? Family problems and break ups? Ministerial rivalry? Unsure about where to utilize your God given talents/gift because you are restricted?

Whatever category you fall into God is saying to you this day as he said to Jeremiah in the verse and chapter quoted above "Call to me and I will answer". There is power and freedom in calling out to God. He promised He is the God of all earth He will answer you. Gather that courage leave your unbelief in the past and seek the face of the Lord ask Him to Help you with your unbelief.

The word of God says in Jeremiah32:27" I am the Lord the God of all mankind is anything too hard for me to do?"  (N.I.V)Believe in Him and you will receive and rejoice in Him. Come out of that confined situation of your life through the use of the word of God and your faith.

Jeremiah33:6-9"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before. I will cleanse them from all the sin they have committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me. Then this city will bring me renown, joy praise and honour before all nations on earth that  hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it" (N.I.V)
God is able to take you out of that confinement on the condition that you call unto Him. He promised to give joy, praise, honour, peace and health security because of His love for you.

What is it that has confined you? God is waiting for you to cry to Him for release and breakthrough from that position and if you have been doing that but still feel like nothing is happening be more prayerful,persistent and emulate a life that embrace(s) purity. These are 3Ps to progress from confinement.

Do not settle for ill fate but allow your Faith in God to heal your fate. Psalms24:3-4,7-10" Who shall ascend into the hills of the Lord? who shall stand in His holy place. He who has clean hands and pure heart who do not lift up his soul to an idol(vanity) or swear by what is false(nor sworn decitfully). Lift up your heads O you gates be lifted up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in. who is this king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty the Lord Mighty in battle. Lift up your heads o you gates; Lift them up you ancient doors that the King of glory may come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord almighty he is the King of glory."(N.I .V) 
God's mercy and faithfullness to us knows no bounds. Coming out of a situation is a matter of Choice and divine intervention.
Whatsoever has kept you stagnant I pray almighty God will reveal to you,make a way out and restore you to your destined position in life.
Confinement means stagnancy because if you are restricted you have limited things that you do hence you go within the circle of your restrictions from one end to the other. Psalms 24:3-4,7-10 Let you understand that you must be pure to actually ignite the power that lifts gates of confinement in order for the king of glory (God) to come in. Today I beseech you to seek God to show you which way to go about your victory over confined life.

God speaks to everyone using different medium which is understable to individual. seek Him to know His will for you and His way for you. Confinement must not restrict your destiny neither should you allow it to destruct your destiny ask God to reconstruct your life and destiny where need be. God is able.

#Almighty Father the giver of all things, I thank you for opening my inner mind and eyes to the truth behind confinement in life. Father I submit totally to you to show me which way to go. In Jesus name amen.

# Father any sins or form of impurity that has led to this confined situation(s)(mention) forgive me Lord and wash me. Cleanse me and make we worthy to stand before you. In Jesus name. amen

#Father I lift my life(include the situations you feel confined in)
come and take charge. In Jesus name.

#Lord Jesus I am helpless without you but with you I receive divine help, step into my situation in Jesus name. amen

#Almighty Father I worship you because as I am stepping forward(demonstrate it), I am breaking myself(mention anything you want to be free) free from any form of physical, psychological,spiritual,financial,Illegal or legal confinement. In Jesus name. amen

#I decree henceforth the Light of God will shine on my path in Jesus name. Amen

# Father as your word confirms it in Jeremiah33 that I will give Praise and honour to you  before the nations. I prophesy into(mention the situation) that I will testify because of the freedom you have given me over every confinement in my Life in Jesus Mighty name. Amen

#Thank you Jesus for my testimony is permanent and for strenghtening me physically,spiritually and in all aspects including my faith in Jesus mighty name. amen

Praise God.. Halleluyah
God has set you free, God has set me free, God has set us and all that concerns us free from all confiments in life in Jesus name Amen***********

Monday, 3 September 2012

The giver of the gift must be honoured always.

Being a Messenger of God is an act of obedience to God is not about your own intuition.
Its about allowing God to use you to tell the truth, expose it and explain it to people.
As Messenger of God, God counts on you to carry His message and deliver it as He has sent you.
God Chose David to bring down Goliath.
He was the youngest amongst His brothers.
He was the least expected to be chosen in his father's house but God chose Him still.
Your calling is not your doing but God's.
Therefore Appreciate the giver of the gift.
God use the meek to bring down the strong.
No one is irreplaceable except God....

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Prayer for the Month

Deuteronomy33:27(N.I.V)"The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you, saying Destroy Him".

I pray that as we embark on the journey of the Ember months, God will be my refuge. Every plans against the will of God that the enemy or frienemies has ochestrated will be destroyed before me in Jesus name. God will hide me and all that concerns me under His everlasting Arms henceforth in Jesus name.
Amen* Amen** Amen***

Psalms34:10(N.I.V)" The lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing".

I pray that henceforth I will lack no good thing.
I will be a blessing to many because the Lord is my supply. Henceforth  I will seek and find more than I can Imagine. The Lord will bestow his divine favour upon My household and I. I decree and declare every lack  dead in Jesus Mighty name.
Amen* Amen** Amen***

Psalms126:1-2(N.I.V)"When the Lord brought back the captives of Zion, we were like men who dreamed. Our Mouth were filled with Laughter our tongues with songs of joy".

I pray that everything,blessings,favour or whatever the Lord has blessed me with that I have lost one way or has been imprisoned by forces against God's will in my life, family, work, spiritual life, Academical life,Parental life and all aspect of life be released and begin to locate me today. As the ant locates sugar henceforth Lord Jesus Let all I have lost locate me in Jesus name. Father pour a fresh annointing on me today. Make me a vessel of Honour. Bless me beyond Human power in Jesus mighty name.
Amen* Amen **Amen***

This is My month of Remembrance and Refreshment.
Happy New Month.
I will be celebrated in Jesus Name. Amen*****************

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...