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Friday, 31 August 2012

I am Grateful Lord.

I started Not By My Power But By His Grace.

Many Saw The Begining of this Year, Month and Day But are no more.

I am Not Better Than Them But His Grace Has Kept Me This Far.

I fall but He picks Me up.

I cry, He wipes My Tears away And Shows Me Reasons To Be ThankFul.

I thought I could Carry My Load but He picked me and My Load and took Us to our destination.

You put Food on My Table;Lord I'm grateful.

You gave Me clothes to cover My Nakedness Because of Your Love.

You pay My Bill even whenI think How will I do it.

I could have been dead and Gone But you confirmed your word which says"I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done"(Psalms118:17 N.I.V.)

You changed My story giving room for My glory to shine.

You made those that were laughing at me to have no choice than laugh with me because you have done exceedingly abundantly above all I think or ask for.

Lord this day flowing from My heart immeasureably is gratefulness;

Thank you for who I am,

My Family,friends and colleagues.

Thank you for everything and everyone.

If the strands of My hair were to be thousands of tongues, it wont be enough to say thank you.

If I stood and kept praising you Lord, giving you glory, dancing, clapping, jumping, rolling on the floor. Its not enough because Daddy you worth more than that.

You Own me Lord.
You are Mine and I'm Yours.

Lord I am
~~~Grateful! Grateful!! Grateful!!! Soo Grateful(infinity times)~~~~~~

I am grateful for all you have done and you are yet to do Father.

Are you not grateful?
ok Face a mirror or steel breath on it..
can you feel/see the moist of your breath? Did you pay for it.
Isn't that reason enough to be grateful?

Forget your worries and be Thankful.
By Worrying, you cannot add a second to your life(Matthews6:27"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to His life?)

Thursday, 30 August 2012

I am A Victor..

My Creation is not a mistake.
My Creation is for a purpose.
I am born a victor.
I am attaining greater heights.
1John4:4"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world".

I personalise the above verse by saying:
But I Leah Bukonla Adepehjuh, I have already won a victory over those people(things, doubt, pain, shame and anything God has not put in my life) because the spirit who lives in Me is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. Halleluyah.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

No one on Earth Can Tell you your worth But God..

You are not on point.
You are not in thesame league.
You do not have what it takes.
Probably this is what people have been saying or have said to you in the past.
You now feel like you can not get to your destination in life and you feel obliged to  please Them..

~~~Stop! Stop!! Stop!!!~~~

You can try your best But you can Never please Anyone.
Let your focus be on Pleasing God.
Remember No one on Earth designed your destiny.
God designed your destiny.
He knows you well.
You are a Child of God.
Come out of that shell.
Dust off the setbacks and name calling.
Move out of that zone and step on the Higher ground.
You are the one who can make your dreams work by Believing in What God has instilled in you.

Stop wasting time,
Embrace what God has given to you.
Do Not Luck your Potentials in the dark Place Because of What People Has done or are doing.

You are the source of my Life. And in all i do I owe my everything to you. For every New day Jesus You are the Source of My life.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Be Thankful At all Time..

If you feel like life is so unfair to you,

wait till you see a millionaire jump off the bridge to commit suicide.

Wait till you see someone that sleeps rough on the road but wakes up and still gives thanks.

Wait till you see a cancer patient with all hair loss, no movement in the limbs but still grateful to see another day.

Wait till you see a house filled with all good things of life but lack peace.

wait till you see the rich craving the fruit of the womb whilst the poor conceive at every touch.

Wait till you hear and see people who would swap places with you, yes many wont mind being where you are and you come to where they are vecause they still look up to you.

Wait till you see someone written off as no one becoming someone because he/she believes in the one that created everyone.

I can go on an on listing divers of things and reasons why you should be appreciative of;
*Who you are
*Where you are
*What you have
*Thank God for what are not yet in place.

Whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself, Give Thanks.
God Has a purpose for it.

Ship of Life

If God is not in the ship of your life, be ready to sink at the sight of the slightest storm. Only God can calm storms. This can only happen if He is present in the ship of your life. Do not just go about in the ship of life. Make God the captain and allow His authority to be final.
In doing so you have an expected end.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Gossip brings darkness. Truth brings Light.

Believing gossip and spreading it like Gospel would not add good credibility to your personality. Remember the truth will always find its way out. When Light shines darkness can not comprehend it. Gossip keeps the heart in darkness but the truth will always shine light on the heart.


Claiming Holiness but still Abhoring evil and unforgiveness!!!!
Check your life and stop living in deceit.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

No Limit in God.

When God is in it, there is no Limit.
It's not over.
Count on God and Focus on Him to scale through..
The price you pay to stay focused might be dear but never say never. It will amount to joy if you can endure the present challenge with God on your side you will rejoice.
So there is no Limit when God is fully at work. Stop limiting the power He has bestowed on you. Believe you can and you will. Halleluyah

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Which way to Heaven.

Swagg/Swagger/Swaggerlicious will not get you to Heaven but the word of God, abiding in the Word alone, accepting Christ as your Lord and saviour, Living a Holy and righteous life by His grace...
Basically the world will not get you to Heaven but The Word will direct you to Heaven.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

A contrite Heart.

Pride Hinders repentance. Without repentance, there can not be restoration. God loves a broken and contrite heart.
Sometimes, human being thinks they are There..
Knowing it all page to page; chapter to chapter.
Alas you know all that but you are far from the truth.

A contrite heart must be broken and filled with repentance at thesame time. There must  be a solid partnership between the brokeness and repentance of such heart to make it contrite.
We claim to know God so much but we violate His commands. We twist His word to fit our human thoughts and need thus ignoring the truth of His word.

The Bible says Pride goes before a fall (Proverbs16:18). Every individual has an iota of pride in them but dwelling wholly on it is the begining of such individual's fall.
Little things we often ignore but accept to be part of our individuality might be the iota of pride within us.

Some even paint a humble personality but within them, they are miles away from Humility.
The writer of this piece is not exempted from the truth of this piece. It can be unbelieveable to accept that, that thing you cling on saying its "Just Me" is actually what might lead to your fall.

Perfection can only be seen in God.

A contrite heart, Can God work on a heart that is not contrite/broken?
From my perspective, a heart that is not ready to give out can not receive. To be broken you must let go certain things. Letting go those things will give God room to work.  In the process of letting go, you must allow the truth to stand and repent of deceit and unfaithfulness that can hinder repentance and brokeness.

Luke15:17-22"At last he came to his senses and said, all my father's hired workers have more than they can eat and here I am about to starve! I will get up and go to my father and say Father, I have sinned against God and against you; I am no longer fit to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired worker. so he got up and started back to His father. He was still a long way from home when His father saw Him; his heart was filled with pity and he ran, threw his arms around his son and kissed him. Father the son said i have sinned against God and against you. I am no longer fit to be called your son. But the father called his servants. Hurry! he said bring the best robe and put it on him put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet".( Good News Bible Total English Version).

The prodigal child started off with pride demanding for his inheritance but he did nothing good with it. when he realises and came to his senses. He became broken and filled with repentance. It was when his heart became contrite that he let go and seek His father. His father took him by suprise, he accepted him and changed his clothe of shame to an acceptable clothe of Fame.Thos showes the prodigal son that His father had forgiven and accepted him. This would not have happened if his ego and pride was still the priority over his sonship.

"The reason some people will not move out of shame is because they are not ready to let go of the shame and walk on the shame to their fame".
So friend what is it this day that you think is hindering your repentance and brokeness? what is not making your heart contrite? Why do you want to dwell on your inability or self ability so much that you want to let go of God's ability?.
Remember your ability is nothing before the Ability of the one that can change your inability to ability.
I believe this day God is speaking to you and I.
He wants us to get rid of that little pride in us so He can move like never before.
God wants to use something in our story that will glorify his name in our glory but we must be contrite hearted.

No matter what we are experiencing now, God can and will change it to our favour if only we allow Him. He sees those secret of ours, He knows our name, He knows our future and He knows our end. Allow Him.

~~~~Now let us pray~~~~
**Place your hand on your chest and say;

Heavenly Father, to you alone I have sinned.
Only you knows what no man on earth know about me. My Father and My Lord I ask that you break me and remould me.
I ask that you be My God and I be your Child.
Lord I am so sorry and I pray you Make me whole again.
From this day Lord take away every Form of pride,and enviness in me that hinders my brokeness and repentance. Deliver me from Self.
This i ask and pray in Jesus name.

I am a New Being.
I am free.
I am of The Lord.
I am on the Lord side.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Marvin Sapp - Praise Him In Advance (LYRICS)

Always Praise God in Advance..
Never wait for a miracle to express your gratitude to God.
Never wait for what people will say before you Praise God.



Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Speak The word of God within you to the situation around you..

The only word that can speak calmness in the midst of storm is the word of God.
Your voice is needed to prophesy the word.
God will not come down.
You have the weapon in you if you know and believe His word. Use it..
The word of God is a powerful tool..
God Has His Hand on you and He Believes in your ability.
Just break out of doubt,denial and fear..
Allow His power to flow in you and through you...

Monday, 6 August 2012

Stop Playing Lotto/Lottery with your soul.

Playing Lotto/Lottery with your soul..

All human being consist of spirit,soul and body.
Your Soul is the most important of this three when you are raptured(die).
What you embed in your soul will determine where you will spend eternity.

When you play lottery, the outcome is by chance it has no certainty.
In life you have a choice of where your soul spends eternity and it is your choice where you want to.
Do not dare the outcome of your activities on earth by not living in the will and ways of God.

Job34:19"who shows no partiality to princes and does not favour the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?".(N.I.V.)

Romans2:11"for God does not show favouritism".(N.I.V.)

Collosians3:25"anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favouritism".(N.I.V.)

God is ever faithful and forgiving. He detest the sin that leads a soul to perish but loves the soul. He will not change His word because of what game human has played with their soul while on earth that resulted in where their soul spends eternity. What you sow you will reap, you cannot sow an orange seed and reap potatoes.
Even in lottery whatever number you right down is what you win or lose but as you know human being can show favouritism maybe because of social status and position God is not like that.

The requirements to making heaven might be harsh or simple to some but the grace of God is sufficient to help you carry on. Stop running your life like your soul has no eternal future.
No one can scale through except the grace of God sees them through.
Your soul has importance do not treat it like a trash bag or a worthless lottery paper. Carry your soul along with the importance of God's word and will.

Psalms119:105"your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path".(N.I.V.)
The truth about your soul and eternity can only be found in the word of God.
No minister of the world,sourcerer or clergy can  appoint you to where you will spend eternal life because its above their power.
Through the word of God you will receive the light to your path and the knowledge to handle challenges and hinderances of life. The only way to get a positive outcome on where your soul spends eternity is  what you do now. Unlike lottery that is by chance this is by the grace of God and your determination.
Stand firm in grace and do not abuse the grace.
Walk in the path of righteousness, live in the word. Let your life preach the word of God.

May God open our eyes to see the truth of what eternity entails and how to walk and work to attain the positive side of eternity and not the negative in Jesus name.
Remember it is your Choice and the right use of God's grace.
It is not by chance as lottery.
Be Eternity conscious...

Friday, 3 August 2012

What Do you Listen to?

Romans10:17"consequently faith comes from Hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ".(N.I.V)

The introductory verse talks about faith and hearing. I want to emphasis mainly on Hearing.
It is obvious that human being do act on information. Information can either be read,heard,felt or seen.

Music circulates information(s), it can either be positive or negative. You wonder why music?
I sat down watching the TV one day and just going through the channels and some songs I could not make any sense out of them. Some just ridicles the worth of a woman's body and there were ladies busy dancing to it. This just kept me thinking, do they not understand the meaning of the song? Am I too Holy or pretending?

I do not expect everyone to agree with me on this note but my spirit was not accepting the words/lyrics of the songs they were demeaning in certain ways. This kept coming to my mind till the next morning untill I read the introductory verse in the scripture and the question came personally to me. What do you Listen To?

Going through my playlist,I realised most song were praises,worship and encouraging songs that keeps smile on my face. Am I ignorant of what is in vogue Music wise? My answer is No.
I enjoy what I listen to and it encourages my day to day life activities.

Stop the ignorant saying of I do listen to those songs but it has no effect on my life. I would say it might be a bit difficult to let go but if you do you will experience changes. I realise it is more like a culture in some Household they can not do without certain song either good or bad.
Whatever you choose to listen to or encourage your family to listen to will have a glaring effect on their thoughts and behaviour.

Some people are so engrossed in some songs that they do not realise that the enemy of their existence has crept or boldly walked into their heart and took dominion.  Some of these songs has become slangs that you just say repeatedly without a second thought. This applies to either the good or bad one but you know which affects you most in your heart. Even when we are in the presence of God because of the attachment to these songs every word or beat heard will somehow work around what you listen to.

Colossians 3:1-3"since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above not on earthly things. For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God".(N.I.V)
The first verse talks about hearing. This second one talks about our mind. The relationship in these verses is hearing and mind. So what you hear will affect your thoughts and that will gradually build up to affect your behaviour. Unbelieveable! Believe it or not that is the trend. It is now your choice to work on what your ears hear that is affecting your thoughts and behaviour.

There is no way you can say when you listen to a song over and over it does not repeats itself in your mind even after switching the song off.
So what are you Listening to?
How is it affecting you?
Stop being ignorant of perishable devices that takes you farther from your Maker.
When you listen to positive and uplifting songs that only gives glory to God, your life gives glory to God. When you listen to songs that glorifies mundane things then you will gradually sell your soul to the perishable things of this world.

What you do does not only affect you but it can affect people around you. That is;your friend,family,colleague,parents,spouse and children. It will only take the grace of God upon 
them for it not to affect them..

Let the good Change start from you..

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Prayers for the Month..

Happy New Month..
I pray that this month Bells of joy will ring in our lives.
The blessings of God shall be made perfect in our lives.
Our Mouths will be filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.(Psalms126:2a).
We will be celebrated.
Our dreams shall come to manifestation.
Lines will fall in pleasant places for us.
This month God will open a new chapter and remember us for good things.
Good things will happens in our lives,family,around us and in this group.
We will testify in Jesus name.
We will not fall victim of evil occurence in Jesus name..
Receive your Testimony in Jesus name...
Amen! Amen!! Amen!!

I am glad to see this month.
I decree that this month God will open the book of remembrance and I.
My long awaited blessing will locate me this Month, I receive and I retain it to the glory of God in Jesus name.
The door that will open doors will open in my life this month in Jesus name.
If the highest and the most valued currency in the world is used as prison uniform, my family,Child,spouse,friends and colleague will not partake in wearing it in Jesus name. Amen*******
Lord every step I take henceforth direct it to your glory in Jesus name.
I pray that Every paper/book being tendered against my breakthrough that keeps it tarrying Lord let them catch fire in Jesus name.. Amen*******
This month my inner joy will radiate on the outside because God has began a new thing that will bring everlasting Joy in me and around me in Jesus name.. Amen*******
August is my month of Good NEWS  Amen... Happy New Month...

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...