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Sunday, 22 August 2021

Holy Spirit

Sunday Nuggest with Sis Leah

*Do you know the Holy spirit?*

*Who is the Holy spirit?*

A member contribution

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God

The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Lord and Giver of Life in the Nicene creed. He is The Creator Spirit, present before the creation of the universe and through his power everything was made in Jesus Christ, by God the Father.

Members answer 

The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person in the Trinity

Let us continue..
But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in close fellowship with you].
John 16:7 AMP

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever— the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you.
John 14:16‭-‬17 AMP

From the Scriptures yes we can see that the Holy spirit is our comforter, our strengthener, our standby, our counselor, advocate, intercessor and guess what He is with us foreverπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½

The Holy spirit is a person do you agree?πŸ€—

Many will think He is the third person of trinity so He is so Holy how can He be with me Yes Psalms 8:4

What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of [earthborn] man that You care for him?
Psalms 8:4 AMP
[8:26] Siny will think in their mind who am I that the Holy spirit will dwell inside of me
[8/n fact some Christians are so Christianese that they want to water the word of God down by still using the scriptures

The truth is that the moment you accept Jesus as your lord and saviour you have the Holy spirit inside of you
Many call the Holy spirit the spirit of God
Yes He is but at thesame time He is our spirit that constantly energise, direct, convicts, chastise and leads our spirit man

So in other words He is your spirit and my spirit
Some people believe that their encounter of Holy spirit is only when they sing or hear songs that makes them well upπŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯²

Or when the pastor is speaking in a vibrating voice that changes the way their body flows because the decibels of the sounds is just making your entire body systems to react differently. They believe that is when they feel the Holy spirit

Some think it's when that sister with high peach start prophesying and the entire church building 🏒 is trembling in fact the glasses wants to shatter

We all have different interpretations of who and what makes us understand the person of the Holy spirit

But I want to reassure you and remind you that the Holy spirit is a person that lives in you and I

The way you understand the Holy spirit can only be determined by the way you relate with or to Him

He is not far away in the distance from the scriptures shared He is with us forever

So while you're sitting on the toilet doing your business, while studying, while interacting with others He is the constant person and friend that never leaves you

As believers we must come out of the sense of my physical life is different from my spiritual life or my circular life is different from my church life..

Hey brethren you only have one life and that is the life you live now with the direction of the Holy spirit because the spiritual controls the physical nothing happens in the physical that is not settled spiritually so come out of the thoughts that you have two separate lives. He is always there forever around whether you acknowledge it or not. Once you are born again He is your spirit. Your perishing spirit exchange for the imperishable spirit of God

Today is the beginning of a new week. Many might already have anxiety of what the week will be like perhabs due to one thing or the other you can't share with an ordinary man but can I give you goodnews you can share it with the Holy spirit.

He is willing and ready to partake in your life just as you get on with everything from the clothes you choose for the day to the interview questions to the exam questions to the challenges that feels insurmountable

He is willing and ready to partake in your life just as you get on with everything from the clothes you choose for the day to the interview questions to the exam questions to the challenges that feels insurmountable

He wants to be there for you in a way that you will have that courage to say Holy spirit can you lead me to the right bus, to the right boss, to the right friend, to the right way of doing the task.

Do you know that He even reveals secrets to those that have relationship with Him?πŸ—£️πŸ—£️πŸ—£️πŸ—£️
As in, He will tell you things and people will probably wonder if you practise witchcraft or visit a medium

I don't know who needs to hear this but I'm the midst of Chaos He will give you peace because He is the Prince of peace.

He aligns our path when we contact Him and acknowledge Him all the time. 

You may wonder can He tell me how to cook, πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ He sure can.

Can He teach me.this difficult task, yes He can because He is the alpha and Omega.

Can I encourage you to please befriend the Holy Spirit. Yes you heard me right *"befriend the Holy spirit"* don't keep Him far away. Let Him be your best friend and closest ally. The one you call when you feel lonely in the midst of crowd.

One last thing come here let me shock youπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ yes youπŸ‘†πŸΌ...

He doesn't fail, He has never fail and He will never fail.

So when you know Him you basically align with His attributes and you stop functioning as every ordinary person because divinity is at work inside of you.

Of by any chance you are yet to have the Holy spirit or yet to acknowledge His presence make a conscious effort to do it now.

Ask Him to come into your life, if you're yet to be born again, ask Him to come and rule and reign in you, ask Him to help you and guide you as He reviews you and bring you into His fold and secret place that you want to abide forever.

Stop seeing Him as the strange sensation. She Him as your life Sensei(Teacher in Japanese).

Thank you Holy spirit for who you are to me and will always be to me. Lord for as many in thirst and longing for you visit them and let them have the divine encounter that they are due for with you in Jesus name amen

*Thank you all please feel free to post your encounter or relationship with the Holy spirit..*

Let's encourage each other

Recently I asked someone to help me out on something. For over a week they promised to. On my return it was untouched and I had a deadline for 2pm. It was 9am on the day that I found out.

What I asked for help for takes me 4days roughly to complete.

I went into panic mode initially but then I prayed in tongues asking the Holy spirit for help. To cut the long story short. I finished the whole thing by 11:30am.

The Holy spirit came through even when I thought How can I pull through...
C'mon share your encounter encourage people let them Know He is real

Pls feel free to ask questions if you have any

Testimo from a members about the Holy spirit. 

A member contribution

So true Holy Spirit dwells inside of us, countless times I will be looking for things in the house, search the entire house all to no avail but immediately I invite Holy Spirit in to direct me to the exact location, it’s always like magic how it’s will turn out

I remembered a particular time at work I was calculating and I got -$2000 I was like how, I checked many times, I had to go home, I prayed and asked Holy Spirit to fixed it, in my dream I saw the exact date where the figure was missing come and see how I rushed to work the following day, lo and behold it was the date I saw in my dream, I mistakenly recorded KD instead of dollars.

Lot and lots Holy Spirit has done….

I can’t just do without Holy Spirit, I can’t handle things alone

A member contribution

I recently went for a job interview and somehow, the money I had on me wasn't enough as what I had budgeted for transportation was less than what I met on the way.

When I got halfway to the venue, I contemplated going back as I wasn't sure how I will pull through because I also wasn't with my atm card.

Well, I had the nudge to go ahead regardless and I did.

During the interview, I was praying that God should help me. I first contemplated explaining my situation to the interviewer but it felt weird.

So I stepped out of the venue after the interview and continued praying in my heart.

From no where, a guy stopped and asked me where I was heading to, he gave me a ride to the nearest bus stop and also gave me cash to get me home while I transferred to his account.

I was genuinely surprised, being helped by a complete stranger. It can only be God.

A member contribution

During my PGDE, I represented my group to make a presentation. The lecturer was the type that give a carry over for the slightest mistake. He asked me a question and I was to list 5 point but at after the 3rd point I went blank, immediately I just said "Holy Spirit" , the man said that's okay, everybody clap for her you saved everyone on the group.

A member contribution

Also recently, I was to meet with someone. I was told it would be very difficult to impress the person. I prayed that the Holy Spirit should go before me to speak to the person and also to go with me. In fact what was meant to be in a difficult discussion for me ended up being gisting with him. The man even dash me money on top. Everyone asked me " which kind grace you carry"? I said the Holy Spirit.

A member contribution

To God be the glory since I encountered The holy spirit he has ever been there for me at every time of my needs he has forth great battles for me and has given me victory infant the holy spirit has been so great in my life

A member also ask question

How do we maintain fellowship and remain consistent with the Holy Spirit?

Answered by Sis Leah

Through the word of God. You can't know Him or have consistent relationship with The word of God. The word of God is God. You must also be willing to acknowledge that He is there. You call Him into action in your life always. Even in the littlest things in your life call Him into action and don't be disobedient or blasphemous in anyway towards Him

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