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Thursday, 5 August 2021

celebrate yourself

*Be Inspired Bible Study Meeting August 05 2021*


*Anchor* : Sis Leah

*Text:* For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was being formed in secret, And intricately and skillfully formed [as if embroidered with many colors] in the depths of the earth. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were appointed for me, When as yet there was not one of them [even taking shape]. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You.
Psalms 139:13‭-‬18 AMP


Let's go....

The tithe says *Celebrate Yourself*

What is your understanding of the phrase

Important Appreciation of myself
Don’t minimize yourself
Don't look down on yourself

The word celebrate according to online dictionary means to acknowledge yourself with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.

For you to celebrate yourself you must first acknowledge yourself.

To acknowledge yourself you must have self awareness of who you were, who you are and who you want to be.

They often say that you can't give what you do not have.

You can't enjoying celebrating others if you fail to celebrate yourself.

If your home alter is cold do not expect it to become hot and on fire in the midst of gathering
If you are the type that look down on yourself you will struggle with feeling fulfilled or acco.plished even in little things.

Some years ago when people tell me they like something I was wearing or have I will always find ways to down play the worth I will be like it's not that expensive it's only £****

I thought it was humility but I had a journey of self awareness and appreciation and I learnt to accept compliment and say thank you.

Even if it's for 1penny when people say they like it accept that compliment humility is not downplaying your worth in anyway.

When Jesus asked the disciples who do people say He was and they said they say you are the son of God son of the king of kings He didn't say no I am not that actually I am a carpenter son instead He said flesh and blood hasn't revealed that but the spirit of God.

Now when Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they answered, “Some say John the Baptist; others, Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah, or [just] one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the Son of the living God.” Then Jesus answered him, “Blessed [happy, spiritually secure, favored by God] are you, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood (mortal man) did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 16:13‭-‬17 AMP

That is the scripture reference

The Text we are studying today tell us how we are created.

It says from the innermost part God knit us together.. I will give thanks to Him because I am fearfully and wonderfully made and it further explain how our life journey is written by God
I mean He loves me even with pimples acne, dimples, rash, the burnt skin, the scars, the hour glass body, the fat etc.

He loves us for who we are God will not be like we'll I don't know who created him or her because.
 He knew us before we knew ourselves.

Today's topic is about searching yourself and appreciating yourself.

Celebrate yourself!!!

Do you know those clothes you are keeping for specific occasion will not save you from death of it comes right now.

Some of us have closest of shoes but we will not even want some of the shoes to drop on the floor because we have not worn it to the very important occassion.

Sis and Bro everyday is important.

Many of us will wait until we are able to have audience before we can dance and just be happy!!!

What's wrong with you standing in front of your mirrior and just singing personal eulogy.

Oh babes you looking great you know see how God set your face and made it so perfect.

There is only one of YOU!!

Do you know when you celebrate yourself your soul will be joyful because you aren't waiting to see things happen before you start rejoicing.

Speaking out the perfect word God said concerning you daily increases your self esteem.

Most people who find it hard to celebrate themselves always downplay other people's victory.

If you tell them did you know bro so or sis so got this they will be like and so I am going to have mine to.

There is no sense of wao great I am so happy for them.

They will instead turn it into an enviness tool.

You say someone got visa they will say they won't be the last I will get mine too even to a better country.

You say someone got married they will be like and what should I do.

You say someone graduated top of the class they will be like it doesn't mean they will get better job.

You tell them sso.eone got their citizenship in a foreign land they will say anyway many people have been and will be citizens before them.

Why because their own insecurities has blind folded them to the extent that they can't celebrate others because they do not celebrate themselves.

Let me ask you when was the last time you decided to make a good delicacy for yourself.

When was the last time you just decide to treat yourself to nice spa.

When was the last time you decide to just do thanksgiving even when you can't see what God is doing but you know He is working.

When was the last time you danced like praise ??

God aside when you go to that function and they play song and the only thing that dragged you to the dance floor is the money they are spraying.

When was the last time you decide to just change your underwear?

I will shake and break some tables here....

Some people loathe themselves so much their underwear is crying for deliverance.

I understand if you do not have money to do that but if you have money to treat yourself even to the minute things and you choose to just be sad and tight fiat girl , bro you are not taking that money to heaven.

There is no highest currency here on earth that has any value in heaven.

The currency in heaven is worship.

And if you do not get it right here there is no room for rehearsal once the breath of life cease.

*Celebrate yourself!!*

*Celebrate those little beginning!!*

Celebrate what God has said concerning you even before manifestation!

I heard a story about a woman who waited on the lord for decades she worked on a church. To make any changes she will answer them by saying that is fine but when I have my babies
I will need to take some maternity leave
People got confused many were asking each other is she Pregnant 🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰
But no my girl was just preparing for that which she wanted.

Even her confession was celebrating her. After almost 20years in marriage she was blessed with twins.

Can you see how she called that into manifesting?

Bro what's the problem?
Sis why are you bittered?

You are so consumed with bitterness you have aged 30years more than your age.

That scripture says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Your cerebellum was designed by God.

The nitty gritty of every organ your cochlear in your inner ear!

The pancreas!

Your liver!
Your uterus!
Your ovaries!
Your intestine..!!
God knitted them together nobody was there when He did.

And if that same God is telling you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Why are you allowing what He can control to control you.

You heard someone bought a new house you start saying wao wao wao like siren 🚨 next thing is God whyyyyyy when will you do mine
Bro, Sis stop it now....!!

When you hear about the goodnews of others start celebrating.

Yes celebrate them then celebrate yourself.

But if you do not know how to celebrate yourself it's going to be difficult to celebrate them.

Celebration doesn't necessarily have to involve social gathering or getting a musician to spray money 💰

A friend celebrated 36 or so recently and I was like beautiful. She practically dressed in her own house. Changed dress several times played music. She did her make up and dance like tomorrow aiint coming. I was like amazing I remember her sharing some health scare few days before that with me and I was like God will do it. She took that time to praise God.

What is your own mode or reason to celebrate yourself?
Are you waiting until that visa comes out?
Are you waiting until you win that case?
Are you waiting until that wife or husband comes?
Are you waiting until that marital woes is over?

Are you waiting until you have that child?
Are you waiting for that promotion?

Girl promotion comes not from the east or west but from God almighty.

What are you waiting for to celebrate yourself?

Do you know how much healthy hormones is released into your body when you are happy?

That's an assignment for you to research Or perhaps do a quick Test.

Just squeeze your face for the next 10 to 15mins
Or for 5 mins

Take a picture of yourself

Make sure your face is properly squeezed up like someone they farted in their mouth

Ok now stop squeezing your face

Begin to smile

Take some pictures as you smile

Smile like you have just heard the best news 🗞 

Now bro and sis do a before and after comparison
Which one do you like most?

Are you there answer me😢/😃?
The smiling part
The smile!

Brothers and sisters you cannot live that life that God wants you to if you keep self sabotaging, self loathing, downplaying your worth etc. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Let us pray
Lord thank you for your word that reminds me of my creation. Father forgive me in anyway I have downplayed the worth you have deposited in me
Lord open my eyes to see who you have made me to be. Father remove all hurt or pain that wants to keep me in the frustration corner in life
Lord take off everything that keeps my life in cycle of hurt. Father remove enviness, hatred covetousness and whatever puts me in a position of hating my creation. I decree I will love myself henceforth as the lord Loves me. I decree I will no longer focus on what's not working but what's working in my life
I decree I will embrace the days of little beginning because my latter days is going to be greater than the former. Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name amen. *the floor is opened for questions and contribution please feel free to ask and contribute, you can ask anonymously if needed*
Glory be to God

Please I want to learn send your questions and contributions 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

In the absence of no question or contributions..

*Do you know that your birthday shouldn't just be the only day you celebrate yourself because tomorrow isn't promised*

Blessed evening all thank you soo much for joining ❤️😘❤️❤️ 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 remember Jesus loves you soooooooo muchhhhhhh


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