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Friday, 31 January 2014

Be Inspired End of Month Fasting and Prayer January 2014.

Be Inspired end of month fasting and prayer.  January 31st 2014.

Theme: I believe Lord Help my Unbelief.
Text: Matthew14:30" but when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord save me!" NKJV

Unbelief is something that kicks in when believers go through unpleasant situation. Prior to that occurence in Matt14:30, in Matt14:13-21 Jesus fed multitudes with five loaves and two fishes. Peter and other disciples witnessed that, the situation was pleasant then so their faith was sky high. I assume if anyone had come to them then and cried of lack Peter and the other disciples would have said with boldness come to Jesus He is the bread of life can't you see what He is doing now. Thesame thing happens to believers, our unbelief during unpleasant times doesn't mean we have never believed or we are not a believer it just shows how at times we tell our God how big our problem is instead of telling our problem how big our God is. Peter was intelligent and bold, out of curiosity and to affirm it was Christ He asked Jesus to command him to walk on the water (Matt14:28). He is aware that Jesus has power to decree and it will be established.  I can imagine when the water heard that command it became still on the path Peter was going to walk on. Psalm 19:1-2 ESV"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge."   While Peter was walking the wind was declaring the glory of God there is no creature that would not give glory to His creator. Peter on the other hand and being human looked at the wind at that point fear set in and he started sinking. Fear and faith does not mix is just like pouring oil and water in a pot the oil will float.

You cannot set your eyes on Jesus and at the same time set your eyes on distraction.  It's impossible one has to precede the other infact your focus must not shift. Many are times when we come to a border line in life and we are at the junction of you must go through but the road seems rough and blocked then we start looking at the rough road forgetting the one that has brought us to that place. There is no creature in life that is greater than the creator.  When Peter realised he was sinking, he remembered to call on Jesus "and immediately Jesus stretched out  His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith,  why did you doubt?" (Matt14 : 31). That explains to us that Peter didn't lose his faith but he doubted even when he was already operating in the extraordinary level.  Fear creates doubts and the outcomes can be procastination, discouragement, dead glory, unfulfilment, suicide and unachievement.

Situations arise in our lives that we become clueless. We are lost in our thought, we still have faith, we still pray, we still praise and hope but that little doubt in us if permitted can kill the joy of testimony. The life we live is filled with test at every junction so as you celebrate victory over one situation another test awaits you and also the testimony. The journey between the test and testimony might be unbearable but if you keep your focus on the creator even when you are becoming weary ask Him to help you through. The test will come but you will overcome if your focus is on God. It's unrealistic to say you will never pass through tests in life or you have never passed through one. As long as you have crawled for a while, fell several times while attempting to walk and now you can even run and drive or ride a bike you have passed through the test of developing as human.

To get rid of unbelief always seek God at all times, doubt is a product of the enemy of your soul the moment it cross your mind tell satan to get thee behind you, never compare your self to anyone, don't be distracted by other people their glory is different from yours. Make prayer, praise, acive faith, righteousness and the word of God your daily bread. May God help us as we continue our race in life through all challenges He will empower us and help our unbelief in Jesus name amen.

Song: what manner of man is this 2x the wind and the sea obey Him o, what manner of man is this?
Lord I give you thanks for my life, family, my salvation and for choosing me in Jesus name amen.

Father forgive me in all areas I have set myself backward due to doubt, discouragement, distraction and Unbelief in Jesus name amen.

Lord I cry out to you help me and deliver me from sinking as a result of fear or human nature in Jesus name amen.

Lord give me grace to put on the breast plate of righteousness so that I will not keep falling into sins that stops me from attaining the height of a child of God in Jesus name amen.

Lord as I step into the new month I take off the garments of doubts, shame, unfruitfulness, unachievement that has covered my glory in Jesus name amen.

Every wind of distraction blowing against my life, family, friends, studies, marriage, health,  church, ministry and nation I decree calmness over you  in Jesus name amen.

Lord henceforth give me grace to focus on you and dwell in your word all the days of my life in Jesus name amen.

Lord I have started this year I will finish strong and well if you tarry in Jesus name amen.

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name amen.

Praise the Lord Hallelujah! !!!
Congratulations. .

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