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Friday, 2 November 2012

Why I Praise God.

Why I praise God and why I sing Praise to God only!!!!!!!!!

Praising God to some of us is only or should only be within the church environment.

Praising God to some should only be during prayer.

Praising God means a lot and divers things to us all.

To me praising God is a lifestyle,a way of life and a must.

I praise God when I am with and when I am without.

I praise God in my pain and in gain.

I praise God when I can visualise His wonders in and around me and when I cannot.

I praise God when I am in expectant of things and when I am not.

I praise God whenever I see a new dawn.

I praise God because it's in praise I find peace.

I praise God not because of the benefits in it only.

I praise God when I see things that amaze me.

I praise God when I am down and my spirit becomes lifted.

I praise God in my mind when I am speechless.

I praise God in my disappointment and appointment.

I praise God not only because He deserves it.

I praise God because my Happiness and comfort is in praising Him.

I praise God because He alone is God.

If I do not praise God whom will I praise????

I praise God in my distress and deliverance.

I praise God when i look into the mirror and I see myself(an image of my Maker God)

I praise God for not Just making me a woman but a vessel to honour. I am a fruitful vine. A woman of God's Heart. A mother to Nations like.
A productive Help to the Bone of My Bone.

I sing praise because I cannot, do not and would not stop praising God.

I will continue to praise my Maker as long as I have the breath of life....

I praise God because I am His and He is mine...

I sing His praise Because I am a Chosen Vessel.

What about you?
Why do you praise God?
Do you engage in praising God? When would you start praising God?

Don't wait till you see a miracle or become ridiculed before praising God...

Praise God now, always and in advance.      

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