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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Secrets and its effects.

Secret according to the online dictionary, is  something hidden from the knowledge of others.

Secrets are kept at times because of fear of what its knowledge will do to others or the bearer.

Some secrets can be kept as long as its for a good cause such as keeping a secret of a surprise birthday. The purpose of such secret is to indeed make the  surprise worth a suprise.

Some secrets are not worth keeping because they can be an instrument of destruction.

Luke8:17"for nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light".(E.S.V)

No matter how long a secret is kept one day it will be revealed.

Ecclesiastes12:14"For God will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret things, whether good or evil".(E.S.V)

So either a secret has a positive or negative effect it will be judged. 

Psalms44:21"would not God discover this? For He knows the secrets of the heart".(E.S.V)

God can see the depth of every single person on earth without mixing the content because He is awesome. You will be surprised how someone you do not know can reveal your secret to you.

In Daniel2:19" that night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of Heaven".(N.L.T)

The king kept the dream to.himself and called for all wise men asking them to tell him his dream and the meaning. It was the king's secret but God revealed it to Daniel who told the king his dream and the meaning.

This explains to that God can reveal someone's hidden secret to another person, therefore there is nothing hidden before God and that includes your secrets.

Genesis12:13"say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for.your sake and my life will be spared because of you".(N.L.T)

Genesis26:7"when the men who lived there asked Isaac about his wife, Rebwkah, he said, she is my sister. He was afraid to say she is my wife he thought they will kill me to get her because she is ao beautiful".(N.L.T.)

Abraham lied and Isaac did as well. They thought they could keep it as secret but God revealed to those they were lying to. Sometime we keep secret or perhaps lie to get out of immediate trouble. This can end up haunting us for long if it is not revealed.

This days we have married couples lieing to each other. This lies can be very expensive. They say its my secret. Why are you one if you have to keep somethings as secrets from each other. If you love him/her you will open up.

Some singles even keep secrets from their supposed husband and wife to be. If left for later it can or will ruin the whole relationship.

When it comes to children you do.not need to sit a child down to teach him/her how to lie or keep secret. Some of this young one get it from their parents while some just form that habit.

Many homes are so smooth now.because the secrets are hidden aways and when it is revealed or licked the smooth home will become crooked. Some people say what will be will be yes very true but do not add petrol into the burning house by keeping unnecessary things.

The longer you keep bad secrets the more advantage it gets to cause damages. Even some good secrets from your perspective can be dangerous. You think you are doing it for some very important reason.

Such as a woman that sleeps round to give her home children because the husband has low sperm count for instance.  Another is a man that has a child outside marriage and keeps it away from the wife in the name of I want to save my marriage.

I watched a documentary about a young lady that kept secret from her new lover and led him knowingly to.her former lover. Who ended up killing this new lover. What a wasted life, talent and generation wasted because of a bad secret. May we and ours not fall victim of such in Jesus name. Amen

Secret can be good when of good cause I repeat, you can secretly acquire something on good source for someone important in your life. It is fine.

The bottom line is let us beware of what we term as secret. Do not mistake lies to secret. They are different.

Another thing about secrets kept with individual either a friend confided in you. Breaching such act devalues the level of trust the person has for you. Whatever secret you can not keep tell the person fron onset and you will be free.

Do not wait for someone to.pour their heartfelt secret to you amd yoi vow to keep it only to pick the megaphone in your mouth and start broadcasting.

Luke 12:3"Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops".(E.S.V)

When you tell others secret to other people gradually rumours will build up. What was meant a happy relationship will become bitter and sour all because you could not keep your mouth from talking.

Whatever thing or way we understand it secrets can be either good or bad. Let the good one change life and run away from bad ones.

Have you been let down because secrets have been disclosed, have your secrets nearly or ruined your relationship, are you keeping secret from your loved ones.

Its good to ask God for direction over the way out.
You will be glad you did in Jesus name.

I pray that any secret that will ruin you or yours will be exposed in Jesus name amen.

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