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Saturday, 3 November 2012

Entrance and Exit.

At some point, you must have come
across this two words in life.

We know they are things that we do daily, we enter a place and we leave another.

They can both be good or bad. Relating it to Birth and Death, Birth is entrance and Death is the Exit.

As human, we get so tangled up in Life that some do not even think about their Exit out of Life. I was Chatting with a small boy and he said "Do you know kittens are scared of the train track?" I said why.
He said" because If the train should go on the kitten, it wont be alive again". I said yeah it will be dead.

For some reasons He did not want to say the word dead/die.  I had to explain somethings to him about people exiting this world and where they go. Some are so scared when they hear Death/ terminal illness.

I do not pray for such in Jesus name but we need to acknowledge the fact that its something that is inevitable and when the time comes one needs to exit this world.

The 11th month of every year brings memory of My Biological Father to me. Even though He lives in our heart, ever since he exited this world. I just keep thinking what If and how I wish. Come to think of it God knew, knows and will keep knowing what is best.

To those who has lost someone; Dad,Mum, Brother,Sister,Husband,Wife,Friends and colleague. That was their time. In as much as its painful to admit that they are gone, they have done their part in this world and you and I are meant to do our part before God decide its time to leave.

What are you doing to fulfill that which God has created you for.

The Bible says"For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life"(John3:16).

There are two places an exited soul is either qualified or not qualified to spend eternity.
Heaven or Hell.
Everlasting life & joy or perishing.

The Bible says" what good is it for a man who gains the whole world but forfeit his soul".(Mark8:36).

The Bible says"it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God"(Mark10:25).

Will your exit in this world gain an entrance into the Kingdom of God, when do you start to check what will or will not get you to the kingdom of God and get rid of it/them?.

I pray that the Lord will teach and grant us the grace to live our life for Him. The pain of our sins has been taken on calvary. It does not worth it to exit and go into suffering for what Christ has paid for.

Have you ever thought of what next after this place?

If you have not or do not. Start doing so now.
Yorubas say "ki iku ka ishe ire mowa lowo" death should meet us doing good works.
You better start doing what will get you to Heaven. Your Salvation.

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