Sharing Inspirational Thoughts Inspirational stories,Songs,Poems,Prayers, Bible Studies and Motivational word.. It's All About Jesus
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Friday, 30 November 2012
It's God who Qualifies you.
You see yourself as a NOBODY who is not qualified to be used by God.
What you forget is that God calls the NOBODY and turns them to SOMEBODY who EVERYBODY wants to know or even be in their BODY.
GOD qualifies those He calls He does not call the QUALIFIED..
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Move on
Back in the days we sing now the day is over at the end of each school day...
When someone walks out of your life do not kill yourself. It might be the end of their time in the chapter of your life.
When a friend leaves don't spread bad news or evil rumours because of that.
Move on, the fact that Demas(2Timothy4:10) left Apostle paul that didn't stop Apostle Paul from evangelising the Good News.
Move on and Do the Will of God.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Your Purpose.
If you neglect your purpose and potentials because of opposition in life, you might end up wasting your potentials or burying your purpose in life.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Broken Pieces can become whole..
Jeremiah32:27" I am the Lord of all the people, is anything too hard for me?"
When you go through phases of
disappointment, disgrace and let down at times it's easy to blame God for it but its not wise to do so.
When you cannot find anyone to blame you blame God. Some seek comfort in things that can ruin them.
An example is drinking alcohol to ease the pain, taking drug graduating from a class of drug to a higher one.
Some use the body needs to dissatisfy their soul. Some find comfort in sexual intercourse, moving from one partner to another seeking comfort where it can't be found.
All these gradually leads to addiction which can take a very long time to come out of it.
God uses some situations in life to bring the best out of you. So when you go through those sitiations instead of running away from God its adviseable to run to God.
He is the only one who understand your pain. For example you had a miscarried and you are so much in need of the fruit of the womb. You blame yourself and God at times. That doesn't necessarily mean you should run away from God. You run to God for total deliverance and the most present, best help you can ever get.
You wonder if God will come down to your resque, God will send divine help. Divine help will come in form of human to you. It could be your family, friend, neighbour infact it could come from someone you do not know.
The fact that your medical records states no remedy does not imply that you should give up. Help rendered to you is useful when you believe in it. God can use another person to help put back the broken pieces. You can be better than you were.
Allowing the help around to favour you is your CHOICE.
So today don't refuse the Help given to you. Help from God will not cause you to sin. So if your boss offers you a pay rise and promotion on the basis that you sleep with Him. Please do not conform to the things of this world by agreeing to sleep with your boss, that isn't Help From Divine Source.
This message is for you;
You have lost it all and you are clueless of the way forward, God can put the broken pieces back. Job suffered great loss but for every loss God blessed Him double.
To you who think age aren't on your side because you are not married or you are married and the fruit of the womb is not coming. God is at work YES. He will fix the broken pieces back. There is hope in God.
Whatever it is that you feel broken in God is Able to fix it back.
Matthew19:26"and looking upon them, Jesus said to them, with men this is impossible,but with God all things are possible".
Say This Out with boldness and Faith ;
Its your Choice
God will always speak and His voice will be heard. Whether you listen or heed to His word and voice is your Choice...
Floodgates of Heaven
When God opens the floodgates of Heaven upon your life, unconnected sources becomes connected, unsuccessful becomes successful, Shame will erase and glorious fame will replace it.
You will be less concerned about the help of man or desire for mundane thing but more focused on Heavenly things and God's divine help.
To Achieve such you must Obey God in everything and Have Faith in God.
Oh Lord I pray this day for obedient and Faithfull Heart in Jesus name amen.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Even at your Best.
You will be doubted and tried even at your best.
Enviness, Jealousy, False accussation will rise against you.
In it all never lose your calling or purpose.
Do not use your purpose or calling to please man but God.
Never use your purpose and calling to manipulate others as well do it to the proportion with which God has assigned you.
Not everyone will agree with you, Not everyone will criticize you either.
Proverbs27:21-22" fire tests gold and silver; a person's reputation can also be tested. Even if you beat a fool until he's half dead, you still can't beat his foolishness out of him".(Good News Bible Today's Ebglish Version).
All you have to do is always obey your creator.
Friday, 23 November 2012
You can not be focused on God's provision of your priority is fixed on the pressures of life.
Set your priorities on things above...
Thursday, 22 November 2012
I am a blessed Child.
My prayer always and the cry of my heart to God is, not to just be a receiver of Blessing but to also be a blessing to as many that I come across in Life.
It is good to be blessed and it is greated and more blessed to be a blessing..
I am a blessed Child I believe..
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Before You Rush.
Before you rush in to speak to God tendering your list of problems, wants, needs and so on.
Take a moment to appreciate God for everything.
Also before you rush out into your daily activity.
Take a moment to communicate with your Heavenly Father.
Don't rush out into the day and wait till a problem arise before you praise God or thank Him.
Do not rush into God's presence with your issues without thanking the one who created you.
Apata Igbala mi(My Rock of Salvation) I say thank you.
your worth
When you rely on the praise of people before you appreciate who you are, you might loose your worth..
Appreciate whom God has made you to be..
Human being can lie and deceive but God will not deceive you or lie to you.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Secrets and its effects.
Secret according to the online dictionary, is something hidden from the knowledge of others.
Secrets are kept at times because of fear of what its knowledge will do to others or the bearer.
Some secrets can be kept as long as its for a good cause such as keeping a secret of a surprise birthday. The purpose of such secret is to indeed make the surprise worth a suprise.
Some secrets are not worth keeping because they can be an instrument of destruction.
Luke8:17"for nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light".(E.S.V)
No matter how long a secret is kept one day it will be revealed.
Ecclesiastes12:14"For God will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret things, whether good or evil".(E.S.V)
So either a secret has a positive or negative effect it will be judged.
Psalms44:21"would not God discover this? For He knows the secrets of the heart".(E.S.V)
God can see the depth of every single person on earth without mixing the content because He is awesome. You will be surprised how someone you do not know can reveal your secret to you.
In Daniel2:19" that night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of Heaven".(N.L.T)
The king kept the dream to.himself and called for all wise men asking them to tell him his dream and the meaning. It was the king's secret but God revealed it to Daniel who told the king his dream and the meaning.
This explains to that God can reveal someone's hidden secret to another person, therefore there is nothing hidden before God and that includes your secrets.
Genesis12:13"say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for.your sake and my life will be spared because of you".(N.L.T)
Genesis26:7"when the men who lived there asked Isaac about his wife, Rebwkah, he said, she is my sister. He was afraid to say she is my wife he thought they will kill me to get her because she is ao beautiful".(N.L.T.)
Abraham lied and Isaac did as well. They thought they could keep it as secret but God revealed to those they were lying to. Sometime we keep secret or perhaps lie to get out of immediate trouble. This can end up haunting us for long if it is not revealed.
This days we have married couples lieing to each other. This lies can be very expensive. They say its my secret. Why are you one if you have to keep somethings as secrets from each other. If you love him/her you will open up.
Some singles even keep secrets from their supposed husband and wife to be. If left for later it can or will ruin the whole relationship.
When it comes to children you do.not need to sit a child down to teach him/her how to lie or keep secret. Some of this young one get it from their parents while some just form that habit.
Many homes are so smooth now.because the secrets are hidden aways and when it is revealed or licked the smooth home will become crooked. Some people say what will be will be yes very true but do not add petrol into the burning house by keeping unnecessary things.
The longer you keep bad secrets the more advantage it gets to cause damages. Even some good secrets from your perspective can be dangerous. You think you are doing it for some very important reason.
Such as a woman that sleeps round to give her home children because the husband has low sperm count for instance. Another is a man that has a child outside marriage and keeps it away from the wife in the name of I want to save my marriage.
I watched a documentary about a young lady that kept secret from her new lover and led him knowingly to.her former lover. Who ended up killing this new lover. What a wasted life, talent and generation wasted because of a bad secret. May we and ours not fall victim of such in Jesus name. Amen
Secret can be good when of good cause I repeat, you can secretly acquire something on good source for someone important in your life. It is fine.
The bottom line is let us beware of what we term as secret. Do not mistake lies to secret. They are different.
Another thing about secrets kept with individual either a friend confided in you. Breaching such act devalues the level of trust the person has for you. Whatever secret you can not keep tell the person fron onset and you will be free.
Do not wait for someone to.pour their heartfelt secret to you amd yoi vow to keep it only to pick the megaphone in your mouth and start broadcasting.
Luke 12:3"Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops".(E.S.V)
When you tell others secret to other people gradually rumours will build up. What was meant a happy relationship will become bitter and sour all because you could not keep your mouth from talking.
Whatever thing or way we understand it secrets can be either good or bad. Let the good one change life and run away from bad ones.
Have you been let down because secrets have been disclosed, have your secrets nearly or ruined your relationship, are you keeping secret from your loved ones.
Its good to ask God for direction over the way out.
You will be glad you did in Jesus name.
I pray that any secret that will ruin you or yours will be exposed in Jesus name amen.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Health is Wealth..
Good Health is something God gives.
Some says money can buy everything.
I say money only buy somethings God willing.
If you are in good state of mind and Health and you think its because of Money you are mistaking.
Your money can support the good health but only God permits good Health.
Health is Wealth, Wealth is not Health.
Thank God for good Health.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Andrae Crouch - Let the Church Say Amen Lyrics feat. Pastor Marvin Winans
Thursday, 15 November 2012
When you know God.
When you know the God you serve so well, nothing,anyone can't stop you from obeying Him.
To doubt Him will be hard.
Have Faith.
In all we expect from God, we must have faith in God to fulfill it in an extraordinary way. A way that no man can do or understands but God.
Faith is important in the manifestation of our expectation..
Have Faith in God..
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
You can do it.
The only way you can heal the pain of a hurt that you have been nursing caused by unforgiveness is to forgive the person who initiated the hurt.
Hurting is a way people deal with forgiveness, hurt leads to hatred but forgiveness clean it all.
Matthew6:14-15" if you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your father in Heaven will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your father will not forgive the wrongs you have done".
Are you so hurt and bittered? Forgive the person now.
You can do it.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Something Unique in you.
"As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. Follow me, He told him and Matthew got up and followed Him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees, saw this, they asked His disciples why does teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?
On hearing this, Jesus said It is not the healthy who needs a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners".(Matthew9:9-13)
It gladdens one's heart when you are appreciated.
It brings joy to one's soul when what was thought to be a useless thing becomes a useful thing and blessings to yourself and to others.
In every creation there is something God has planted in them that is unique and need nuturing for it to grow and bless others.
This message is for you that has been belittled because you were classified to be of no worth.
There is something unique in that thing people saw in you and classified worthless.
In life we pass through stages of rejection from those that ought or we thought should understand and accept us most.
Matthew(Levi) was a tax collector classified as sinner but our Lord Jesus saw something unique in Him and asked Him to follow Him as a disciple.
He left the tax collection job to pursue what was in him and became a disciple. He could have said no but he was willing to follow Christ.
To succeed in unique gift there must be willingness to follow a new pathway.
Imagine how happy Matthew(Levi) must have felt, a classified sinner following the master(Jesus). That was a taboo to those who thought a sinner should not be saved but Christ did not come for those that are healed but the ones that are sick.
Sometimes we face rejection at work,home,among friends,family even people who do not know us all because something in you is so unique in us.
Some years ago someone said to me "well if you leave next time you come you will be a visitor". Indeed the words came to pass but in a dignified manner with total Honour. I went there as a V.I.P. On invitation. Yes I was a visitor invited will plea from the one who thought I will come back begging. Mind you I left on a good cause.
There is something in your life that is unique and when the hypocrites and enemies of progress see it they can not stand your presence.
Never allow rejection in your past or present life to stop you from progressing into the future God has for you.
UK is a country disliked by some people but it is the only Country whose currency is mostly of high value it hardly drops in value. This same country's currency has both first and last name Pounds Sterling. So no matter how hated or disliked you are in life you will still have places where you are valued high.
Your uniqueness in Life should not be tolerated but celebrated. Irrespective of the amount of haters of destiny your purpose of existence can be celebrated if only you know it.
"Through Him and for His name's sake we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ".(Romans1:5-6)
You cannot understand the purpose of your Uniqueness if you do not know or have a relationship with God who made you that way. It is by grace through Christ Jesus that you can and will fulfill destiny.
Have you thought about that excellent skills in you that seem so unique that you do not know which way to use it?
Speak to God about it, ask Him to show you where to use it and lead you to those that will be blessed by it.
Some are blessed with counselling skills and so on but are afraid to use it because of rejection. You cannot progress in that area if you are still running into hiding.
"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it is hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light".(Luke11:33).
Your uniqueness can not survive where rejections is all it gets. You need to be received/ welcomed to be celebrated.
May the Lord teach you how, where and when to utilize the Unique gift in you in Jesus name amen.
If you are yet to identify that Unique seed in you ask the Lord in prayer to reveal it to you and He will.
If you do not have a relationship with the Lord start building one, He is not far from you but you are far from Him if you walk against His will and wish even though He is the closest to you.
Ask the Lord to come into your life now in Jesus name. Amen
Monday, 5 November 2012
New birth in New dawn.
Every new dawn is loaded with something to deliver to each and every individual.
Be you Old or young.
God knows what parkage each day will bring forth for you.
I pray this day will birth goodnews for you and I in Jesus name. Amen
Psalm30:1"I will exalt you Lord for you have lifted me out of the depth and you did not allow my enemies to gloat over me".
Praise the Lord for the new birth of new things in my life and yours in Jesus name. Amen
Welcome my new delivery of great news..
Saturday, 3 November 2012
God has written something New..
Never write yourself off even when people,family,friends and community has written you off...
When the world write you off, be rest assured that God will and has open a new Chapter to write something great about His plans for your life.
It will manifest if you stand firm in God..
Yes it will... LPJ
Entrance and Exit.
At some point, you must have come
across this two words in life.
We know they are things that we do daily, we enter a place and we leave another.
They can both be good or bad. Relating it to Birth and Death, Birth is entrance and Death is the Exit.
As human, we get so tangled up in Life that some do not even think about their Exit out of Life. I was Chatting with a small boy and he said "Do you know kittens are scared of the train track?" I said why.
He said" because If the train should go on the kitten, it wont be alive again". I said yeah it will be dead.
For some reasons He did not want to say the word dead/die. I had to explain somethings to him about people exiting this world and where they go. Some are so scared when they hear Death/ terminal illness.
I do not pray for such in Jesus name but we need to acknowledge the fact that its something that is inevitable and when the time comes one needs to exit this world.
The 11th month of every year brings memory of My Biological Father to me. Even though He lives in our heart, ever since he exited this world. I just keep thinking what If and how I wish. Come to think of it God knew, knows and will keep knowing what is best.
To those who has lost someone; Dad,Mum, Brother,Sister,Husband,Wife,Friends and colleague. That was their time. In as much as its painful to admit that they are gone, they have done their part in this world and you and I are meant to do our part before God decide its time to leave.
What are you doing to fulfill that which God has created you for.
The Bible says"For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life"(John3:16).
There are two places an exited soul is either qualified or not qualified to spend eternity.
Heaven or Hell.
Everlasting life & joy or perishing.
The Bible says" what good is it for a man who gains the whole world but forfeit his soul".(Mark8:36).
The Bible says"it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God"(Mark10:25).
Will your exit in this world gain an entrance into the Kingdom of God, when do you start to check what will or will not get you to the kingdom of God and get rid of it/them?.
I pray that the Lord will teach and grant us the grace to live our life for Him. The pain of our sins has been taken on calvary. It does not worth it to exit and go into suffering for what Christ has paid for.
Have you ever thought of what next after this place?
If you have not or do not. Start doing so now.
Yorubas say "ki iku ka ishe ire mowa lowo" death should meet us doing good works.
You better start doing what will get you to Heaven. Your Salvation.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Why I Praise God.
Why I praise God and why I sing Praise to God only!!!!!!!!!
Praising God to some of us is only or should only be within the church environment.
Praising God to some should only be during prayer.
Praising God means a lot and divers things to us all.
To me praising God is a lifestyle,a way of life and a must.
I praise God when I am with and when I am without.
I praise God in my pain and in gain.
I praise God when I can visualise His wonders in and around me and when I cannot.
I praise God when I am in expectant of things and when I am not.
I praise God whenever I see a new dawn.
I praise God because it's in praise I find peace.
I praise God not because of the benefits in it only.
I praise God when I see things that amaze me.
I praise God when I am down and my spirit becomes lifted.
I praise God in my mind when I am speechless.
I praise God in my disappointment and appointment.
I praise God not only because He deserves it.
I praise God because my Happiness and comfort is in praising Him.
I praise God because He alone is God.
If I do not praise God whom will I praise????
I praise God in my distress and deliverance.
I praise God when i look into the mirror and I see myself(an image of my Maker God)
I praise God for not Just making me a woman but a vessel to honour. I am a fruitful vine. A woman of God's Heart. A mother to Nations like.
A productive Help to the Bone of My Bone.
I sing praise because I cannot, do not and would not stop praising God.
I will continue to praise my Maker as long as I have the breath of life....
I praise God because I am His and He is mine...
I sing His praise Because I am a Chosen Vessel.
What about you?
Why do you praise God?
Do you engage in praising God? When would you start praising God?
Don't wait till you see a miracle or become ridiculed before praising God...
Praise God now, always and in advance.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
New Month Thanks...
I sing praises to your name oh Lord
Praises to your name oh Lord.
For your name is great and greatly to be praised.
Thank you Ancient of Days for the grace of Life.
Thank you for the new dawn and month.
Thank you for my Household and friends.
Thank you for everything.
Thank you because you are God.
Welcome my month of Open Doors..
So glad I made it not by might but by Grace..
Prayer from Acts 27:22-23
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