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Saturday, 5 March 2022

Prayer from Jeremiah 31:25

Hymn by Stuart Townsend

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

For I [fully] satisfy the weary soul, and I replenish every languishing and sorrowful person.”
Jeremiah 31:25 AMP


Heavenly father I worship you and give you all the praise due to you alone

Eternal rock of ages thank you for this awesome day and grace of life

Abba thank you for your mercy that prevails over judgement 

Lord thank you for the salvation of my soul and grace to abide in you and do your will

Father fill me with more of you in every aspect of my life

Abba let the zeal and thirst to serve you diligently increase inside of me

Father terminate whatever may be working against my salvation in life

Heavenly father arise over nations of the earth and fill the nations with your truth and love

Lord uproot every root of unfaithfulness that gradually births unrighteousness in my life

I decree I live a purposeful life, I will never be disappointed in Jesus name

I decree my destiny will never be truncated by known or unknown force

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayers all impacted by it and our household the truth of God is working in and through our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of in Christ Jesus by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. My hope is in the lord all the time. My faith rise daily as I trust in His will and purpose. The grace of God speaks over all disgrace in my life. God has remove all sorrow far from me and given me unspeakable joy. The power of God is working in and through me, the lord has made a way for me. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired by His  Word © 5th March 2022

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