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Thursday, 10 March 2022

He's coming back again are you prepared

*Be Inspired Prayer Meeting March 10th 2022*

*Anchor: Sis Leah*

*Topic: He is coming back again, are you Prepared?*

*TEXT: * *Rev 6:15*

(“Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is he who stays awake and who keeps his clothes [that is, stays spiritually ready for the Lord’s return], so that he will not be naked—spiritually unprepared—and men will not see his shame.”)
Revelation 16:15 AMP

The topic of our Bible study this evening is something we are familiar with 

As a believer you must be aware and believe in the second coming of our lord Jesus Christ.

Many might believe it's a myth but the truth is that, it will happen, it's recorded in the word of God and we must be prepared for it.

The first scripture in Revelations 16:15, talks about how His coming will be like a thief in the night.

But the word also highlights that blessed are those who stay awake and who keeps His clothes that is stay in spiritual sync with Him ready for the lord's return so that such a person will not be naked spiritually or unprepared and not see shame

Can I ask us a question...

*How can you stay spiritually clothed?*

 - Striving to always walk upright and in the precepts of Christ

- By making the word of God our first and final authority. Not being just hearers but doers of the Word.

It is important for us to know that you cannot be spiritually equipped or prepared for the second coming of Christ without His word.
His word is what guides us and leads us in His path and not into destruction.

The events happening around the world for some years now are fulfillment of the things that will happen before Jesus comes back.

When we actually think it's getting better or getting less another thing erupt out of no where.

It's not that easy to get by each day especially if you listen to the news without thinking where are we heading to now. What is coming next and to whom is it coming to.

The second Bible passage for our Bible studies is from Luke 17:33-36 and it explained to us that whomever seeks to save his life *will eventually lose it through death* and whoever loses his life *in this world* will keep it from the consequences of sin and *separation from God* the word of God went on further to say that on that night *when the Messiah comes again* there will be two *sleeping* in one bed the one *non-believer* will be taken away in judgement and the other *the believer* will be left. There will be two women grinding same thing will happen.

This here looks or sounds scary, seeing that the one that may rapture was the one classified as unbeliever.

But the truth is as a believer if care is not taken you can get so familiar with the word that you stop being a doer of it.

This is a great tactic of the enemy of our soul. Some believers are so carried away with activities that they neglect the main thing *their relationship with God.* Obeying Him, pleasing Him and living according to His purpose.

At times we may even think that we have everything sorted but little things that Christ frown towards are things that we capitalize on in our lives.
It's good that God wants us to be successful, prosperous, be happy etc but He cherish a vital relationship with us.

You know before Adam and Eve were cut off from the garden of Eden they had daily conversation with God in that garden until the enemy came to deceive them, then they saw themselves as naked, so thinking of it now, prior to that they were spiritually clothed but after violating the rules they became spiritually naked and were looking for physical things to cover their nakedness from the one who placed them in the garden.

The word of God says what the mission of Satan is in John 10:10 to steal, kill and destroy.
Enemy of our soul does not thrive where there is peace or joy, He enjoy chaos, destruction, disaster etc and unfortunately those who do not make heaven will encounter that throughout eternity.

My prayer is that we will not miss heaven in Jesus name 

But in order not to miss heaven you and I must be prepared and stay prepared till we see Christ in glory.

Whatever will cost you and I our place in eternal bliss in heaven the street of gold where all that happens is worshipping God no sorrow no pain no sickness, I pray we will not be invested in what will cost us this eternal joy in Jesus name.

Then the sixth angel sounded [his trumpet], and I heard a solitary voice from the four horns of the golden altar which stands before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” So the four angels, who had been prepared for the [appointed] hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of the troops of cavalry was twice ten thousand times ten thousand (two hundred million); I heard the number of them. And this is how I saw the horses and their riders in my vision: the riders had breastplates [the color] of fire and of hyacinth (sapphire blue) and of brimstone (yellow); and the heads of the horses looked like the heads of lions; and from out of their mouths came fire and smoke and brimstone (burning sulfur). A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues—by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone that came from the mouths of the horses. For the power of the horses [to do harm] is in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents and have heads, and it is with them that they do harm. The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent even then of the works of their hands, so as to cease worshiping and paying homage to the demons and the idols of gold and of silver and of bronze and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries (drugs, intoxications) nor of their [sexual] immorality nor of their thefts.
*Revelation 9:13‭-‬21 AMP*

From the above passage we can see what will happen when the sixth angel blows his trumpet releasing four angels who killed mankind.. and those who do not repent will eventually be destroyed.

Considering what is happening now, it is scary enough watching from afar now thinking when this plague comes upon the entire world upon those who refuse to accept Christ what will be their lot?

Watching how those who in January had shelter, had jobs become homeless and in no time some are refugees and many are dead, money in the account had no value just like that.

So the earthly treasures indeed can become rubbles in the twinkling of an eye but the heavenly treasures stays forever.

No wonder the word of God says where a man's treasure is, is where their heart is.

*My question is where is your treasure*

In fact let me ask myself where is or are my treasures

What level of preparation have you made

What level of preparation have I made.

You know the level of preparedness can't be measured by the time you spend in church if the time you spend with God is of no account in heaven.

Is it written down that I am sold out for Christ or am I just wearing the costume of Christienese.

Do I just talk in the Christian language and yet live in the worldly way?

Do I embrace what is in vogue in the world and forget what is eternally bound.

What exactly am I doing to prepare for His coming?

My pastor, your pastor, my reverend, your reverend, your HOD, my HOd, your coordinator will not prepare for His coming for you.

They might show you or lead you in the direction but this heavenly race is personal.

It's something you have to do and decide to do on your own and by yourself.

But the truth is you must not be selfish about it, you must be ready to take as many people as possible along.

We must be prepared and occupy till He comes
This can't be done by eye service or word of mouth alone, this is by making conscious effort, allowing the Holy spirit, constant and daily walk with God, be ready to forgive even before people upset you, be ready to live for Him even when it may look like you are not in tune with what is reigning in this world.

At the end it will be you and Him, your account glaring in front of you and your maker, my account glaring in front of me and my maker.

No one will take that place for you, Jesus is our advocate whilst we are here but we must still stand before Him and reign with Him when we leave this part of our existence.

Believers do not die, we transition, but before you transition to a place you ought to be, prepare while here on earth.

Remember Lazarus by the gate of the rich man and the rich man, one was rich on this part of existence but when they both transitioned the placed changed, Lazarus was in a better place while the rich man was not.

This doesn't mean being rich is evil but it's the love of it. God is our source and He wants us to prosper but not at the expense of losing our soul or our place in heaven.

So this day let's check ourselves, are we truly ready for His coming, are we looking forward to meeting Him, are we gathering souls to come with us.

You do not need to be a pastor and ordained reverend to win souls, it is the duty of all believers we are all called into the office of evangelism
And we can do this through the way we live our lives.

Let your light so shine before men so they can see your father in heaven through you, they can come to the knowledge of Him through you.

Some of us will be the only Bible an unbeliever might get the chance to read before meeting God.

Make sure that they are reading John 3:16 in your way of life, they can see the love of Christ, why He died and why He loves them and why they need to give their lives to Him.

*Let us pray*

- Say father I thank you for your word that you sent to me this day

- Lord Jesus I have come to you in total repentance forgive me of all my short comings

- Father I repent of everything and anything that will cost me my place in heaven in Jesus name

- Say father through me let souls be saved, let my life be the haven for soul winning

- As my life saves others lord never let me lose my stand in you, keep me standing till I see you in glory let me make heaven in Jesus name.

- Pray for souls around the world that are yet to know Christ that they will have an encounter with Him, those on sick bed, war torn countries, in offices of authority, in prison, wherever they may be now that they will have personal encounter with Jesus.

- Pray for your family members that are yet to be saved that they will have an encounter with Jesus no matter how far gone they are from salvation today there will be a turn around in Jesus name.

- And perhaps you are here and not sure just say Jesus come and take preeminence over my life take control of my soul I want to live for you, let me have victory over sin and nature of death and help me to live for you in Jesus mighty name

- Father thank you for this awesome time to share your word and be blessed through the word, lord help us to live for you, help us never to lose our stand in you. Take control over our souls and body in Jesus name amen

Thank you all for joining

Please remember Jesus is coming back.


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