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Saturday, 1 March 2025

Lesson from Joshua 1 to 2

Joshua 1

This chapter starts with the fact that Moses, Joshua's predecessor, had passed away. God then speaks to Joshua and appoints him as the new leader. We already know that Joshua had been prepared for this role before Moses' death—he had shown he was capable of stepping up. God reassures Joshua, reminding him that every place his feet touch has been given to him, just like He told Moses. To me, this is a reassurance that the same God who was with Moses—leading them out of Egypt—is still with them and will continue to lead through Joshua.

God also lays out the geographical boundaries of the land that’s been promised to them, and He tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. What I take from this is that before God places someone in a position of leadership, He prepares them. Joshua went through his own preparation process while serving under Moses. Also, when you reach a new level of leadership, it’s vital to have confidence and not give in to fear. If you’re not ready for the task, God won’t put you in that role. You might not look outwardly qualified, but God qualifies those He calls.

Verse 8 offers a key instruction about the book of the law, saying it should not depart from their mouths. There are a few parts to this. For something to not depart from your mouth, you need to understand it deeply, you need to be on it every day, and you need to speak it daily. The verse also says to meditate on it day and night, meaning you should constantly dwell in God’s instructions through His word. By doing this, the verse promises that you will have success and be prosperous. Some might argue that there are people who are successful without studying the Bible. That’s true, but there’s a difference between worldly success and godly success. A deeper evaluation shows that not all success brings fulfillment. But godly success leads to the fulfillment of purpose.

As a leader, Joshua had to lead by example. Without these instructions, his leadership could have faced a major setback. God encourages Joshua again to be strong and courageous.

God then reminds Joshua of the instructions He gave to Moses, including what should be done for each tribe, their wives, and their children. The chapter ends with the reminder to heed God’s word and commandments. Those who don’t will face consequences.

Joshua 2

This chapter begins with Joshua stepping into his leadership role by sending spies to check out Jericho. They followed the plan and ended up meeting Rahab, a woman working as a prostitute. It’s pretty amazing that Rahab’s career choice led to her salvation—God’s ways are definitely not the same as man’s ways. The only place where the spies could stay unnoticed was at Rahab’s house, since no one would think twice about them being there due to her profession.

Later, the city’s guards came looking for the spies, but Rahab lied, telling them that the spies had already left. I’m curious as to who tipped off the guards that the spies might be at Rahab’s place—did her neighbors report it, or did the guards just assume it based on her job? After misdirecting the guards, Rahab let the men go but told them that when they returned, they must save her and her family. It seems that Rahab didn’t just fall into her job by choice; she had a heart to protect her family from destruction. She knew how God had dealt with Israel’s enemies and didn’t want to become part of that destruction herself. She let them escape and made a pact with them—asking them to remember her when they came back to conquer Jericho. They agreed, giving her the instruction to tie a red rope in her window so they would know where to find her and her family.

The two men returned to Joshua and reported back on their successful mission. From this, I learned that when God sends someone on a mission, He goes ahead of them. He places people in strategic positions, just like Rahab was there for the spies. God can turn anyone’s life around, even those who society may have written off. Rahab’s story is a great example of this—she ended up being part of the lineage of Jesus Christ.

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