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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Be Inspired End of The Month Prayer & Fasting 29th to 32st January 2025

Be Inspired End of the Month Prayer & Fasting 29th to 31st January 2025

 Theme : Prayer

 Text : Acts 12:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Acts of the Apostles 12:5 CEB
[5] While Peter was held in prison, the church offered earnest prayer to God for him.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 CEB
[17] Pray continually.

Glory to the Almighty Father for granting us another opportunity to share His word. I pray that as we dive into the Word today, the Holy Spirit will minister directly to our spirits. I pray that we gain divine clarity, and that we not only understand the Word but allow it to impact our approach to prayer—how we pray, what we pray for, and why we pray. May God's name be glorified in all of this, in Jesus' name, Amen.

In previous discussions, we established that prayer is communication with God. Today, we will explore some types of prayer, though not all that exist, but a few to give us a broader understanding. It’s important to note that the types of prayer we will discuss are not exhaustive.

Prayer of Adoration is a type of prayer that ascribes total worship and praise to God. It doesn’t focus on asking God for anything, but on honoring and glorifying Him. A great example of this can be found in Psalms 86:8-13:

Psalms 86:8-13 (CEB)
[8] My Lord! There is no one like you among the gods! There is nothing that can compare to your works!
[9] All the nations that you’ve made will come and bow down before you, Lord; they will glorify your name,
[10] because you are awesome and a wonder-worker. You are God. Just you.
[11] Teach me your way, LORD, so that I can walk in your truth. Make my heart focused only on honoring your name.
[12] I give thanks to you, my Lord, my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify your name forever,
[13] because your faithful love toward me is awesome and because you’ve rescued my life from the lowest part of hell.

From these verses, we see that the psalmist’s focus was solely on worshiping and praising God. It wasn’t about requesting anything, but about reverencing the greatness of God.

Prayer of Supplication/Petition is when we seek God’s help in a situation. This type of prayer involves presenting our requests to God. A powerful example is Hannah’s prayer at Shiloh in 1 Samuel 1:12-13, where even though her lips were moving, it was the cry of her heart. Some prayers of supplication are audible, while others may be silent, like Hannah’s. Psalms 54:1-7 is another example of this type of prayer. In verse 6, just like Hannah, David ends his prayer with a vow.

Prayer of Lamentation is a prayer expressing sorrow. It’s a prayer of grief, often reflecting deep emotional pain. Job’s prayer in Job 3 is a prime example, where he curses his birth in the midst of his suffering. Psalms 38:9-11 also illustrates a prayer of lamentation:

Psalms 38:9-11 (CEB)
[9] Everything I long for is laid out before you, my Lord; my sighs aren’t hidden from you.
[10] My heart pounds; my strength abandons me. Even the light of my eyes is gone.
[11] My loved ones and friends keep their distance from me in my sickness; those who were near me now stay far away.

Prayer of Thanksgiving is a prayer where we express gratitude to God for what He has done or what He will do. It’s crucial to remember that thanksgiving should not only come after receiving something, but even before, as a declaration of trust. We can see prayers of thanksgiving in Psalms 138, Philippians 4:6-7, and Psalms 107:1, 8.

Prayer of Intercession is when we pray on behalf of others. It is vital for believers to engage in intercession. As we saw in the previous discussion, the church prayed for Peter’s release (Acts 12). We are encouraged to pray for leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2), for unity in the church (John 17:21), for the salvation of lost souls (Romans 10:1), and for the persecuted church (Hebrews 13:3). Intercession is a powerful form of prayer that pleases God.

Prayer of Deliverance is a prayer for freedom—whether it’s deliverance from unwanted situations or circumstances. It can be made by someone on behalf of another, or by an individual for themselves. Jabez’s prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 is an example of a heartfelt prayer for personal deliverance, and Psalms 107:6 echoes this as well.

As we mentioned earlier, we’ve only touched on a few types of prayer. This is to remind us that in our prayers to God, we can approach Him with any request—whether it's deliverance, supplication, thanksgiving, or intercession. One person’s prayer may focus on healing, while another’s may focus on forgiveness or salvation. What matters most is who we’re praying to. As believers, our prayers are directed to God Almighty, and we are to pray in the name of Jesus, not in the name of any man. Philippians 2:9-11 tells us that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. The name of Jesus is powerful enough to deliver and save us in every situation. Whatever kind of prayer you are praying, ensure you pray in Jesus’ name.

Never forget, as a believer, we must not cease in our prayers. As one of our anchor scriptures says, we are to pray without ceasing. You can never "over-pray, you can only grow in understanding and depth according to the will of God. Prayer is like saving money for a rainy day; some prayers work for your future, some work for the present, and some even override past struggles because we are communicating with the Almighty God. My prayer is that you will never grow cold in prayer, for just like a fly perches only on a cold surface, the enemy will find no place to land when you are on fire in prayer. Prayer ignites a fire that resists the enemy’s attack on your soul.

Let us pray:

Lord Eternal, thank You for this beautiful day. You alone deserve all the glory.

Abba, thank You for granting us clarity and understanding about the different types of prayer.

Lord, forgive me for any time I have relented in prayer and given the enemy room in my life.

Lord, reignite the fire of faith-filled prayers in me from this day forward.

I decree that I will not be dormant in prayer, but will be on fire for You, in Jesus' name.

I decree that every situation in my life requiring Your intervention is receiving it now, in Jesus' name.

I decree that all limitations in my life are breaking in the name of Jesus.

I decree that God’s hands are redirecting my path and changing my name for His glory.

I decree that nothing will go wrong in my life; I will fulfill my purpose, in Jesus’ name.

I decree that this year, my life will take a higher trajectory to the glory of God.

I decree that no sickness will have a place in my life or my family.

Personal Prayer

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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