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Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Quit Worrying

*Be Inspired Intercessory and Testimony program Tuesday 12th December 2023*

*Topic:* Quit worrying

*Text:* Matthew 6:25-34

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Matthew 6:25‭-‬34 NLT


Praise God who alone is mighty and awesome beyond description. Praise the king of glory He is God alone. Lord we thank you for the opportunity to gather again to study your word and be ministered to through your word. We ask for a receptive heart and understanding in Jesus name amen.

When you hear the word worry, what automatically might come to mind is anxiety, fear of a problem or potential problem. You do not hear worry and think of a positive thing.

The word of God which we are learning from today gives an insight into why we should not worry.

I remember the song _why worry when you have Jesus, why worry Jesus never fail_

This song although has few lyrics sums the why we should not worry.

The scripture from verse 25 says that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life. This part of the scripture denotes that there might be a cause to worry about everyday life.

How you will pay your bill, how you will keep a roof over your head, how you will get by. The scripture further explains that whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear, isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing.

In other words when you are still alive and your hope is in God, what seems not enough will eventually be enough because the body in which you want to use it to maintain is still intact and life has not been taken away from you.

 *When there is life there is hope* 

I like the comparisons that followed, the birds do not plant or harvest yet they eat because God feeds them. The following question is are you not far more valuable to God than these animals... Can worry add a single moment to your life...

I did some further research and I found out that worrying can increase heart rate and palpitations and if you are prone to have or currently have some coronary health conditions, worry or anxiety should not be part of your everyday life as it exacerbates the condition.

The scripture further says, look at the Lillies of the field and how they grow, they don't work or make clothing but God clothes them and God cares even for the wildflowers that are here today and no more tomorrow.

This is so deep for us, flowers can be easily blown away by the wind but even at that the Lord still cares for them. How much more you and I, that was created in the image of God.

 *He will not watch me go naked. He will not watch me end in shame, He will not allow the enemy to mock over my situation because if He can cloth the Lillies of the field He is much bigger and richer to cover my nakedness and He is big enough to cover that debt that makes me sleepless at night because He is God.* 

The writer then asked a question, why do you have little faith, don't worry about these things, when you allow these things to dominate your mind you are thinking in line with unbelievers..

To start with, the faith we need to move situations, to wait on God, to continue the journey doesn't have to be mighty but no matter the size of our faith it must be effective and actively depending on God and God alone. You cannot say you have faith in God and continue to entertain worry, they told you there is no way out, your response should be the one who created me is the way and He will make a way in fact He will create multiples ways just for me because He will never leave not forsake me.

The Bible further explain that God almighty already knows what we need, then admonished us to seek the Kingdom of God and every other thing will be added into us.

When you worry you are not seeking God or His kingdom. In the Kingdom of God there is joy, happiness, worship, adoration, abundance, mercy, grace, favour all this things do not coexist with worrying.

When we seek God we know that He is the main plan, after Him, it will be Him, before Him it will be Him. In other words, God is my only plan. He will work it out in my favour and work it all out for my good so I will not worry.

Then the last part of the scripture says don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries, today's trouble is enough for today.

Have you noticed how people suddenly develop insomnia when they occupy their mind with worrying. You carry the problem of a day and transfer it to the next day and before you know it you are unable to sleep. Except you have a master plan and master key that turns the situation around beside God, worrying will only increase the likelihood of untimely death, stress, diseases and confusion.

Everyday the enemy goes up and down restless waiting for who to gift one problem or the other when he finds a person worrying the possibility of depositing more problem on the person is high.

But when the enemy comes with the trouble of another day but finds the person on their knees praising God, adoring God, thanking God and handing everything over to God knowing clearly that when God starts a process He will complete it, when He heals, He heals completely, when He saves He saves completely.

 When He wanted to deliver Peter from the prison He didn't need permission, He broke protocols and processes, When He decided to bless Sarah with a child all scientific theory was broken, When He parted the sea even geologists had no understanding of the process, when He brought coin out of the mouth of a fish, the financial controller of that day was confused. When He turned water into wine, saving the family from the disgrace that would have put a label on them, He didn't need no grapevine or processor, when He opened the eyes of the blind the opthalmologist was not present, when He raised the daughter of the centurion the doctors of the day were absent, when He called Lazarus back to life the people at the burial ground were confused after how many days lying dead and buried.

God doesn't need to obey the process of man to fulfill His promises in our lives. We must not entertain the enemy by worrying, all we need is see Him, seek His kingdom, seek His face not just His hands and trust Him. 

Always remember nothing can be and will be bigger than a God, He who sits in Heaven and makes the earth His footstool. He is God eternal, the almighty king.

 *Let us Pray* 

Jehovah we worship you and honour your majesty because you are God.

Mighty God, thank you for this amazing new dawn and privilege of life

Lord thank you for speaking to me directly, remove every spirit of worrying from my life

Father whatevers channel the enemy continues to use to sow the seed of worrying in my life block them permanently

Lord break every protocols and processes that has taken away my peace in your mercy and give me my evidence earlier than expected

Lord I place before you (mention) give me divine victory and let it end in praise

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name amen

Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

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