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Thursday, 9 February 2023

Don't look back

*Be Inspired By His word* 

*Thursday 9th of February 2023* 

*Bible study*:

Text:Remember Lot’s wife! Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.
Luke 17:32‭-‬33 NIV

*Topic*: I *won't look back* 

*Anchor*: Sis LeahToday we will be discussing the topic 

Don't look back, follow through with His plan 

In Luke 17 32-33, there is a reminder note that refers to lots wife that looked back then believers were admonished that whoever loses his life in this world will keep it and not be separated from God.

In Genesis, we saw how the angel led lot and his family out of Zoar and there was already a warning not to look back as brimstone was falling on Sodom and Gomorrah she looked back and turned into a pillar of salt 🧂
Following God's plan for a foolish mind might seem incomprehensible or ridiculous 
When you allow your educated mind to direct you against the plans of God it doesn't always end well 
Does that mean we shouldn't use our knowledge and skills 

No that's not what it means. Sometimes God will show us steps to take but those steps look stupid dirty wife ended our journey because they failed to follow through with God's plans. We know how her daughter Ended 
God's plan for us might be old school. But in fact, God is the most recent of all because He is the future of all things and everyone 

Sometimes we plan to go in a direction but God says don't do it that way do it this way if you do short cut or refuse to obey although the shortcut might get you there quickly the long term might not be pleasant.
Lots wife did not end well. in my opinion, I believe covetous was part of lots of wife's problems.
She was coveting what God had rejected instead of following what the angel said she was so sold out to the city they were leaving, she was short-sighted as to where God will take her that she had to turn and look back Her looking back stopped her from forever looking forward we do not even know if she made heaven.

The book of Luke says whoever loses their life for the sake of the gospel will gain it. Some of us think the gospel is just what is preached in church but we forget to recognize that our lives after salvation should be the gospel playing out in real time 

This is because we are exactly as Jesus is in this world, we have dominion over things but the devil will always play your mind and make you think those things have dominion over you. He will fill people's hearts with deceit, lies, and fears to the extent that those who fall into his trap will second guess what God is saying concerning them.

Have you ever sat down to analyze times where or when you have taken left and God said to take right, How did it end?  His direction at the time might feel uncomfortable, and unbearable but it will remain the best.

You do not need a lot of people to walk the journey God is taking you through if indeed God is the one taking you through this journey and not your fantasies.
Can I ask a question has there been a time you followed through with God and He let you down?

God can never and He will never put you on a journey or plan He won't see you through it. Don't make sporadic decisions based on your fantasies.

When He says go go
Where He leads you to follow Him 

Don't be like lots' wife.

She ended abruptly just like that and it affected her family 

Some of us like to please people so much that instead of following through with God's plans we must just listen to what people are doing or saving or whatnot...What is God telling you 

How is God speaking to you?

Do you recognize His voice?

Do you trust His plan?

Don't be like lots wife, don't look back follow through with His plan for you.

*Let us pray* 

Lord w,e can't thank you enough for what you do for our lives on daily

Father forgive us in anyways we constantly choose to look back and fall back into things you want us to move away from 

Lord let your word gain root that will forever grow in our lives so that when we are following your plan nothing can uproot us away or distract us custom following through in Jesus amen.

Lord help me, to lose what you want me to lose so I can gain what you want me to gain in Jesus amen. 

Lord in any way struggle with things that you want me to stop help me with grace to stop them henceforth in Jesus amen 

Thank you Lord, or answered prayers in Jesus name amen

Father we lift the people of Syria and Turkey unto you comfort them and heal their lands in JeJesus'ame amen 

Thank you all for joining please feel free to ask questions or contribute as we still have some time before the program ends

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