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Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Peniel Limb

*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Intercessory Prayer and Testimony*

*Tuesday 10th December 2019*

*Anchored by Sis Leah Adepehjuh*

*Topic:* Peniel Limb

*Text:* Genesis 32:24-31

Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.” And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there. So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Just as he crossed over Penuel the sun rose on him, and he limped on his hip.

Genesis 32:24‭-‬31 NKJV

The topic is Peniel limb... The word Peniel means the face of God..
From the scripture this is an encounter Jacob had with God...
Jacob was planning to return to his home town with his family. He was alone when he wrestled a man figure which he later realised was God.

Toward the end of the whole wrestling with the angel, Jacob was so adamant that he wouldn't leave the angel until he blessed him..
Then his hip bone was touched, dislocated in a way that he ended up in a limb...

But this whole wrestling did cause a turn around for Jacob. His name meant supplanter, a deceiver, and his life leading to that very moment showed a lot of deceit - either that which he did to people or the other way round.
Finally Jacob got his wish - his name was changed form Jacob to Israel and he was blessed ...

We understand in the account of the old testament that no one sees God face to face and survive but Jacob did.
At times in life we are like Jacob... In fact many of us are seeking for a change but instead of being persistent on that change happening we are ready to give up.
I always try to remind myself and anyone that cares to listen that God alone is the one that controls time and season; no one does - not the calender in your house or on your phone, but it doesn't depict the fact that the world physically operates by this visible calendar but it is spiritually controlled.
Many are asking God for a change but not ready to drop what they do not need to carry over.
It could be anything from works of flesh to God-knows-what.
Many of us have fasted and prayed but we are not ready to get rid of certain things.
Jacob got rid of that name and ended up with a limb. He walked with a limb in a new name into divine blessings.

Are you still holding on to things you ought to let go off?
It could be as simple as unforgiveness...
Lack of faith in God...
Lack of faith in yourself...
Lack of channelling the authority of God's word into every aspect of your life...

Jacob from the beginning of his life wanted the best.
From getting his brother's birthright with pottage meal, to faking the fur on his skin to get their father's blessings.
But the life was just for a time.
He lacked the peace he ought to have because there were things hanging unto his life that actually limited him so much.
But guess what..?
He got married.
Had children.
Built his own little empire and flourished even in that state of deceit.
But he lacked peace until he had that wrestling and encounter that did not just change his name but his appearance and his journey.

I know the year is coming to an end and so many of us or some of us, so to say, are on that verge of carrying over something that we just have to wrestle out.
Many are so concerned about what their appearance to man will birth forgetting that their appearance before God is most important. 

My question is: On top of those desires, are you willing to have a Peniel experience?
Are you willing to walk with that limb?
At times God will ask you to take a particular direction, it might not seem right but you just have to take that route to actually have that change you desire.
The Peniel limb was an evidence of the encounter Jacob had.
That Peniel limb caused a lot of changes in his life.
He went on to meet up with his brother whom he had hurt and God favoured him.

I do not know if you are ready to embrace that new facet God wants you to travel.
I do not know if you are ready to carry that cross now.
But all I know is God is saying to you: it's high time you embraced the change.
It's high time you never allow your past to sit and take a foothold on the direction of your present and future.
The process of going through Peniel limb might not seem pleasant but His will is always better than any desire.

Are you ready to have an encounter with God?
Do not give up...
Do not get tired...
Do not relent in your prayers...
Do not stop taking steps of faith...
Do not stop investing in right things...
Do not stop seeking God over everything...
Yes, even when people say you are nuts to be expecting God to work in your life.
The spiritual things are follishness to an ordinary mind.
Embrace the Peniel limb.

Let us pray.

Lord, we thank you for your word and grace to be used and spoken to this evening.
Father, thank you for the understanding your word gives to each and everyone of us.
Lord, forgive us in any way we have carried on so long what we ought to have dropped.
Father, help me to focus on you and never let you go until my encounter births manifestation of your glory in my life.
Lord eternal, this evening give me my own Peniel encounter.
Whatever needs to be spiritually settled in my life for my physical uplifting, I decree henceforth it's settled in Jesus name.
I refuse to carry over anything that will cause my life a slow movement where God has given me speed in Jesus name.

*Personal Prayer.*

Lord, thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.

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