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Thursday, 28 November 2019

He went after that one


*Anchor;* Sis Leah

Lord we thank you we magnify your name for being there for us we worship you Lord eternal for this awesome day.. father we pray that you speak to us and through us today glorify yourself in our midst in Jesus mighty name. Amen

*Topic:* He went after that one

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them gets lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost?  And if it turns out that he finds it, I assure you and most solemnly say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost.  So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones be lost.
Matthew 18:12‭-‬14 AMP

So He told them this parable: “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost, [searching] until he finds it?  And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he gets home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!’  I tell you, in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.
Luke 15:3‭-‬7 AMP

Today's topic says...
*He went after that one*
I pray that God will speak to us this evening in Jesus name.
From the scripture above we see what Jesus said in the parable of the shepherd who had 100 sheep and one went missing...
We were told that this shepherd did not just ignore the lost sheep instead he went right after the sheep to bring the sheep back to the fold
I will be taking a different dimension from what we most probably have heard about this scripture
And that is looking at the aspect of believers who are *"churched out"*

This is when someone feels like they have had enough of the church or fellowship or the place of worship whatever that makes the gather with others to worship God
This could come as a result of different things ...
Often times it could be as a result of offence
At times it could be as a result of the leading of the Holy spirit
But I want to look more into offence.

Let us name that missing sheep 🐑 *Sam*
So Sam was in the gathering of his fellow brethren and for reason known to Sam He probably wondered off or even felt like not coming back
 In this century and day and age we are we often label people who leave the *"church"* as rebel
But in most cases some are either battling with many things that they cannot even explain
But guess what in the situation of Sam the sheep 🐑 his shepherd went after him.

He was not tagged as a rebel or an unbeliever
The texted shared actually centers on unbelievers and the kind of live He is explaining that the shepherd showed to the sheep
He went after that one...
This is something we need to actually work on as believers
Ask yourself *would I go after that one??*
I want us to have a personal checks as believers and it would most likely be better if we make a conscious effort to do it regularly.

We are easy to condemn and judge fellow believer as much as we condemn unbelievers
The truths is Jesus loves everyone just as He loves you
There is no one that is beyond the love of God as a result of their sin
I want to address everyone of us
If you come across anyone that leaves the church rather than be among the party to condemn them pray for them
Jesus went after that one remember
It is very important that you feel the love of Christ towards the brethren as well
Majority have actually renounce their faith because the church which is meant to go after them instead pushed them out.

In the case of the woman who was caught in the act of fornication when they wanted to stone her to death
Jesus said the one without sin should cast the first stone
*He went after that one*
He could have said yes her life matters less because the crowd outnumbered her but instead He stood by her
Brethren are you standing by that brother who fell or might feel churched out.

Are you standing by that family who have fallen deep into the pit of immorality or you are just casting more stone on their sinful nature
By gladly showing off you *holier than thou* mode
What are you doing pastor that member decided to leave but because the tithe ain't going to your church purse anymore they become irrelevant
Sister yes you do not agree with what they are saying in church right now you feel overwhelmed the voice are getting to you negatively but right now Jesus is coming after you
He went after that one

You are that one
I am that one
Did the word of God say there won't be offence no
The word says woe to the one through whom offence comes
 there will be such days
There will be such times
There will be such congregation
There will be such congregants who feel like I can't take this anymore
As believer should you give up on them

*He went after that one*
He is speaking to you now He loves you regardless of whatever has been said
He loves that one as much as He loves the 99
You cannot give up on that one
[Hang on a minute do you know you can fall into the category of that one He went after
A saying goes does...
*Those who live in a glass house do not throw stones*
As a true believer do not cast the stone of hatred
Do not cast the stone of segregation especially in the body of Christ

The fact that that person left that ministry doesn't mean it is the end for them
Jesus will never leave that one He will go after that one
What will you Do
What will Jesus do
We need to get to the level where we do not just see ourselves or people who feel churched out as the rejected
Because they left the ministry doesn't mean your man of God or your pastor or your G.O or your Reverend or your priest gas the final say over them

Jesus went after that one
I went to a ministers feast some months ago and one of the speaker spoke on how pastor's or church leader scare member from leaving the church
They go even into the extent of placing altar curse on their member just because they leave
A sister I met there said she has been a victim of such before
The pastor told her of she left the church she will never prosper and some other thing
Whatever church or pastor or group leader that place a curse on someone who feel like leaving or leaves is a cult leader
The church is a family

It is not limited by the walls or name of ministry
Until you understand that you will never emulate Christ or the shepherd in that parable who went after that one
 *Nish* : Religion and church are really causing a lot of good than damage in our society now 
Being a Christian doesn’t just mean by saying it .It has to reflect  in all aspects of our love
Let’s learn to chastise in love ,correct in love and never ever let go.
A church or the Christian body should be a place of shield not a place of condemnation
 *Nish* : Devil always try never to let go even when we become Christians and get into light so why do church and we that we have seen the light let go of ours often times just because they sinned or made a mistake.

Today Brothers and Sisters I want to admonish us to do just as Jesus will do...
Go after that one
If you can physically great
If you can prayer fully great
Which ever way you can never condemn
Never neglect
Do not be carried away and be like those who throw the stones without thinking of their own sin
That of the plank in your eyes before going for the speck of wood in someone else's eye
I pray the Holy spirit will minister to us all in Jesus name

I ask for as many who are feeling churched out now that you be healed
I ask that the comforter will uplift as many who feels condemned right from the altar in Jesus name
I pray for many families struggling with how they have been dealt with blow of condemnation from where they ought to get releif and shield may God visit you in Jesus name.
I pray for ministers that feel pressured, feel left out, feel betrayed by members or any form that God will enlighten them to see the ministry as the work of God henceforth in Jesus name
I pray for each of us in anyway we have contributed into people's hurt in the body of Christ that mercy will locate us instead of judgement.

I ask for live of God to radiate in the body of Christ worldwide in Jesus name
Lord thank you for this evening and privilege to share and receive your word. We pray Jesus that you give us heart just like the shepherd. So we will go after that one person. Lord either they are already in faith according to your will in Jesus mighty name
We pray at the end of it all we will not miss heaven. We ask that we will not seek crown from men but from you in Jesus mighty name. Amen

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