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Monday, 4 November 2019

Evangelism is a necessity for all believers

*Evangelism is a necessity for all believer*

2 Timothy 4:2 :Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine

Praise be to the Lord who has chosen us by calling us out of darkness into His marvellous light. The one who loved us even when we were sinners. Hallelujah!

Evangelism as we may know is the act of reaching out to souls and bringing them to the know their maker in which they end up regenerated through the word and work of the Holy Spirit.

From 2 Timothy 4:2 we will understand that we are not expected to hold back it is a necessity laid on us once we believe to make sure we populate heaven an depopulate hell.

Evangelism is and should be a way of life. God isn't promising us it will be an easy ride to win souls but He is asking for our readiness, our availability, our zeal and compassion.

The truth and light we have come to knowledge of would have been impossible and foolishness to us if we are yet to believe.

As one of the devotionals says this morning, *There is no holiday in soul winning*.

Many of us are held back from evangelising due to human factor(human law, persecution, lack of confidence, uncertainty).

I want to encourage us henceforth to pray about evangelism as the necessity is laid on us. Be determined to reach a soul and ask God to direct you to the soul that is thirsty for the living water.
Allow the Holy spirit to speak through you by releasing and being available. 

Evangelism is a necessity for all believers it's not a set job for certain believers but all of us.

*Be Inspired By His Word 2019 ©*

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