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Saturday, 30 November 2019

Prayer from Isaiah 43:19

Song by Sinach

Holy Holy, God almighty
It's a privilege to worship You
Maker of all universe
It's an honour just to stand before You

With a grateful heart I lift my hands to You
Proclaiming Lord You reign
With a grateful heart I lift my hands to You
Proclaiming Lord You reign

Great are You lord, Greatly to be praised
Greatly to be praised, Father You reign
Great are You Lord, Greatly to be Praised
Greatly to be praised, Father you reign

Great are you Lord, Great are you Lord
Great are you Lord, Great are you Lord

Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19 AMP


Lord eternal I magnify and worship your majesty for who you are

King of kings thank you for this blessed day and grace of life

Ancient of days thank you for your love and grace upon my life in Jesus name

Jehovah have mercy on me and forgive my short comings in Jesus name

Holy spirit direct me this day and order my steps everywhere I go in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for your word sent to me daily and the lights it shines upon my path

Lord as I wait on you, touch me in every area I am in expectation of your touch

Father heal our land flush out every act of wickedness in Jesus name

Father let your truth reign greatly in this nation and community and disgrace every satanic plan to cause pain in any capacity in Jesus name

Lord almighty uproot every power that cause delay in any aspect of my life in Jesus name

Almighty father guide me according to your will and do not let me be at the wrong place at the wrong time in Jesus name

Father put an end to terrorism in any part of the world do a new thing, minister to the perpetrators and let them come to know you in Jesus name

Abba father touch every lives mourning or dealing with any loss, you alone can turn their mourning into dancing

Abba show your great power over my life beyond my imagination in Jesus name

Father I lift the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it into your hand, visit us this season, let us have a divine touch and encounter in all areas in Jesus name

*Pray for your nation ask God for new thing and divine change over your nation in Jesus name*

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin Shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith, as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word is working for me nothing can stand against me. The lord has started a new thing in my life and it springs forth from now. I cannot be unfortunate in any aspect, the power of God is glowing upon every situation around my life. His favour surrounds me like a shield, His love pours into my life daily. I am secured by His divine embrace, I can never be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I rely on the power of the Most High inside of me and His peace is upon me always. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word) © 30th November 2019 [Day 334]

Friday, 29 November 2019

Prayer from Psalms 52:8

Song by Delirious

Over the mountains and the sea,
Your river runs with love for me,
And I will open up my heart
And let the healer set me free.
I'm happy to be in the truth,
And I will daily lift my hands:
For I will always sing of when
Your love came down.

I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever.
I could sing of your love forever.

Oh, I feel like dancing
It's foolishness I know;
But when the world has seen the light,
They will dance with joy,
Like we're dancing now.

But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust [confidently] in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.
Psalms 52:8 AMP


Ancient of days I magnify and worship you for who you are to me

Jehovah I give you all praise and glory due to you alone accept it all in Jesus name

Father thank you for this blessed new dawn and grace to be among the living in Jesus name

Holy spirit have your way in me and magnify yourself in all that I do in Jesus name

Jehovah have mercy on me and continue to guide me in your righteousness 

Father let my life emulate your love everywhere I go and anywhere I find myself in Jesus name

Lord eternal give me the grace to always live above the desires of flesh no matter the circumstance I find myself in

Jehovah take all the glory today let me reciprocate every act towards or against me with your love 

Father through me let your light shine to every nook and cranny surrounding me in Jesus name

Jehovah elevate my glory to the height of fulfillment beyond the imagination and antagonising nature of man

Holy spirit have your way in all that I lay my hands on, guide my thoughts and utterances in Jesus name

Lord eternal uproot every plant and germination of hatred in my generation that limits your love in any aspect

I decree today my life will encounter divine uplifting in Jesus name

I cancel every written documents either physically or spiritually that is working against my life in any aspect

I decree over my household no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rise against us in Judgement is condemned

I decree concerning the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, every power of collective hatred from any force or man is negated permanently in Jesus name

I decree every hand of devourer as a result of spiritual battle upon my destiny whithers henceforth in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith, as Jesus is so am I in this world. His love encompass and renews me, His grace is forever everlasting over me. I am a new creature, a brand new man, old things have passed away. I am brought out of darkness into His marvelous light. My destiny is daily renewed by the word of God. I am a light that can never be hidden, wherever I go, I walk in authority of Christ and His light illuminates my Path brighter and brighter. My path is steady through Him, I do not walk in sliperry slope. Nothing can stop the grace of God upon my life, I am saved to serve the Most High King and I will never grow weary of doing that in Jesus name. Amen!*

Today's Prayer By Be Inspired (by His Word )©29th November 2019[Day 333]

Thursday, 28 November 2019

He went after that one


*Anchor;* Sis Leah

Lord we thank you we magnify your name for being there for us we worship you Lord eternal for this awesome day.. father we pray that you speak to us and through us today glorify yourself in our midst in Jesus mighty name. Amen

*Topic:* He went after that one

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them gets lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost?  And if it turns out that he finds it, I assure you and most solemnly say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that did not get lost.  So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones be lost.
Matthew 18:12‭-‬14 AMP

So He told them this parable: “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost, [searching] until he finds it?  And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he gets home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!’  I tell you, in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.
Luke 15:3‭-‬7 AMP

Today's topic says...
*He went after that one*
I pray that God will speak to us this evening in Jesus name.
From the scripture above we see what Jesus said in the parable of the shepherd who had 100 sheep and one went missing...
We were told that this shepherd did not just ignore the lost sheep instead he went right after the sheep to bring the sheep back to the fold
I will be taking a different dimension from what we most probably have heard about this scripture
And that is looking at the aspect of believers who are *"churched out"*

This is when someone feels like they have had enough of the church or fellowship or the place of worship whatever that makes the gather with others to worship God
This could come as a result of different things ...
Often times it could be as a result of offence
At times it could be as a result of the leading of the Holy spirit
But I want to look more into offence.

Let us name that missing sheep 🐑 *Sam*
So Sam was in the gathering of his fellow brethren and for reason known to Sam He probably wondered off or even felt like not coming back
 In this century and day and age we are we often label people who leave the *"church"* as rebel
But in most cases some are either battling with many things that they cannot even explain
But guess what in the situation of Sam the sheep 🐑 his shepherd went after him.

He was not tagged as a rebel or an unbeliever
The texted shared actually centers on unbelievers and the kind of live He is explaining that the shepherd showed to the sheep
He went after that one...
This is something we need to actually work on as believers
Ask yourself *would I go after that one??*
I want us to have a personal checks as believers and it would most likely be better if we make a conscious effort to do it regularly.

We are easy to condemn and judge fellow believer as much as we condemn unbelievers
The truths is Jesus loves everyone just as He loves you
There is no one that is beyond the love of God as a result of their sin
I want to address everyone of us
If you come across anyone that leaves the church rather than be among the party to condemn them pray for them
Jesus went after that one remember
It is very important that you feel the love of Christ towards the brethren as well
Majority have actually renounce their faith because the church which is meant to go after them instead pushed them out.

In the case of the woman who was caught in the act of fornication when they wanted to stone her to death
Jesus said the one without sin should cast the first stone
*He went after that one*
He could have said yes her life matters less because the crowd outnumbered her but instead He stood by her
Brethren are you standing by that brother who fell or might feel churched out.

Are you standing by that family who have fallen deep into the pit of immorality or you are just casting more stone on their sinful nature
By gladly showing off you *holier than thou* mode
What are you doing pastor that member decided to leave but because the tithe ain't going to your church purse anymore they become irrelevant
Sister yes you do not agree with what they are saying in church right now you feel overwhelmed the voice are getting to you negatively but right now Jesus is coming after you
He went after that one

You are that one
I am that one
Did the word of God say there won't be offence no
The word says woe to the one through whom offence comes
 there will be such days
There will be such times
There will be such congregation
There will be such congregants who feel like I can't take this anymore
As believer should you give up on them

*He went after that one*
He is speaking to you now He loves you regardless of whatever has been said
He loves that one as much as He loves the 99
You cannot give up on that one
[Hang on a minute do you know you can fall into the category of that one He went after
A saying goes does...
*Those who live in a glass house do not throw stones*
As a true believer do not cast the stone of hatred
Do not cast the stone of segregation especially in the body of Christ

The fact that that person left that ministry doesn't mean it is the end for them
Jesus will never leave that one He will go after that one
What will you Do
What will Jesus do
We need to get to the level where we do not just see ourselves or people who feel churched out as the rejected
Because they left the ministry doesn't mean your man of God or your pastor or your G.O or your Reverend or your priest gas the final say over them

Jesus went after that one
I went to a ministers feast some months ago and one of the speaker spoke on how pastor's or church leader scare member from leaving the church
They go even into the extent of placing altar curse on their member just because they leave
A sister I met there said she has been a victim of such before
The pastor told her of she left the church she will never prosper and some other thing
Whatever church or pastor or group leader that place a curse on someone who feel like leaving or leaves is a cult leader
The church is a family

It is not limited by the walls or name of ministry
Until you understand that you will never emulate Christ or the shepherd in that parable who went after that one
 *Nish* : Religion and church are really causing a lot of good than damage in our society now 
Being a Christian doesn’t just mean by saying it .It has to reflect  in all aspects of our love
Let’s learn to chastise in love ,correct in love and never ever let go.
A church or the Christian body should be a place of shield not a place of condemnation
 *Nish* : Devil always try never to let go even when we become Christians and get into light so why do church and we that we have seen the light let go of ours often times just because they sinned or made a mistake.

Today Brothers and Sisters I want to admonish us to do just as Jesus will do...
Go after that one
If you can physically great
If you can prayer fully great
Which ever way you can never condemn
Never neglect
Do not be carried away and be like those who throw the stones without thinking of their own sin
That of the plank in your eyes before going for the speck of wood in someone else's eye
I pray the Holy spirit will minister to us all in Jesus name

I ask for as many who are feeling churched out now that you be healed
I ask that the comforter will uplift as many who feels condemned right from the altar in Jesus name
I pray for many families struggling with how they have been dealt with blow of condemnation from where they ought to get releif and shield may God visit you in Jesus name.
I pray for ministers that feel pressured, feel left out, feel betrayed by members or any form that God will enlighten them to see the ministry as the work of God henceforth in Jesus name
I pray for each of us in anyway we have contributed into people's hurt in the body of Christ that mercy will locate us instead of judgement.

I ask for live of God to radiate in the body of Christ worldwide in Jesus name
Lord thank you for this evening and privilege to share and receive your word. We pray Jesus that you give us heart just like the shepherd. So we will go after that one person. Lord either they are already in faith according to your will in Jesus mighty name
We pray at the end of it all we will not miss heaven. We ask that we will not seek crown from men but from you in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Prayer from Ecclesiastes 12:1

Song by Hillsong

This is my desire
To honor You
Lord, with all my heart
I worship You
All I have within me
I give You praise
All that I adore
Is in You

Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for you alone
And every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord, have Your ways in me

Remember [thoughtfully] also your Creator in the days of your youth [for you are not your own, but His], before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say [of physical pleasures], “I have no enjoyment and delight in them”;
Ecclesiastes 12:1 AMP


Ancient of days I honour and magnify your name for being my king

Lord eternal I bless your name and worship you for always being my God

Father thank you for this blessed dawn and grace to be among the living

Father thank you for the forgiveness of all my short comings and your precious blood shed for my salvation

Holy spirit have your way in me like never before, direct my path and lead me where you want me to go

Father remove from my life every form of rebellion that want to stand against my destiny

Father take away from my life lustful desire that denies me from being a partaker of your divine blessings in Jesus name

Lord grant me grace to live my life consciously to please and honour you 

Lord take away from me every idol that I have raised within my heart above you in all situations in Jesus name

Jehovah elevate my glory to the level of achievement and let me shine your light throughout the earth

Lord remove every thirst of destruction drawn into my soul through the enticement of the world in Jesus name

Lord purify the hearts of the youths of this community and nation and remove every works of darkness overshadowing their lives in Jesus name

Father I lift the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it unto you, let our lives always showcase your presence in all we do in Jesus name

*Pray for your nation and ask for the hands of God upon all youth and every home*

*Pray that God should put an end to blood shed of the innocent through any channel of criminal activity in Jesus name*

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. My life is a channel of divine encounter. I live consciously knowing that He that is in me is greater than he that is in world. I do not live my life recklessly because each and everyday counts before the one who controls seasons and time. His name is Alpha and Omega the beginning and and the end. He is my maker and the one who directs the affairs of my life. Henceforth people who see me will see the divine presence of God upon my life and all that I do. I am not in Competition with anyone because my time is divinely orchestrated by Jehovah so all that I do will happen according to His purpose for me. Christ is my shelter and safe haven. Halleluyah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 28th November 2018 [Day 332]

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Prayer from Genesis 8:1,11

Song by Travis Greene

Made a way
Don't know how but You did it
Made a way
Standing here not knowing how we'll get through this test
But holding unto faith You know that
Nothing can catch You by surprise
You got this figured out and You're watching us now

But when it looks as if we can't win
You wrap us in Your arm and step in
And everything we need You supply
You got this in control
And now we know that
You made a way
When our backs were against the wall
And it looked as if it was over

You made a way
And we're standing here
Only because You made a way
You made a way

And you move mountains
You cause walls to fall
With Your power
You perform miracles
There is nothing that's impossible
And we're standing here
Only because You made a way

And God remembered and thought kindly of Noah and every living thing and all the animals that were with him in the ark; and God made a wind blow over the land, and the waters receded. The dove came back to him in the evening, and there, in her beak, was a fresh olive leaf. So Noah knew that the water level had subsided from the earth. Genesis 8:1‭, ‬11 AMP


Lord eternal I worship and glorify your name for being my God

Abba I thank you for the privilege to be alive and among the living this day

Holy one of Israel I worship you for your grace that is made available to me each day

Lord thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your precious blood shed for my salvation

Father thank you for making a way for me even in places I have given up or almost given up hope

Lord thank you for taking me out of the dungeon of unfortunate into the kingdom of the flourishing in Jesus name

Lord thank you for making that which seem to be impossible very possible for me in Jesus name

Lord thank you for permanently silencing the noise of the enemy against my victory shout in Jesus name

Lord thank you for bringing me to the level of divine grace and favour beyond my imagination

Lord thank you over (mention) for defiling all odds and giving me testimony over it 

Lord thank you for the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, for making way for us in all that seem like wilderness journey in Jesus name

Glorious God thank you for this ministry that you use daily for today's prayer and every vessel used on their platforms in Jesus name

*Begin to thank God for the way He has made, He will make and He is making for you*

*Praise God in the spirit or in your understanding as the Holy spirit leads you*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me. I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord has made a way for me, I am no longer confined to limited victory, I win everyday. My life is a life of victory and miracles. My days are filled with supernatural blessings and favour all around, the power of God works miraculously in all that I do. What has been deemed to be impossible has become possible. The glory of my latter days starting from now is greater than the former. I have a goodly heritage, I live a life of favour grace, peace and divine encounter always. Glory be to God Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 27th November 2019[Day 331]

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Prayer from Hebrews 12:24


What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my pardon this I see--
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
For my cleansing this my plea--
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Nothing can my sin erase
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Naught of works, 'tis all of grace--
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

This is all my hope and peace--
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my righteousness--
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

and to Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant [uniting God and man], and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks [of mercy], a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel [which cried out for vengeance].
Hebrews 12:24 AMP


Almighty father I magnify your name and worship your majesty

Lord eternal thank you for this awesome day and grace to partake of it

Father thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and salvation of my soul in Jesus name

Spirit of the living God have your way in me, glorify yourself over all that I do

Lord almighty thank you for washing away my sin with your blood and for lifting me up from the pit of darkness into your light

Abba father thank you for your divine grace that works mightily over my life and destiny always

Holy spirit have your way in me each and everyday and never let me become fool of myself against your will

Jehovah remove every heaviness within my heart and give me your peace that surpass all understanding

Abba exalt yourself in all my situation let your blood speak for me

Father avenge for me even in places I cannot appear go ahead of me and manifest your power 

Lord this day purify my bloodline with your saving blood and remove every blood curse placed upon my life in Jesus name

Lord eternal terminate every accusations or decrees made on any sacrificial altar against your will for me

Lord almighty tear apart and terminate every accusations raised against me spiritually that wants to constantly tamper with my physical life in Jesus name

Holy Spirit eliminate every negative revelation set to cause my life pain and distortion in any aspect in Jesus name

Father let your precious blood begin to reverse all that has been deemed irreversible over my destiny in Jesus name

Jehovah arise over(mention) let me testify this day about it beyond the imagination of man in Jesus name

Lord silence every evil blood crying vengeance over my lineage henceforth in Jesus name

I decree every evil seed sown concerning my blood or that of any member of my household will never germinate or stand in Jesus name

Lord concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, let us enjoy the fullness of your grace and power over all that concerns us in Jesus name

*Begin to reverse all blood covenant against your purpose in life pray in the holy ghost or in your understanding*

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord almighty for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The blood speaks concerning me therefore I cannot be tied down by any evil blood covenant. The sacrifice on Calvary has set me free from any evil circumstance that has or is deemed to tie my lineage and I into any form of bondage physically or spiritually. I am made whole and set free, His blood avenge for me each and everyday. The power in the blood has purified my bloodline so no blood sickness or disease can have a stand in my life knowingly or unknowingly. My confidence is daily renewed by the word of God, whatever I lay my hands on prosper. No power can steal whatever belongs to me because I am born of the blood of Jesus Christ. My life and all that belongs to me has divine protection always because Jesus is alive in and through us always. Halleluyah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 26th November 2019 [Day 330]

Monday, 25 November 2019

Prayer from Deuteronomy 20:21

Song by Travis Greene

Great Jehovah
Ruler of Everything
Our Defender
You are the Most High King
Great Jehovah
Ruler of Everything
Yes, You are, God
Our Defender
You are the Most High King

God, You reign
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

No word good enough
No song loud enough to
Explain Your love, it
Amazes us, Jehovah
No sin strong enough
No weapon against us can
Contain Your love, it's
Alive in us Jehovah

He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes.
Deuteronomy 10:21 NLT


Lord eternal I magnify and exalt your name for being my king and hope always

Thank you great Jehovah for always leading me and replacing all weakness in me with your strength

Father thank you for this awesome day and grace to be among the living this day in Jesus name

Jehovah thank you for the forgiveness of all sin and your mercy that shields me

King of kings here is my life make it your abode henceforth and perform your wonders in Jesus name

Holy spirit exalt your power in my destiny always

Glorious king you rule above everything, rule over my life and destiny always

Father I want to experience your miraculous hand over (mention) do that which you alone can do

Father uproot from my life every form of bias against my faith in you

Lord as I depend on you make my life a haven of divine Verity in Jesus name

King of glory fill my life afresh and all that I will be engaged in 

Great Jehovah wherever my name or anything partaining to me will be delebrated on either in my presence or absence let me experience uncommon miracle in Jesus name

Lord eternal never allow the frustration from the kingdom of darkness to get to me or any member of my household

I decree I and my household are for signs and wonders in Jesus name

I decree my eye will see the wonderful works of God in all area and I will live in supernatural abundance in Jesus name

I decree my life will no longer suffer delay in any aspect of life 

Father I commit the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it into your hands, let your uncommon favour locate all situations in our lives henceforth

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. Great Jehovah is ruling over all that concerns me, He reigns over all the affairs of my life. I have divine ability to do greater works. The Lord is for me and nothing can be against me. He lives in me and my strength is from Him. Therefore I will not succumb to weakness in any area. My spiritual life is daily vitalised by the Holy Spirit therefore my physical life cannot be in jeopardy of any kind. The grace of God makes my race divinely speedy and accurate to the glory of His name. I will finish well and strong, nothing broken, nothing missing in Jesus name. Amen!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 25th November 2019 [Day 329]

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Prayer from Job 2:9-10

Song By Casey J

What shall we say to these things
There's still cancer, and so much disease
What shall we say to these things
There's so much violence
It's getting hard to believe
So many questions, but still one answer

If God be for me
 who can be against me if God is with me, whom shall I fear
if no one knows me
still His heart adores me
I am safe, I am loved, I am healed

Oh precious is the flow
That makes me, white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

His wife said to him, “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” But Job replied, “You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.
Job 2:9‭-‬10 NLT


Almighty Father I worship and honour you for being my God

King of glory I exalt your name for daily sending your word into my life

Lord eternal thank you for this awesome day and grace to be among the living in Jesus name

Eternal rock of ages thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your mercy that consistently speak over judgement in my life

Father thank you for being there for me regardless of what life throws at me

Lord thank you for the confidence that your word daily ignite inside of me

Father thank you for keeping me in the journey of faith and for allowing my faith in you grow each day

Lord almighty grant me the grace to keep standing no matter what comes through me in life that I will never deny you or renounce my faith in you

Lord eternal in anyway I am being challenged either by physical or spiritual force that is tampering with my faith give me victory

Lord whatever sickness or disease that wants to turn my life into its mansion this day send it out permanently in Jesus name

I decree my healing and divine health over all illness known or unknown in Jesus name

Father I release unto you as many living in any form of sickness today visit them in Jesus name

Elohim you have the final say I commit as many going through terminal disease let them have divine health henceforth in Jesus name

Holy spirit arise over my situation and that which has been hanging buts upon my destiny remove permanently in Jesus name

Father erase every form of weariness affecting my body soul and spirit in Jesus name

Lord almighty by your mighty outstretched arm I cancel every evil report over me and all that concerns me in Jesus name

I decree into every life that is helpless and at the mercy of limited power of man that they receive divine help in Jesus name

*Intercede on behalf of many passing through challenges that is questioning their faith in God ask for the supernatural occurrence to take place in their lives in Jesus name*

Lord concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, we claim our supernatural victory over every known or unknown contending power in Jesus name

Lord almighty we thank you for the victory and success of the charity visit for this ministry, we ask over all that was impacted that nothing will steal their joy in Jesus name

Father I commit many who in one way or the other was used for the success of this visit, every power challenging their faith and hope in you subdue permanently in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. God is for me absolutely nothing can be against me. No sickness,no disease, no challenge far and near can stand against the authority of God for me. His everlasting arm is over my life shielding me and all that concerns me from all unwanted and unpleasant circumstances. The glory of God is upon my life each and everyday. The presence of God is terbanacled inside of me. My days are directed by God because He teaches me how to number my days. I live a purposeful life never a regretful life because Jesus is the Lord over my life. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 24th November 2019 [Day 328]

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Prayer from Acts 17:18

Song by Todd Dulaney

I search for Your approval
Whatever makes You smile
I live for You
I love it when You're happy
I love it when You're proud, oh God
I live for You

You're my heart's desire
You're my one desire, yes

So Father be pleased with me
Father be pleased with me
Father be pleased with me
You're my heart's desire

Right here in this moment
With every breath I breathe
I live for You
Let nothing come between us
And this sacrifice I bring
'Cause I live for You

You're my heart's desire
You're my one desire

Father be pleased with me
Father be pleased with me
Father be pleased (We want You) with (We want You) me
You're my only desire

Oh God
I believed You when You told me
That I could hear You say well done
I believed You when You said that
The work was finished with Your Son

Just wanna make You happy
I just wanna make You proud of me
Just wanna make You happy, happy, oh God
Just wanna make You proud of me, yeah

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
Acts 17:28 KJV


Ancient of days I worship and extol your majesty accept my worship in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for this great day and privilege to be among the living

Abba thank you for the forgiveness of sin and your love for always in Jesus name

Holy spirit have your way in my life this day  and always in Jesus name

Father let my life please you in every aspect never let me live against your will and purpose for me

Lord almighty henceforth let my thirst for your word and your will grow beyond my imagination

Lord remove whatsoever might be limiting me from growing in your will and purpose from my life

Father purify my heart, my soul and entire being, take off bitterness, hatred and any form of works of flesh ruling my life in Jesus name

Lord arise and release unto me the power to exceed the limitations of man in any aspect of my life in Jesus name

Lord I am nothing without you, let my mind always rest upon what you have designed for me in life in Jesus name

Father concerning the charity visit of this ministry today, be pleased with all that will be done above all, let your name only be glorified in Jesus name

Lord I release many struggling with life without seeking you today bring them to the knowledge of who you are in Jesus name

*Intercede for people you know or might not know who are yet to receive Christ as their lord and saviour*

Lord concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, let our lives shine your light in every area we find ourselves in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. My life is a life of grace, glory and purposed. I am created to live a life that please the one who owns and holds the manual of my life. My destiny is daily uplifted, I am elated because Christ is working in me. In Christ I live, move and have my being. He has settled all that concerns me, He has lifted me into the level of greatness and destiny fulfillment. His power is working in be because He is my father. Halleluyah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 23rd November 2019 [Day 327]

Friday, 22 November 2019

Prayer from Psalms 91:5

Song by Sinach

Mighty is our God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Glorious is our God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Lord we bless Your name, hallelujah
Lord we bless Your name, hallelujah
Lord we bless Your name, hallelujah
You are worthy of my praise
You are worthy Lord
You are worthy of my praise
You are worthy Lord

Powerful is our God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Glorious is our God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Mighty is our God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

Lord we bless Your name, hallelujah
Lord we bless Your name, hallelujah
Lord we bless Your name, hallelujah
You are worthy of my praise
You are worthy Lord
You are worthy of my praise
You are worthy Lord

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Psalms 91:5 KJV


Lord eternal I worship you and exalt your majesty for being my God

Lord eternal thank you for your love and grace upon me on daily basis

Abba thank you for this wonderful day and grace to be among the living in Jesus name

Holy spirit have your way in me this day and always

Father thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and your love upon my life

Jehovah you are mighty in all areas, prove your power over all that concerns me in Jesus name

Elohim release your capacity inside of me each and everyday

I decree I will never fall prey of the devices of the wicked in Jesud name

I decree fear will never rule over my life or household to the detriment of our peace and joy in Jesus name

I cancel every evil plans to keep my life subjected to any brooding power of darkness in Jesus name

I terminate every association calling for my destruction in any aspect of life

I decree the mighty outstretched arm of God has removed me from every destructive path in Jesus name

I decree over my household and I the power of God is sourcing our breakthrough beyond and above all barriers in life in Jesus name

I decree concerning the charity visit for this ministry tomorrow the great and mighty hands of God will rest and abide on the home and He will be glorified in Jesus name

I decree over as many who volunteered, partnered in any capacity or are willing to but unable to, no harm will befall anyone in Jesus name

I cancel every power that wants to use their power to torment or enslave me or my household in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, the might hands of God will uproot all that is not meant to be in our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name amen

*Confess Daily;Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The mighty hand of God is resting upon my life, His hand is living inside of me therefore no destructive hand can rest upon my destiny and household. The lord has not given me the spirit of fear but of love and sound mind. Therefore I decree every situation causing fear in any aspect of my life is under my feet because I have victory over them. I am victorious in all areas and nothing can stop my victory. The grace of God has renewed and strengthened me. I am a winner always never a loser in Jesus name. Amen!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 22nd November 2019 [Day 326]

Thursday, 21 November 2019

God's Perspective

*Recap of*

*Be Inspired Intercessory Prayer and Testimony*

*Tuesday 19th November 2019*

*Anchored by Sis Leah Adepehjuh*

*Topic:*  God's Perspective

*Text:* 2 Corinthians 3:16-18

Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We’re free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.

2 Corinthians 3:16‭-‬18 MSG

 but when a man turns to the Lord the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:16‭-‬18 RSV

but whenever a person turns [in repentance and faith] to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom]. And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:16‭-‬18 AMP

This evening, we will be sharing a message on *God's Perspective.*
What do we understand by *Perspective?*

*Sis Queeneth:* Point of view. 
*Mummy Julianah:* Seeing it as God sees it. 

*Sis Leah:* Perspective means outcome...
View point...
Point of view...
Attitude towards...
When we say something is God's perspective it means seeing it from God's point of view or through God's attitude.
Going to the Bible Text, 2 Corinthians 3:16-18.

The word of God says once the veil was removed from Moses then they recognised that God is a living personal presence not a piece of chiseled stone.

The Bible further said when God is present a living spirit is there getting rid of the old constricting legislation rendering them useless.

Then we are free of it, all of it.
There is nothing between us and God..

Because our face is shining with the brightness of His face.

We are transfigured  like *Messiahs.* 

*Our lives gradually become more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like Him.*
I have shared 3 different versions of the chosen text...
To actually see from God's view point His spirit must be present in us.
You cannot see from His perspective if you do not identify with Him or has His spirit inside of you.
By the time Moses got the veil removed from His face He did not just carry the physique of the Moses that went up to commune with God He had an extraordinary appearance upon Him.
In life a believer must learn to see his or her life from the perspective of God almighty.
Do you know when you see your life from God's point of view you will not just be moved by every and anything that comes as challenge in your life because you know you are already a winner even before the battle started?
Someone might be saying, but how can I see like that?
I was privileged to meet someone today and we got talking.
And this person said my testimony is all I ask God grace to share with others so they will never give up. 
I used to smoke and drink and all but I decided to stop.
Then this person got stroke.. but the person used to read a lot of Kenneth Haggin's books.
And read one where Kenneth was told by doctors that he would never walk again after a sickness but God defied all odds and reports of doctors and he walked after being written off.
This person suffered stroke and could hardly use the hands or any part of their body.
And doctors told this person on discharge from hospital you will need to live in a care setting for the rest of your life.
You cannot be independent ever again.
This person said their response to the doctors was: can you pass me my books? referring to the Kenneth Haggin's book they were reading and just kept reading.
This person refused to accept what was said.
This person got discharged from hospital into a care setting.
This person said each day they declared and confessed the word of God against all odds.
Months later this person became independent using all limbs normally. Let me even amaze you this person drives a car daily now. 
Why did I share this? Except you understand the Spirit of the one you carry inside of you, you are most likely not to see your life from God's perspective.
But you cannot claim to know God truly or understand Him well enough if you fail to see in His perspective.
You cannot appreciate that spirit He has deposited in you if you fail to see from His perspective.

Many of us have had one challenge or the other in life that God gave us victory from the beginning.
But we never even identified the victory until the  challenge was over.
Do you know why the enemy is very good in placing before you what is not as if it is?
Do you know how he does that?

Through fear.
Fear can make you accept what you ought to reject.
Fear can make you live below the level you are meant to.
Fear can make you succumb into a level you are meant to be king over. 

I hope this is making sense.

But if you actually function in the perspective of God, the only fear that will be allowed in your life is the fear of God. 
The only fear that will make sense to you is the fear of the One who can kill body and soul and quench the spirit.
The only fear that will dominate your life is that of the King of kings. 

This evening I want you to kindly look at your life. What are those things that you have refused to see from God's perspective?
Many of us are so stuck by our own intuition.
Even when God is saying otherwise you just will not get it.
This day God is saying: Look at it from my point of view.
You know that if the people of Israel had seen from the perspective of God through Moses many of them including Moses would have made the promised land rather than perish in the wilderness.

Can you begin to see your life from the perspective of God?
When you see from God's perspective you do not present yourself like a slave but a child.
You do not see that sickle cell but you see the blood of Jesus.
You do not look at that diabetes as a slow down but you begin to live in divine health.
You live your life trusting the One who made you in your mother's womb and knows the number of your days.
When you see from God's perspective that business might seem dead but you call life into it.
From His perspective your age isn't the limit to your destiny fulfillment because He controls times and season.

I hope someone is grasping what God is telling them today.

You need to stop limiting God.
Stop using the distorted eye lens of man to judge the clear vision of God.
Arise now and dust yourself from that self pity.
Yes, they might have called it an impossible cause but, boy! you are going to show people that it is a possible cause.
From His perspective nothing is impossible.
From His perspective there is no weariness...
No loss...
No shame...
No delay because you have an appointed time.
Today learn to live and see your life from God's perspective.
Once again kick out self pity.
He didn't create you to worry but to worship.

*Let us pray.*

Lord I thank you for your word which you have sent to me this day.
Father thank you for uplifting me from the level of distorted vision to clarity.
Father forgive me in any way I have relied so much on my perspective.
Lord henceforth let me always view life in your perspective in Jesus name.
Lord have your way in my life and all my endeavours; make that which has been impossible possible.

*Personal prayer.*

Thank you Lord for the vessel used this evening and every live touched by it. Let our lives be lived triumphantly in Jesus name.


Prayer from Galatian 5:6

Song by Ron Kenoly

You are the love of my life
You are the hope that I cling to
You mean, more than this world to me

I wouldn't trade You for silver or gold
I wouldn't trade You for riches untold
You are, You are my everything

I wouldn't take one step without You
I could never go on
I couldn't live one day without You
I don't have the strength
To make it on my own

Until the world stops turning
Until the stars fade from the sky
Until the sun starts smiling
I need You in my life
And here's the reason why

For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.
Galatians 5:6 KJV


Almighty father I worship your name and exalt you for being God in my life

Lord eternal I bless your majesty and give all glory due to you alone

Eternal rock of ages thank you for the privilege to be alive this day

Lord thank you for your mercy that speaks above judgement and your love upon my life

Father thank you for the wisdom and knowledge impacted into my life through your word each day

Lord I want more of you in me and in all that I engage in henceforth

Holy spirit lead me in every situation, let me step be guided by you in Jesus name

Abba you are my strength arise and remove all weakness or depression affecting my faith in any capacity of life in Jesus name

Lord let your peace overshadow my life in all aspect and let every unrest be permanently silenced in my life in Jesus name

Jehovah you are the reigning king rule and reign in my destiny till I see you in glory

Father remove from my life whatever I do that doesn't please you and help me to live my life to please you always

Father take off every worldly enticement that may want to take your place in my heart in Jesus name

Jehovah elevate my destiny and glory to the level of purpose achievement henceforth in Jesus name

Lord increase the thirst for the things of heavenly kingdom in my life henceforth in Jesus name

Lord concerning the charity visit on Saturday for this ministry, prove yourself mighty and impact lives in Jesus name

Lord concerning all who have partnered or wish to but unable to, open the doors of breakthrough in our lives in Jesus name

Abba concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, increase your strength and love for you in our lives in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

*Intercede for many who are confused, depressed and in need of the touch of God now*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name amen

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord is the love of my life, He fills my spirit, soul and body with His divine presence. The grace of God upon my life is filling me with new level of achievement. My life can and will never be subject to misfortune in Jesus name. My days on earth are lighten up with the glory of God all around me. The power of God is moving every mountain, levelling all valleys and shaping my destiny aright. The favour of God is upon all that I do, wherever I go I am blessed and highly favoured. My name is enveloped in the supernatural ability of God eternal therefore I will not fail or falter. I rise and shine each and everyday, I am blessed to be and remain a blessing till I see Christ in glory. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 21st November 2019 [Day 325]

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Prayer from Matthew 28;18

Song by Chris Shalom

Power belongs to You
Power belongs to You
in heaven and the earth
All power belongs to You

Power belongs to You
Power belongs to You
in heaven and the earth
All power belongs to You

It all belongs to You
All power belongs to You
in heaven and the earth
All power belongs to You

It all belongs to You
Power belongs to You
in heaven and the earth
All power belongs to you

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matthew 28:18 KJV


Almighty saviour you deserve all the praise and glory accept it all

King of kings I worship your majesty for privilege to be among the living this day

Lord eternal have your way in me this day and take all preeminence in all I will be doing in Jesus name

Father have mercy on me and guide my way in the path of righteousness each and everyday of my life

Lord all power belongs to you alone, dissolve every authority gathered in contrary to your will over my life in Jesus name

Lord almighty terminate every ressurected power against my destiny in any form or shape in Jesus name

Father show your greatness over (mention) cause a divine turn around in Jesus name

Spirit of the living God put an end to every reign against my life that wants to keep me confined in unpleasant circumstances in Jesus name

I decree divine liberty over(mention) henceforth I will not live as a subject to this again in Jesus name

I command my destiny to attain the level of authority in Christ to uproot and destroy whatever isn't of the lord will in Jesus name

I decree over my lineage every power contending with the purpose of God be permanently dethroned and silenced in Jesus name

I commit the charity visit of this ministry into the hands of God every power that wants to rise in opposition is subdued in Jesus name

I decree over the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, fresh utterance and unction to function to the glory of God is released unto us in Jesus name

*Begin to decree the authority of God over every situation in and around you pray in the spirit or in your understanding*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am a child of the King of kings and I carry His authority in and around me. His power is working through me, His word is doing wonders in my life. I will never be a subject to workers of darkness. The lord has released fresh utterance unto me, His favour is surrounding me like a shield. His grace overshadows and renews me. His blessing is upon my life daily. My soul is revitalised by the Living Word. No death either physically or spiritually can take preeminence over my destiny. I receive divine ability through Christ Jesus and I am an overcomer. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 20th November 2019[Day 324]

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Prayer from Psalms 81;9

Song by Chevelle Franklin

We give You Glory
We give You Glory
We give You Glory
Oh Lord.

No foreign god can take, Your place
No foreign god can take, Your place
No foreign god can take, Your place

It's You that I love 
It's You that I love
It's You that I love

Let there be no strange god among you, Nor shall you worship any foreign god.


Ancient of days I magnify your name and worship you for being my God

King of kings I exalt your majesty for ruling and reigning in my life

Lord almighty have your way in me this day and always

Father thank you for this blessed day and privilege to be among the living in Jesus name

Holy Spirit you are welcome into my life do that which you alone are able to do

Father have mercy on me and let your love keep me in your righteousness and away from sinful nature in Jesus name

Holy spirit deliver me from all form of idolatry known or unknown in Jesus name

Father cancel every thoughts that wants to rule above your will in my life in Jesus name

Father dismantle every erected foreign god in my lineage that is taking charge and truncating destiny in Jesus name

Father illuminate my path with your light daily and never let me fall prey of any foreign god in Jesus name

I decree every activity paying homage to any unknown it known god  on my behalf an end has come to it in Jesus name

Father whatever is in my heart that I exalt above you either known or unknown open my eyes to see and help me to let go of such henceforth in Jesus name

Lord whatever has sneaked into my destiny and taken the throne of my life directing me in path that are unpleasant send them out henceforth in Jesus name

Lord eternal erase every power bent on destroying my joy and delaying my achievements or manifestation in any way in Jesus name

Lord increase my capacity in you, let the thirst for your word and your will grow each and everyday in my life

I dismantle every generational gods asking for blood or sacrifice over my life and lineage in Jesus name

I decree my confidence is in Christ Jesus and I will never fail or be put to shame in Jesus name

I uproot all power of enemy rooting against my peace you will will not stand because I carry in me the Prince of peace

Father over this nation let all gods that work contrary to your will over this nation and all the inhabitants, let the gods be permanently silenced in Jesus name

Lord concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, let every force that might want to pull down your glory over us be put to everlasting shame in Jesus name

Father concerning the charity visit for this ministry this Saturday, make it an impactful event to the glory of your name 

*Begin to pray in the holy ghost or your own understanding as the lord leads you*

Lord for as many stuck in idolatry open their eyes and let them come to know you more in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The presence of God terbanacles over my life. The peace of God is my dwelling place so I can't be moved. The grace of God surrounds me and gives me speeds. His favour works over me each and every day. The power of God enables me to achieve my purpose of creation. I live above desires of foreign gods. I am not subject to any form of idolatry because God is above and in my life. I am His vessel unto honour and He has an expected end for me fulfilling my purpose of creation glory be to God. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 19th November 2019 [Day 323]

Monday, 18 November 2019

Prayer from Isaiah 55:11

Song by Sinach

Seasons come, seasons go
You never change, you are faithful
Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall
You never change, everlasting

I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am,
Praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough

We praise You, for your great love
And wondrous things
That You have done
We offer up
A sacrifice of thanksgiving
We sing for joy

I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am,
Praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough

So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. ISAIAH 55:11 AMP


Lord  eternal I worship your name and give all praise and glory due to you alone

Ancient of days thank you for this awesome day and grace to be among the living in Jesus name

Father thank you for the forgiveness of sin and the salvation of my soul

Lord thank you for your word which you have given to me to direct my path always

Eternal rock of ages thank you for making me a partaker of the promises and victory embedded in your word in Jesus name

Holy Spirit thank you for daily uplifting me and guiding my path in your will in Jesus name

I decree concerning my life that the promises of God will not return void over me in Jesus name

I decree over (mention) only the will of God will stand beyond the human understanding in Jesus name

I decree concerning my health nothing will take a parasitic abode over my health in Jesus name

I decree whatever has been used as an effigy to cause damage in my life or household is pulled down permanently in Jesus name

I decree that which the lord has said in my life can never fail therefore I can never become a sorry case in Jesus name

Father I lift the charity visit of this ministry this week into your hands glorify yourself before, during and after it in Jesus name

Lord I lift as many who have partnered in any capacity in regards to the charity visit let your word manifest greatly in their lives and let them encounter you in a different way in Jesus name

I decree concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, this season our lives will encounter the unfailing power of God over all our heart desires in Jesus name

*Begin to pray concerning all that has tarried in your life that it will receive a new touch and promises of God will come to manifestation over them all in Jesus name*

Thank you heavenly father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. This season my life will begin to experience new level of greatness. That which God has spoken concerning me is receiving spead to come to manifestation. My glory is rising from now on, I am moving to a higher level of life. Nothing is impossible for me, nothing can stop me, nothing can pull me down. The grace at work in my life is unstoppable. My destiny is hidden in the light of the world therefore no darkness can have a hold upon my life and destiny. I am blessed beyond measures and chosen for greater occurrence to the glory of God. Halleluyah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 18th November 2019 [Day 322]

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Prayer from Hebrews 11:30

Song by Todd Dulaney

Hallelujah, you have won the victory (lift up your voice and say now)
Hallelujah, you have won it all for me
Death could not hold you down
You are the risen king
Seated in majesty (yeah)
You are the risen king

By his stripes we are healed
By his nail pierced hands, we're free
By his blood we're washed clean
Now we have the victory

And The power of sin is broken
Jesus overcame it all, yeah, yes he did
(He has won) He has won our freedom (yes he has)
Jesus has won it all (it all, oh)

By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days [by Joshua and the sons of Israel].


Immortal God the only wise and true God I worship you

Heavenly father I magnify you and thank you for this wonderful day and grace of life

Lord eternal thank you for your love and power that is released daily into my life

Father thank you for the forgiveness of my sin and the precious blood shed on Calvary for my salvation

Lord thank you for breaking the power and chain of sin over my destiny and the freedom through your word

Lord thank you for the victory you have given me over sickness and disease through your word

Lord thank you for the insightful knowledge impacted on me daily through your word

Father thank you for bringing to rubbles all erected power and walls of negativity in and around my life

Father thank you for giving me hallelujah testimony over the case that has been written off

Father thank you for allowing your favour to overshadow my life in all directions

Lord thank you for increasing my faith in you and for using my life as an evidence of your miraculous power in Jesus name

Holy Spirit thank you for always guiding me with your mighty hand and never allowing me to fall prey of the workers of iniquity in Jesus name

*Thank God for families that He is delivering or has delivered from untimely death either through known or unknown cause*

Prince of peace thank you for your supernatural anointing daily released into my being you deserve the glory

Lord thank you for the success of the charity visit of this ministry this month all glory belongs to you alone

Lord thank you for the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, thank you for the total victory over all that concerns us you deserve all the praise in Jesus name

*Begin to praise/pray in tongues or in your understanding over all that concerns you and believe it is settled in Jesus name*

Thank you abba father for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The lord has given me victory in all areas. The power of sin and sickness is negated over my life and all around me. He has released His greatness into me. I walk, work and carry the living word of God everywhere I go. The master of the universe has taken my life into a higher level, I soar like an eagle and my light cannot be removed by any power. The shield of God surrounds me each and everyday. I am in the new level of my life working and moving in the plans of God. No worry has a place in my life because He that began a good work in me will complete it. Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 17th November 2019 [Day 321]

Prayer from Psalms 27:2


You are the mighty God
The great I am
Hallelujah Hallelujah

When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.


Ancient of days I worship and adore you for who you are to me

Lord thank you for this awesome day and grace to be alive

Lord eternal take preeminence of my day direct me in all I will be doing in Jesus name

Ancient of days manifest yourself over all my heart desire do what you alone can do in Jesus name

Father my trust is in you over(mention) let me see you at work and let it end in testimony in Jesus name

Jehovah let all the plans of the wicked against me and my household pour back on their heads in Jesus name

Lord give me victory over all adversaries known or unknown in Jesus name

Father deliver me from the power of internal enemies that has gone high and above in any aspect of my life to ruin me in Jesus name

Holy spirit arise and shine your light unto my path never let me fall into the pit of darkness in the journey of life in Jesus name

Glorious father establish your love in every part of my being and never let me seek perishable things above the imperishable in Jesus name

Father concerning this nation destroy the power of the wicked totally and establish your will in all parts of this nation

*Intercede on behalf of people who feel oppressed ask for the total deliverance of God upon them henceforth*

Lord concerning the vessel use for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, destroy all power of negativity risen against us known or known in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The power of God is at work in me. The grace of God is setting me free and moving me high. The peace of God surrounds me daily. The lord has trampled all power of the wicked under my feet. My life is an evidence of the great and mighty power of God. The word of God is my guiding light each and everyday. It is my time to shine, it is my season to dance, the sun shall not slight me by day nor the moon by night. The grace of God is daily working in and around me. I am blessed and highly favoured nothing can stop the plans of God for me. I am a conqueror and an overcomer in all that I engage in. Glory be to God Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 16th November 2019 [Day 320]

Friday, 15 November 2019

Prayer from Isaiah 40:3-4

Song by Timothy Reddick

I'm free indeed
In Christ I'm free indeed
No chains are holding me
It's who I choose to be
Everybody say now

I'm free indeed
In Christ I'm free indeed
No chains are holding me
It's who I choose to be
It's who I choose to be
It's who I choose to be

I choose to be Free
I choose to be Free
I choose to be Free
I choose to be Free
I choose to be Free

A voice of one is calling out, “Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness [remove the obstacles]; Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God.  Every valley shall be raised, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged places a broad valley.
ISAIAH 40:3‭-‬4 AMP


Almighty Father my sustainer and defence I worship your name

King of kings I honour your majesty for the privilege to be alive among the living

Lord eternal I thank you for your mercy and forgiveness of my sin

Father thank you for taking me out of darkness of this world and shining your light on my path

Ancient of days thank you for sending your word to me on daily basis you deserve all praise

I decree I am free from all confinement of the enemy physically or spiritually in Jesus name

I decree my life is made whole and I am uplifted by the power of God in Jesus name

I decree every attempt to silence me physically or spiritually is permanently negated in Jesus name

I decree all negative revelations struggling to manifest in my physical life is totally erased in Jesus name

I decree my joy is overflowing in the name of Jesus 

I decree every valley in my life causing delay or detour in the journey of my life is raised on Jesus name

I decree all mountainous situation risen over my life and destiny is becoming plain grounds and stepping stones in Jesus name

I command my life to receive an upward movement in Jesus name

I decree my life is supernaturally enabled to fulfill purpose in Jesus name

I decree in anyway my life is not propagating the gospel receive a turn around to do the will of God henceforth in Jesus name

I decree this nation receive supernatural freedom from unruly power of darkness in all areas in Jesus name

I decree I will never become tired or weary in spiritual growth in Jesus name

*Intercede for people falsely imprisoned by any power or government that God will set them free henceforth in Jesus name*

*Decree concerning your destiny that it will be freed from any seen or unseen cage in Jesus name*

Father concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, either spiritually, physically or any aspect of life never allow any power deny us of our liberty in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteous of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. I am free in Christ, no power can hold me. I live a life of divine liberty nothing can stop me from fulfilling my purpose of creation. The lord whom I serve can never be confined therefore my life can never be confined by any power or force. I am a success in all that I do, nothing can truncate my destiny, my hope is ressurected by the supernatural power of Christ far beyond the imagination of man. I am made whole and set above and higher than all challenges in life in Jesus name. Amen*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 15th November 2019 [Day 319]

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Prayer from Isaiah 30:10

Song by Todd Dulaney

Yes, the world
Will bow down and say You are God
Every man
Will bow down and say You are King
So let's start right now
Why would we wait
We can praise you now
In victory

King of Glory, fill this place
We just wanna be with You
Just wanna be with You
King of Glory, fill this place
Just wanna be with You
Just wanna be with You

So we'll sing Hallelujah
Till You come again
And we'll dance in Your presence
Till You come again

I'll just sing Hallelujah
Till You come again
And I'll dance in Your presence
Till You come again

Who [virtually] say to the seers [by their conduct], See not! and to the prophets, Prophesy not to us what is right! Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceitful illusions.
Isaiah 30:10 AMPC


Father I thank you for this wonderful day and grace to be among the living in Jesus name

Lord eternal thank you for your mercy that speaks over judgement in my life in Jesus name

Holy Spirit have your way in all I do  henceforth in Jesus name

Father I release unto you as many doubting your existence let them come to the knowledge of the true God you are

Lord this day visit as many souls thirsting and longing for you

Father expose and put an end to activities of false prophets in Jesus name

Lord heal the body of Christ worldwide of self gain and selfishness that results in division in Jesus name

Lord uphold all ministers of the gospel no matter the capacity they hold keep them firm in your will

Ancient of days this day visit all nations and law makers forming decrees against the propagation of the goodnews and turn their hearts towards your will

Lord almighty touch the heart of this generation and do not let the doom of Sodom fall upon this generation in Jesus name

Father ignite your love in our hearts let us treat others the way you want us to treat them in Jesus name

Father heal all homes going through any form of damage that is planted by the workers of iniquity in Jesus name

Lord almighty empower all ministers of the gospel who have been accused wrongly vindicate them in Jesus name

Father in this nation silence the thirst for destruction that depopulate heaven in whatever capacity or scheme it's been launched in Jesus name

Father through me let the world come to the knowledge of who you are and How great and mighty your works are in Jesus name

Lord concerning the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, uphold us in your hands and terminate every plans against your will for us in Jesus name

*Intercede for your community and the youths of your nation*

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin Shall not have dominion over me I am operating in the power of the word of God. I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The word of God is alive and working in and through me. The spirit of the Most High King is living in me. I will never fall prey of the workers of iniquity. The truth of God is my director in life. I live a life of glory, favour, mercy and grace. The everlasting outstretched arms of God is seeing me through all that I do in life. My living is a testimony, each and everyday God proves Himself in and through me. I am not unfortunate in anyway because I am loved by Messiah the king of kings. Glory be to God, Hallelujah!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word)© 14th November 2019 [ Day318]

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Who do I call

*Esther's Prayer & Fasting 13th November 2019*

*Topic:* Who do I call?

*Text* Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).
Jeremiah 33:3 AMPC

Praise be to God who is mighty and ever reliable king for another day to share His word and wait on Him it's not by power or by might but by His grace. We ask Lord that you have your way this day speak to us beyond our human thinking and let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Amen

The topic says *who do I call*.. we are all aware of what an emergency is,a situation that needs urgent attention.

In an emergency so many things needs to be considered especially the action made as a result of the emergency. 

Say for example you see a car or house burning in some countries you dial the emergency number and ask for the fire service, some countries do not have the luxury of such service so people improvise. In both cases there is a common goal to limit the damage and save life wherever possible.

The life of a Christian is not and should not be based on emergency scenario especially when it comes to calling on God.

In Jeremiah 33:3 the word of God clearly says call on me and not just that alone when you call on Him, He will show you great things,release wisdom where needed basically He will substitute the fear and replace it with faith in Him.

You may wonder how, imagine calling daily on God over all that you do not only will He supply you with supernatural knowledge wisdom and understanding He will bless you with strength in order to apply that wisdom or talent or skills He has given to you.

Today I want to ask you do you call on God always or you only wait for an emergency service from Him. Some people will rather call on the fellow man who is not just limited in resources but limited in many ways before calling on God.

I want to encourage you today do not shift calling on God over any situation in your life to the bottom list of your priority make it your first channel and plan in everything you do.

Let it be the main call you make daily(through prayer, praise, listening to him, reading the word and meditation on His word), you know when you call on God He will respond. How He will do it or when might not be within the time frame of man but He will respond.

So who do you call on in good time or bad time...

*God almighty*

Calling on Him can ignite that help you have longed for through the call of man. He can use anybody to fulfill His purpose so if you have been calling or never called on Him make it a habit and never give up.

*Let us Pray;*

Father Lord thank you for your word this very day you deserve all praise

Lord thank you for the privilege to call on you even when situations have been unbearable

Lord eternal forgive me in anyway I have substituted your place for limited man in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you abba for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Be Inspired by His Word 2019©*

Prayer from Isaiah 33:6

Song by Brianna Babinaeux

You've been searching for someone
who'll stand in the gap
And you been searching for someone
who will give you their all.

Here I am Lord, Here's my life Lord
You don't have search no further
cause I'll be the one, Yes.
I'll be the one, ohhh I'll be the one
You dont have to search no further
I'll be the one, Yes
I'll be the one, ohhh, I'll be the one

And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His.
Isaiah 33:6 AMPC


Holy Spirit I welcome you into my life this day have your way and take charge of all I will do in Jesus name

Heavenly father thank you for this blessed day and grace to be alive in Jesus name

Lord eternal have mercy on me and forgive my shortcomings in Jesus name

Father here I am yielding all that I am and have to you, use me for your glory in Jesus name

Lord let me enjoy your promises for my life in abundance in Jesus name

Lord never let me hold back on anything you have given to me that you want me to use to the glory of your name in Jesus name

Lord eternal take off every form of weariness in my spiritual life that will lead to spiritual dormancy in my life in Jesus name

Lord cut off every evil lead disguised to cause my life confusion and limitation in anyway in Jesus name

Elohim you are the great and mighty one cause my life and journey of faith to experience divine stability henceforth in Jesus name

Lord fill me with divine wisdom and knowledge to handle all situation in a way that your name will be glorified in Jesus name

Lord let your divine hand bring peace to this nation, put an end to any form of disaster that might have befall or planning to befall this nation in Jesus name

Glorious king let your light shine on my dream in life and keep my dream alive, never allow the stress of life to burn it off in Jesus name

My father you know my heart cry, visit me over them according to your promises and allow me to experience 11th hour visitation that will cause souls to acknowledge you as a great God in Jesus name

Jehovah my strength, remove all weakness that wants to jeopardize my glory in anyway in Jesus name

*Intercede on behalf of your nation ask God to fulfill His promise concerning your nation and other nations around the world*

Father in any way you have made me a Watchman over souls never let me fail you or the souls in Jesus name

Lord over the life of the vessel used for this daily prayer and all impacted by it, remove all that will hinder us from fulfilling our calling to you in life in Jesus name

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you ancient of days for answered prayers in Jesus name

*Confess Daily; Sin Shall not have dominion over me, I am operating in the power of the word of God, I am the righteousness of God by faith as Jesus is so am I in this world. The Lord my father is a warrior, He is mighty in battle. He has called me and sent me for a purpose on earth. I am not on earth by mistake, I have purpose to fulfill. My eyes is fixed on eternal crown, therefore I run this race focused on the throne of the king of kings. His promises of abundance is working daily inside of me because he is my source. I serve the Great I Am and His word works mightily through me. Jesus is my help always and my hope nothing can stop me or cause me to fail in Jesus name amen!*

Today's Prayer by Be Inspired (by His Word) © 13th November 2019 [ Day 317]

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...