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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Prayer from Judges 13:8-10

Oh Lord I need  you to help me 2*
Help me in my worries
Help me in my ways
Oh Lord I need you to help me

Judges 13:8-10 NKJV
"Then Manoah prayed to the Lord , and said, “O my Lord, please let the Man of God whom You sent come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born.” And God listened to the voice of Manoah, and the Angel of God came to the woman again as she was sitting in the field; but Manoah her husband was not with her. Then the woman ran in haste and told her husband, and said to him, “Look, the Man who came to me the other day has just now appeared to me!”

Father I thank you for this day and the breath of life in Jesus name

Heavenly father have mercy on me and forgive me of all my sins in Jesus name

Father I thank you for that which you have started in my life in Jesus name

Lord send your angel to me to reveal secrets I need to know for me to fulfill purpose in Jesus name

Father as you heard the cry of Manoah and heed to his prayer hear my cry and attend to my needs in Jesus name

My father as you sent your angel to confirm your promises regarding Manoah's wife let me have a visitation to confirm your promises for my life in Jesus name

Lord Jesus give me a testimony that will cause men to serve you more in Jesus name

Lord you remembered Manoah and His wife and granted them their heart desires today Lord remember me and grant My heart desires in Jesus name

Thank you Jesus for answered  prayers in Jesus name

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