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Monday, 30 December 2013

No more Giants

Be Inspired end of month / year fasting and prayer December 2013.

Theme: No More Giant (s)
Text: 1Samuel 17 : 49 " so it was, when the Phillistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that Davod hurried and ran towards the army to meet the Phillistine. "

When the word giant is mentioned, what comes to most people's mind is something/someone with extraordinary size or power. Some giants in human lives are small creature made big due to fear but at the sight of our they are nothing to be scared of but what we must take dominion over because the power to do that is deposited in us.

Most of us are aware of the story of David and Goliath.  Goliath the Philistine, threatened to kill the Israel armies and take Israelites as slaves. King Saul was confused, scared and there was lots of uncertainty running through the Israelites's mind. David a teenager who was a shepherd from the house of Jesse volunteered to face Goliath. Prior to this incident in 1Samuel 16:12-13, David was anointed out of all his brothers and the spirit of the Lord came upon him from then. Giant can be anything that threatens or disturbs one's peace. I read on the Web that some researchers said David being a shepherd boy was a benefit to him killing Goliath. Also it was said that goliath's death was as a result of his height and the armour he had on prevented him from running unlike David who was harmed with sling and Stone, the most important armour David had was the name of the Lord of host from my perspective (1sam17:45). The fall/death of goliath took the giants, trouble, pain that disturbed the peace of Isrealites away.

In year 2013 that is almost gone, many limited themselves because of imaginary/ physical giants. They allowed things/people/situations that are no match to Almighty God to stop them from getting to where God wanted them to be. The giant you created in that marriage or the giant you refused to bring down from your life has kept you bound in a position you ought to have left behind.

David believed that greater is He that is in him than he that is in the world, goliath was in the world David was in the word which is life, light and God almighty Himself John1:1, Matthews 5:14.  Many are times we forget who we are (sons &daughters of God) and allow situations in life to control us. Many are times we make the laws of the land our standard and make the word of God our plan B. God's word should be your standard and only plan because it out rules other plans.

If you live in the word the world will not rule over you but if you live in the world it will rule over you. David defeated goliath with stones and sling, a nine foot giant was dwarfed by the anointed one of God. The same thing applies to you ( Psalms 105:14-15) the word of God  cannot be altered, He will cause no harm to befall His chosen, He will fight on your behalf.

God might not come in person to fight the giants of our lives but He has deposited the tools in us. Ridiculing your ability of overcoming a challenge is like digging the grave of an unborn Child you don't know if it will survive or die but you have plans of burying the child already.

When Israelites were about to enter canaan,  God gave them a word to possess the land and not be afraid of anything peradventure something made them afraid they should bring it to Him (God). Deuteronomy 1:5-8, 17-18. In Deuteronomy 1:31-22 they sent men to go ahead to search out the lands on getting to Deuteronomy 1:36-29 they gazed at the children of Anakim (giants) and forgot God because of fear. In Numbers 14:1-10 moses and Aaron were ready to make plans to go back to Egypt to continue second class slavery because the spies saw giants in Canaan. Thank God for Caleb and Joshua who showed their faith and believed God is greater than the  giants.

Isrealite spies forgot the purpose they were sent to check the land which was for them to know the port of entry into the land in order to possess their possession instead they focused on giants. There are times  God will show us great and mighty plans for our lives but instead of embracing it, praying towards it and making godly plans ahead of it, we look at our present situations form giants out of it thus hinder the move God wants to do for us and through us. As we are coming to end of year 2013 you and I must get rid of every giants be it in our imagination, as a result of unbelief or fear. We are children of the king of kings. We must possess our possessions but before we can we need to deal with the enemy in us that builds giants out of midgets.  God has power to dwarf existing and non existing giants if you believe. Matthews 7:7 says it all, tell your giants that your God is the giant that out weighs all giants.

Lord I thank you for this word and how you have ministered to me through it in Jesus name amen.

Father change my thoughts to be in line with your will in Jesus name amen.

Lord dwarf every known and unknown giants in my life and give me dominion over them in Jesus name amen.

Lord open my eyes to see the tools you have deposited in me to overcome the challenges of my life in Jesus name amen.

Lord as I cross over to the New year 2014 empower me to see you not my problems in Jesus name amen.

Lord give me grace to possess my possessions in Jesus name amen.

Above all every giants in my salvation journey receive the stone of death in Jesus name amen.

Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen, our giants are no more. There are gone with 2013 in Jesus name.

May God take you higher Sis in Jesus name

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