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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Step out of it and Step into what He says.

Uniqueness can not go unnoticed.
When something is special in you that you want to offer, obstacles will come at a high scale.

The Obstacles are there to distract you from fulfilling the purpose of your uniqueness.

Words like
" you can't make it in that industry"
"It's not for people like you"
"You aren't that good in that area"
"You are over doing it"
"Something is wrong somewhere"
"It's probably not your thing just let go"
And many more are lies from the pit of hell.
The mouths where they come from are instruments being used to get to you.

You must always be confident of something that God has made you unique not because He want to please any man but because you have an assignment to fulfill in that area.

There is only one you, even your twin or lookalike will function in a different way compared to you. So be confident on whom you are

Words travel farther than some other things in life. The extent they affect you is the extent you allow it to travel to and within you.

Many people written off in the past ended up doing great exploit. Even our Lord Jesus was born in a manger and looking at Mary and Joseph people judged Christ based on His background " is he not the carpenter's son" "can anything good come out of Nazareth".

Who would have thought David the little boy shepherd will one day kill Goliath and be the king. Who would have thought that that young boy could lead a Nation.

Who would have thought that  Esther a slave would become a queen. Vashti misbehaved and she was replaced just like that with a slave on a mision. It did not end there Mordecai changed position in a way that was meant for His destruction.

Philippians 1:6 KJV
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

You must always have and  keep that confidence in you through thick and thing. Praising God in the midst of all the negativity,  in the midst of all the you are unqualifed statements. Praises is the key to new doors.

When you start praising you start getting raised. Praise bring forth revelation. God has deposited something in you. To launch into it and be productive you  must praise Him all through your way and he will refill you. If you continue to praise him he fills you again. Then the cycle keeps going round and round and round till eternity.

While they say "you aint good for anything"
Praise God, Take steps ordained by God, raise it all to Him and He will raise you higher than your adversaries think.

Step out of you aint good corner to the corner of God sees something good in me.

You need to take the step and be in charge.

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