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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Borrower of Vision or Bearer of Vision.

Vision is simply the act of being able to see.
Vision can be instantenous, through divine discernment or prophetic.

Habakkuk 2:2" then the Lord answered me write the vision, make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly" (God's word Translation)

Every vision needs to be written down in a way people can understand the purpose of the vision and the target or goal the vision aims to meet.

Bearer of a vision is whom the vision had been given initially. When you speak to some business owners about their business their response at times is "it has always been my dream/vision". The bearer of a vision will handle the vision in a unique way, ideas will be outstanding.

Borrower of a vision, this is someone who has a vision or does not have a vision but copies anothee person's vision and idea.
In some cases such person will copy perfectly forgetting that a PHOTOCOPY CAN NEVER BE AN ORIGINAL.

You wonder how this applies to our day to day activities. We come across all types of people in this world some are ready to borrow all your talents, ideas and make it theirs if you are not careful. They can either be a close friend or a distanced friend or neighbour, all your steps are being watched.

This kind of person will copy from your talents to your voice tone, your dressing, cooking methods. Please do not get me wrong it is profitable to share ideas and knowledge that way you gain more. It is different from copying and claiming ownership.

For every vision bearer, he/she must be ready to partner with people with similar vision, this way you will excel.

For instance you wouldn't expect a Fashion designer to help fix your plumbing problems. That is a no no, its if only its a multi-functioning company that produces different typws of profession.

Taking social network for example, there are many sites and groups. Many have great vision and arr utilizing it so well.
Whereas some people are borrowing such vision and are doing great as well but are limited because they wait on the recipent they borrowed their vision to know the next step to take.

Some glance through other's vision, borrow some, do lots of researches and establish a great vision of their own.

What is  your Vision?
Have you got a vision?
Are you living on borrowed vision?
What is the source of your vision?

You need to have a vision to identify what your mission is. From the source of your vision, you can get fresh inspiration on how to go about your vision.

Some people bury their vision because they covet others vision thinking their would not yield so well.
If God gives you a vision, He will give provision for the mission of that vision.

An intriguing thing is when parents, siblings try to utilize their vision through their child or sibling.
Such parents say to their child you will study Medical Science and the Child wants to study Law because that is what he/she is well competent and interested. Parents do not give in easily except God intervane.

Some parents will even say since A your sister/brother couldn't achieve that you must do this course and they get your sibling to talk to you. They neglect the fact that it might not be the vision God has given you about yourself. In such scenario you must seek God and commit the heart of your parents to God.

Vision bearer be careful of people around you that are just hanging around not to only steal your vision but destroy yours so that they can claim full possession.

When God gives you a vision, seek help from Him inguarding the vision and fulfilling the purpose with which the Vision was given.

I pray that no power of man will tarnish your God given vision in Jesus name. Amen

I pray also that in anyway you have lost your vision due to carelessness God in His infinite mercies will restore it in Jesus name. Amen

I also pray for those that are clueless about their vision God will open your eyes and heart of Understanding to know what your vision is in Jesus name. Amen


matty said...

Thanks for allowing God to use you t write this. You are blessed.

Choice Catherine Modina said...

Good article, may God bless you

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