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Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Overcoming with joy

*Be Inspired Intercessory prayer and testimony program. 15th December 2020*

*Topic:* overcoming with joy

*Text:* Psalms 30:5, 2 Corinthians 4:17

For His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or in His favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. [II Cor. 4:17.]
Psalm 30:5 AMPC

For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],
2 Corinthians 4:17 AMPC

Glory be to our father in heaven for another opportunity to share and learn from His word.

Lord we thank you because your word says in everything we should give thanks. We thank you for every month, every hurdles, every victory, and all that we have encountered this year. Lord today speak to and through us. Lord almighty let it be all of you and none of me in Jesus name.

It's amazing how time flies, the saying that time waits for no man is so true. You can experiment it literarily by sitting down and watching your clock or watch, if you sit there doing nothing the time will not stop just to wait for you to start what you need to do. That is why it is important to do what is worth doing and will of God each time of our lives.

The topic says *overcoming with joy*, to overcome means to succeed something and joy is a feeling of great happiness.

Do we ever sit and think about the trials that come our way at times. For example someone who waited on the lord to get married eventually did and God forbid then start waiting to be a parent or someone who had studied to achieve all degrees achievable now waiting to get a job after many years of successfully graduating.

 Perhaps we can use those in ministry after labouring, waiting and doing all they need to do but finding it difficult to gather people who are ready to live for God.

Challenges can come in different phases, could be physical or spiritual but one thing we know for sure is that nothing happens physically without God's knowledge. It must be settled spiritually for it to manifest physically. Sometimes we run to the wrong place trying to get solution but nothing to show for it. But when we go the right direction we will see the hand of God mightily.

I believe we all have one thing or the other we want to see the hand of God concerning.

It could be a situation that you have wept over, you've had sleepless night regarding it. It's daunting situation you have prayed endlessly and now you just feel like you have hit the night time. Don't worry there will be overcoming joy concerning that situation in Jesus name. Amen

We all know automatically when we see the sunrise we assume a day has started, but the day doesn't necessarily break when the sunrise alone.

 In thick darkness of the night the day itself is working gradually into lime light of I can out it that way but we only see it clearly when the sunrise a new day start from 12midnight right and at that time it's still dark in most part of the world.

The scientists let us understand that the earth moves 24hours round the sun and that is how we experience day and night. Within that 24 hours movement when some part of the world is experiencing day others are experiencing night. That is why what face some as challenge is a victory to some. I pray we will all experience victory over all challenges in Jesus name. Amen!

 In the beginning, I discussed briefly on time waiting for no man. One thing we must understand in life is everyone have and are at different time of their life. This takes us back to our main text; weeping May endure for all night but joy comes with the morning.

2 Corinthians 4:17 says our light momentary affliction prepared us for vast transcendent glory that never cease.

At some point in challenges in life we may feel like we are constantly getting choked, losing air and unable to breathe. We may feel like this is getting unbearable and at that point we keep hanging on to faith, infact we stopped doing faith just as the word said we made it an activity but our minds feels troubled still. I will like to remind us that, that or those challenges are for a moment, they are momentary and they are preparing us for overcoming joy that never cease.

The journey to overcoming joy can be very tideous,filled with test of faith, let downs and God knows what but the joy of overcoming will supercede the stress and heart ache we might have gone through.

You may feel like you are currently in the night time now or even unable to ascertain where you are, you may be thinking is God even hearing me anymore?

Remember when God was going to create the entire universe it was without form all of it was dark but guess what, He spoke the word and there was a change that we are still experiencing now. God called the day out of the night isn't that amazing.

*_The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it; and God separated the light from the darkness. [II Cor. 4:6.] And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day._*
Genesis 1:2‭-‬5 AMPC

Our God is not shocked by whatever stage we find ourselves now, either day or night He is still the word. He is the extraordinary strategist, the unchangeable God who can never fail. He is not worried right now thinking how will this child of mine overcome this current situation with joy?

He knows how it will all work out, I want to encourage you today and reassure you with the word of God those afflictions are momentary and that night cry is ending with overcoming joy.

Are you experiencing loss, disappointment, discouragement take it to the lord and take the word to that situation right now don't feel overwhelmed by the happenings God has settled it in Jesus name Amen.

Science can fail, man can fail, money can fail, family can fail whatever is man made can fail but God will never fail you need to believe that if He can't fail you will never fail in Jesus name.

*Let us pray*

God eternal I worship you for your word today

My father thank you for speaking to me directly and for your word that is new every morning

Father thank you for your mercy is above everything disappointment or any judgement 

Lord thank you because I am already an overcomer because my trust is in you

Lord thank you for ending every battle that was set to end my existence

Lord thank you because this year no matter what I will end it with joy

Father thank you for restoring my faith in you and removing doubt and unbelief from me

Lord thank you for not making me a candidate of the killer virus either spiritually or physically

Ancient of days I come to you and I dedicate my entire being unto you take control henceforth

Lord over every member of this group let us all experience an overcoming joy in all that we desire and wait on you for

*Personal Prayer*

Thank you lord Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus name

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