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Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Being Thirsty

Esthers Fasting and Prayer

Topic; Being Thirsty
Text: Numbers 20:2-11

Thank God for the grace to witness another wednesday. He deserves all the praise.

Lord we give you all the glory honour and adoration for the privilege to wait on you in fasting and prayer today. Thank you father for grace bestowed on us and your mercy. Thank you for counting us worthy. Thank you for not allowing the accusser of brethren to take victory over our life and being in Jesus name. Amen

Being thirsty is a state as human being we experience when we are dehydrated. This can be as a result of the weather where we live or illness even forgetting to have a drink.

As simple as it sounds being thirsty can lead to further complications in the body if it's not address swiftly it can lead to death. Today I will be sharing about being thirsty for God.

It may sound fictitious but the honest truth is as a believer we need to constantly thirst for more of God in us because we cannot have enough of Him. In order to fulfill our purpose on earth our heart must seek the almighty and depend on Him.

In the Bible Text Numbers 20:2-11 it tells the story of the children of Israel in the wilderness. When they became thirsty for water. All hell was nearly loosed on Moses. Many were already condemning him for bringing them to the wilderness to die.

Some even said they would have gladly died in egypt. They chose slavery over freedom due to their present need. A gospel artist once sang a song and mentioned that adversity can make a believer become a ritualist or even renounce their faith.

This sound like the situation of the children of Isreal in that wilderness. They were ready to forsake freedom or the person that led them to it and go back to slavery. They kept pestering Moses for water, they kept blaming him for their present predicament.

Moses was much different from them having had an encounter with God. He knew how to handle such situation. He went the right and only way he was certain of which was to God. He cried to God, it wasn't like God couldn't see what the children of Israel was doing. Remember our God is the Lion and the lamb. When He needs to fight He will and in His fighting you can still find meekness like that of a lamb. He waited to see what Moses will do.

What Moses needed to actually get the answer was the anointed staff he had in his hand with God's authority. How awesome, had it being he knew he would have touched the rock immediately but He needed a higher direction from God.

God is not a man that He should lie He said He will never leave nor forsake us. That is of we continue to seek Him.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39.

The children of Isreal can be compared to us believers living now. What can stop us from being thirsty for God, what can make us thirst for Him, when do we know who we thirst for or what?

First thing a believer must learn to do is to seek God always by seeking Him you are practically thirsty for Him.
Then he became very thirsty, and he called to the LORD and said, "You have given this great deliverance by the hand of Your servant, and now shall I die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?" But God split the hollow place that is in Lehi so that water came out of it. When he drank, his strength returned and he revived. Therefore he named it En-hakkore, which is in Lehi to this day. Judges 15:18-19.

Samson demanded for water from God after killing thousands with the jaw bone of an ass. If you are familiar with the story of Samson you will understand He was born with power. Aside the fact that He was divinely filled He still had to ask for water to quench his thirst.  God heard and brought water out of somewhere to quench His thirst because Samson called on Him regardless of the fact that he was born with divine power.

Fast forward to the encounter of the woman by the well with Jesus. In John 4.
Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; John 4:13-14. Here we are made to know that ordinary water will quench your thirst instantly but the living water who is Christ Jesus will quench the thirst forever. It may seem impossible but it is very possible as you grow and go with Christ in faith your thirst for Him daily will remove any other thirst. When He fills you, you no longer thirst for the perishable but the imperishable.

Not filling our tgirst with God can lead to spurirual and eternal death.
When you thirst for God it could be over different issues of life remember nothing is beyond or above Him everything is under Him. Including what seem very big and impossible for man. They are all under His feet when you are filled Him thos tging under His feet will be under your feet as well. Because you no longer live an ordinary life, daily you engage your spirit man to dialogue with Him giving your soul the newness it needs daily through His worth hence your body becoming a subject to the will of God because you are filled with Him.

My prayer today is that God will fill us all with Himself. When we are filled with Him revival is inevitable. Because we are revived and everything we touch is revived. Whoever is filled with God stops thinking about themself alone or their immediate need they thing large and wide. You speak into your community anf your neighbourhood and it happens as you declared because your thirst for the need of your neighbourhood falls in line with the will of God.

Let us pray.

Father thank you for your word today.

Lord I worship honour and adore your majesty be thou glorified in me in Jesus name

Father in anyway I have thirsted for the perishable thing and neglected the imperishable forgive me in Jesus name

Father gill me with more of you in Jesus name

Lord quench my thirst with your presence and never let me be thesame again in Jesus name.

Father do not let me die spiritually or eternally in Jesus name

Personal Petition.

Thank you father for answered prayers in Jesus name

Esthers Prayer and Fasting 21st June 2017©

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