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Monday, 9 September 2013


Sacrifice is not classified a sacrifice except its done out of comfort zone from my perspective.

Taking the occultic world for example, when they want to offer sacrifice to their gods they give their all.

From my motherland Nigeria, yorubaland to be precise they call it "ebo or etutu"( I hope I am right). When someone is meant to offer sacrifice the list can be endless from goat to human being, kolanut to palm oil, white clothes and divers colour of clothing.  The herbalist will then say to the one about to offer the sacrifice that " ki ebo le fin ki ebo le da" (so that it will be acceptable).

The fellow about to give the sacrifice will go to every length, travel far and near to get all that is needed. In situations where the fellow is financially buoyant he/she will pay the money and probably come back to witness the sacrifice been done or not depending on  what is required by the herbalist. Some will even borrow run into debt just to carry out the sacrifice. Just to sacrifice to a man made god.

Why sacrifice?
I believe nothing comes cheap in this world except the breath of life that we breath in. You wonder why I say the breath of life is cheap, wait till you see someone with breathing problem (I am not mocking anyone in such situation but appreciating the work of God) then you will know how much you and I take the breath of life cheap. If you have ever witnessed a person dieing and how the breath finally leaves the person, the body becomes still and cold gradually you will reckon with me on this point.

Why must we give sacrifice? As I mentioned warlier nothing comes cheap and to achieve a thing you must give something. For a woman to become a mother she cannot remain a virgin. There can never be another virgin mary except God decides. You can not remain a virgin and expect to be a biological mother that will carry the child in your womb and deliver that child.  Well science has made alternatives, getting a surrogate mum or any other means but I hope you understand what I am saying.

As a mother you sacrifice, your body, time, talent and so many things. I believe fathers too do sacrifice somethings for the sake of fatherhood ( I can't go deep into fatherhood because I am a woman).

In life we don't achieve except we are able to move out of our comfort zone and  give away things or invest things in the appropriate places. It can be very difficult to do at times but if we eventually do it we will rejoice because we did it.

Many are times we have heard ministers of God preaching about sacrificial offerings. Due to human way of thinking we are bound to question it.
Why must I give that much?
Why do I have to stay up late to pray for someone am I God?

Why why why????

It takes the grace of God, divine wisdom and understanding for us to fully launch into being sacrificial in giving in any aspect of life. No one gives sacrificially and remain thesame.

In most cases the sacrificial offering God wants from us is our life. He just wants you and I to live for Him and Him alone. He doesn't want any mix and match today you are  for God and tomorrow you are for the gods. Everyday, seconds and minutes He wants us to live for Him. It doesn't mean you can't work or study but all you do must glorify God.

Matthew 10:39 KJV "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

Friends you can deceive man but you can't deceive God. You can't be cheating people in the secular world and come to His preswnt with "Holy hands" lifted high and expect Him to accept your worship. 


Romans 12:1 KJV "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

This verse above is common and we quote it often but we need to take note of one word out of this powerful  verse "sacrifice". You cannot give an acceptable sacrifice except you obey God.

We look up to certain men and women of God and their lives has transformed lives because they obeyed God and sacrificed what God wanted them to sacrifice.  When you hear some of their stories it wasn't that easy for them to let go but God's grace was there to guard and guide them. That grace is there for you and I we just need to tap into it faithfully and obey totally.

I don't know what is it God wants you and I to sacrifice but can you pray to Him now by saying;
Lord show me what it is you want me to sacrifice to you and empower me to obey you totally in Jesus name amen.

Abraham obeyed God even after all trials and He became father of nations even when all hope was scientifically zero but the one who can make zero hour  to be hero hour stepped in to change it round to glorify Him.

God is extremely awesome even words of man can not describe His awesomeness.

Don't listen to that voice telling you your life is yours so sacrifice is not necessary.  I tell you that is the enemy of your soul.  You serve the king of kings if some ordinary gods can be sacrificed to and their followers rejoice how much more the Lord of lords.
The I Am That I Am.
The root of Jesse.
The invisible that does visible things.
The transformer of lives.
The ever reigning king.

May God give us understanding of His words and how to be sacrificial in Jesus name amen.

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