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Monday, 16 April 2012


I got up early one morning and rushed out into the day.
I had so much to accomplish that I didn't have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me and heavier came the task.
Why doesn't God help me?
I wondered. He answered you didn't ask.
I wanted to see joy and beauty but the day toiled on grey and bleak.
I wondered why God doesn't show me.
He said but you didn't seek.
I tried to come into God's presence I used all my keys to the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided me.
My Child you didn't knock.
I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish but before rushing into the day.
I fell on my knee.
Praised my father.
Give thanks to Him.
And i commited the day unto Him in prayer asking him to take the lead handing over the keys to all my activities to him while i follow...
Indeed there is power in prayer because things are working to my favour.
Lines are falling in pleasant places for me.
I am filled with joy because i knocked, asked, and seek the Lord to take Charge while i obey His words...
Never underestimate your communication or conversation with your maker..

Get rid of It

why are you so scared? Why are you allowing FEAR(false expression appearing real) to stop you from taping into the abundance opportuinities God has made available for you. Why are you ridicling the gift in you and the power to possess your possesion because of fear. STOP!!!! Think back has God ever promised without fulfilling. Has he started a work without completing it. Has he ever lied to you before.. Remember God isn't a man and He who began a good work in you is able to complete it so this week walk and work with courage and hope and see what God will do.. Get rid of fear..... I am bold and strong for God is with me..

It's New

The saying goes thus" another day another dollar" but I say another day,minute,seconds,hour another time to give thanks even when i am still in expectant of thing i will say thank you. Why? If u complain of not having enough shoe what about someone without a pair of shoe. If you complain 
of walking bare foot wat about the person with amputated legs. Ok u complain of not having designer clothes wat about the person wif just one nation clothe(nothing to change with as substitute). When you complain of having just one clothe what about the person walking naked? You complain of eating same food all the tiime what about someone who has the food but cant eat. What about the ones being fed through their nose or a little hole in there stomach. You complain of not having wristwatch is because you have a wrist and you have a eyes to look someone is craving for just a minute to behold the beauty of nature but there is no sight while someone is losing their sight day by day. Also someone has no wrist to hold a wristwatch. Many are starving bcos of famine why are you not greatful. You complain of the country you are and your status millions would swap places with you.. Abba think properly.. You try to fake your voice to feel among someone's voice box is damage and a minute to use that froggy voice of yours would be like heaven.. You complain my hair is too long,short and so on a cancer patient going through Chemotgerapy with hair loss as in just scalp left is hoping to live after d treatment and care less about the hair growing back or not but just have his/her life back. You complain about your family someone is out there lonely just a hug from an unknown person or a family to chastise them is what they want.. You complain about your height,weight,skin colour you never stop complaining.. For your information many are six feet below with concrete slab on them lifeless, dead and gone with the talent,beauty and glory they never had chance to use life had been stolen or taken away from them. Dead to this world no time to reconcile no time to ask for forgiveness of sin. They are LATE... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GIVE THANKS STOP COMPLAINING... It's another beautiful day new hope, new life, new things..

using the word to conquer the world

My word for today is found in Psalm 34:9-11" fear the lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the lord lack no good thing. Come, my children,listen to me. I will teach u d fear of d lord.... Father your fear in my foundation and being leads to a fruitful journey that includes you in my life do not let ur fear depart from me so i can fulfil the purpose of my creation in Jesus name.. Amen


Be encouraged always not only when you see good things.. In ur disappointment be encouraged and have faith because without an appointment in the case, there cant be a disappointment and God is capable to take the dis out of disappointment and grant you appointment. In your disgrace there is grace and its the grace of God. Never allow what you can see presently to darken the clouds and vision of the manifestation of the promises of God. God never said life would be rosy but He promised to be with you in your trials.. So dont leave the promises and presence of God because of trials. Keep holding tight unto God. Even when its unbearable? Yes God can never fail.. So be encouraged God is able He cant be disabled...... Halleluyah

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...