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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Praise in the Midst of Pain.

Praise In Midst of Pain...

Acts16:23-24" after they had been severly flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the  jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. Upon receivibg such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks".

Paul and Silas were imprisoned because Paul delivered the slave girl that fortune tells to the gain of her masters. It was not something Paul did the moment He saw the girl but after many days of which the girl kept shouting behind them"These men are servants  of the Most High God who are telling you the way to be saved"(Acts16:16- 22).

There are times in life when the innocent is purnished along with the offender.
There are times when what the world counts to be an offence is what God has led you to do. Taking Paul and Silas for example they were going about doing the work of God but along the line they were flogged and imprisoned.

Imagine being taken to the town square and being flogged all because of good deed.
Back to individual personal life.
There must have been a time when you have been accused wrongly and people who did it were gloating because of the pain they cause you.

Somethings are the least of what we ever thought could happen to us or anyone around us but when it finally happens what do you do?
Do you run back into your comfort zone or your shell and dwell on pity, regret and what ifs?

Whatever you go through of have being through only builds your courage and gives you strength.

It is hard to believe but be rest assured those challenges prepares you to be more hopeful, prayerful and faithful.
Paul and Silas were locked in the inner cell because their offence was great offence to the Land.
Acts16:25-26" about midnight Paul and Silas were Praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundation of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chain came loose".

Now back to the topic Praise in the midst of Pain.
Whilst in pain some sing sorrowful songs and start blaming their enemies and God.
It takes faith to carry on and praise God.
How painful it must have been for Paul and Silas after being flogged. Then in the Middle of the Night they started praying and singing hymns. That is evidence of Faith.

Faith without works is dead, but when do you put your faith to work?
At all times or in times of trouble only?

Psalms 34:1"I will extol the Lord at all times his praise will always be on my lips".
Praising God will not just open locked gates but takes you to the realm of possibilities.

In that situation you find unbearable lift your voice to the Lord and praise Him.
Nursing that pain even when it heals the scars will remind you of the bad memories. Praising God in that pain the testimony that will come afterwards will be a channel for encouragement both for you and people around you.

In that pain let you praise be heard in Heaven.
Do this and wait and see how God will cause the earth to quake for your sake. Those who mock you will run to you for way of salvation.

If only you can praise God in that pain.
Ask God to encourage you with his word.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Long Time Dream..

Genesis 42:6,8,9"Now Joseph was the governor of the Land, the one who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph's brother arrived they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.
Although Joseph recognized his brothers they did not recoginse him. Then he remembered his dreams about them. (N.I.V)

Dream, Dream, Long time dream.
We all have had a dream or have a dream that we wait in anticipation for its manifestation.
It took long and series of preparation stages for the dream of Joseph to come to past.

What is that dream of yours.
Note Joseph never gave up on His dream even when he was imprisoned for what he did not do. Even when Pharaoh's servant who promised to tell the king about him forgot him for two more years in the prison. He never gave up.

When God gives you a dream He always set it on a pace that will glorify Him alone.
Whilst the dream is yet to manifest and trials seem like daily bread, know that God is preparing you.

So what is your dream do not give up on it.
Keep that vision/dream safe and always speak to God about it.
Dreams differ from individual to individual.
Some is academical wise, career, Marrital, Ministry wise, Talent, Fruitfull ness in marriage. Whatever it is God has not forgotten.

He is preparing you for that second,minute, hour,day,month and year when He will fulfill it.
God will fulfill it in a manner that those that rubbished your dream in the pass would have submitted totally in honouring you like Joseph's brother's did.
They did not have no choice but to submit.

I decree today that the day of the manifestation of your dream has come and you will testify in Jesus name.

Please confess this.
Oh my long time dream today marks the day of your breaking forth, breakforth with excellence in Jesus name.
I will be celebrated in Jesus name. Amen

If you are blessed please feel free to share and bless someone else.

Friday, 26 October 2012

It is a new Gift..

Congratulations dear friends...
Its a new Gift.
Thank God for it..
Acknowledge God in it.
Let God have His way in you in it..

You wonder what I am talking about..
Well its today.
Yes today is a Gift that is why it is referred to as present.
Yesterday is past.
Tomorrow is future and unknown.
Have a glorious day..

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Greener Pasture

Greener Pastures!!!!!
The quest for greener pasture in this generation is very high.
Some will strive using all means to get rich. They forget the saying"more money more problem". Some are entangled in the desires of wanting people to know them. Fame by force.
The Bible says in Provervs10:22"it is the blessing of the Lord,it makes a person rich without adding sorrow". So the understanding of this scripture matters in your search for greener pasture and making ends meet.
Some will say "but God will not come down from Heaven to bless us", yes God will not come down but He will make way. Busy living your life in competition trying to make more money than A or B does, you can only run and get tired because the destiny of A or B differs from yours so why the competition?
Have you ever wondered why Twins born same day with difference of the time they were delivered do not end up making it same way in life even if they are Identical? They can do everything in life together but I tell you something will be different in their life. Even if they are seperated or conjoined twin there will be some individual difference. Trying to walk the path your friend or brother walked to greatness does not necessarily imply your greatness.
Many will go as deep as possible into the ocean while some will fly from North to South, From West to East,Asia to Europe,Africa to the United states all in search for greener pastures but what they are busy going all over for is hidden in them. They do not know because they fail to seek God's face.
Hosea4:6"My people die because of Lack of Knowledge" if you read the later part of that verse you will understand that seeking God in your quest for success is not only important but beneficial to your generation.
Back in the days when I was in school I had friends who will follow friends into pit because they were loyal to each other. There were friends who will not just follow for following sake but they will find the truth before following incase it becomes a bad or good journey. Are you a mare follower?
Because A is in the North and doing good your next destination is North. The moment North becomes Nonsense you become Nothing all because you followed your sense of physical sight and hearing. If you had asked God to lead you may be you would have realised that staying in West  was His plan for you.
We all read, see and hear from the NEWS terrible things  happening in the world around us. I read one about a lady dating an old man because of money she ended up on the street mastubating. True or false I do not know but in every rumour there is something close to the truth. Young ones are dieing while the old ones who's ways please God are living longer. That is the Irony of Life.
So before you jump into the depth of Seeking for greener pasture make sure there is a lift/ladder that will get you back up. Ask God to lead you. Is it His will for you to do that business, career and so on.
Do not waste you time studying Biomedical science when God has Created you to be a caterer. Do not waste your talent being a Financial Adviser when God has called you to be an Evangelist of His word.
Please do not get it wrong it is good to study and get career development but make are developing where God wants you. If you have gone the wrong way its not late God can do it for you just seek Him Dilligently and Faithfully..

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

YouTube Mix (playlist)



When it happens, it happens.

Some plan it, some by circumstance, some it is as a result of their mistake and some it was never their fault.

I am writting about Mothers, not just mothers but the mothers raising children all alone without the help of the father. The society term them as  "Single Mother". I refer to them as "Honourable mothers". All mothers are honourable do not misunderstand me be you single or married.

When some people hear "single Mother" different thoughts runs in their mind. Oh she is a loose woman, she is bad, she could not keep her man, she has a bad behaviour, she is a disgrace to womanhood/motherhood. Oh she is a wonderful lady why her.
If you have or haven't had that thought I would say; try to burn yourself with the fire before you burn someone else yes then you will know what it feels like.

Some Honourable Mother are in that situation as a result of being a rape victim but kept the result(child). Some because they made a mistake. Some because they were jilted by their husband/spouse/boyfriend. Some because they were widowed at a young age.

Honourable mothers, plays the role of the dad and mum at thesame time plus they nurse their wound alone. They only get strength to carry on in God and well wishers around them. Standing afar and judging them will not help the situation.

I have read about a Honourable Mother who because the husband left and she could not handle it let all her guards down. She could not cope she kept reminding the child about his fathers irresponsible ways of life. She left what was important, Bringing up the Child regardless of what His/her father was/is doing. The boy ended up offending young and spending time in and out of prison. All because the man left and the woman could not cope.

Also I have seen a Honourable Mother who's husband left and never came back. She did jobs from one end to the other to pay Bills and make a livelihood for the Children and by the grace of God the children came out well infact one is a Member of Parliament and many more. He is not shy to say "my mother did all odd jobs cleaning to office duties to make me who I am even though My dad left and never came back".

So this message is to enlighten and educate us as community of unknown or known ignorance and stigma often placed on "single mothers(Honourable Mothers)". They are Human like you facing challenges of two parents even though its only one parent present.
I used to think only Mothers were "Single Mothers" until I met a "single Father" with 3children. He choose not to remarry just yet till the children get to certain age. He runs the family alone with the help of a Nanny. He is a "Honourable Father".

Some of us have them as brothers,sisters,friends or colleague. Let us embrace them with courage not demeaning words and behaviour. When we read or hear about a widow or widower with children seeking to marry a single or fellow widow/widower. Most society becomes judgemental about such Union.

Understanding how such people feel and the children matters a lot. They are not meant to be subject of pity or  ill treatment. Many of this Honourable Mothers are doing well in the society and they are even envied by Mothers who's partners are still with them. Some have used their past to get a glorious future for them and their children. Working two jobs,studying for better career opportuinity and still holding firm on God to sew them through.

To you "Honourable Mother" your hard work is not and will not go unnoticed just keep doing your best in bringing those children/child up. Though the father is late it does not mean you have to be late in your duties as a mother.  Has the father rejected that child/those children leaving you to take all the responsibilities? God is your strength, draw strength from God always and make sure you have/keep around you people that will encourage you.

Some days are easy to go but some are tiring, God sees all your effort. Never ever relent in bringing that child/ those children up in the way and fear of the Lord. The society might be against you but your maker is with you.

Honourable Mother, are you looking into settling down because you are still young or you need a companion. Pray about it, Never hide those gift(children). Make sure the person is ready to take your responsibilities as his. 
God has plans for you, He has plans for those Children/child.

He understands people have reffered to you in different ways both negative and positive but God has your best at heart. He wants the best for you. Let Him order your steps Always.

If no one has never told you before I am saying it to you now that YOU ARE HONOURABLE. It takes a lot of Courage, fear of God and love for that Child/Children to do what you are doing. You could have walked away.

Are you struggling being a Honourable Mother? You need to let go of your hurts and think about the pain you suffered while in labour to deliver that Child. Do not maltreat that Child because of His or Her Father. They are your Pride and Joy.


Please note;
This note is not written to encourage divorce, pre marital sex or pregnancy that might lead to unwanted situation. It is to enlighten us on what Mothers in this situation deserve and to encourage Mothers in this situation.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Father's House.

I am glad you are here today.
Just a quick wake up call.

Do not be too earthly or worldly minded less you forget about Your Father's House.
The Many Mansions, The place you need to spend Eternal life.
Heaven the real place where Our Father is.
The Ultimate residence that has rejoicing,praises,worshiping and fullness of joy.

Heaven will be Fun Make sure you do not allow earthly things to Hinder You from getting to your Mansion in Our Father's House.

Imagine a place where you do not worry about Bills,enemies,pain,stress,competition,war,inflation,economical downturn and so on.

Imagine your surroundings filled and fitted with beauty of His Holiness.

Imagine you and I rejoicing and worshiping all through Eternity.

God is our Father.
So Heaven is our Home.
Guess what, there is Mansion in place for you.

Make sure you make Heaven.
Do not be Ignorant of the earthly tactics that denies people from making it to the Father's House.

Ask for Grace,stand in grace and be grateful of His Grace througg Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour.

Every step you take here will amount to where you spend Eternity.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Showcasing Talent or Gift.

Be mindful of those you showcase your gift/talent before.

If the percentage of those that are blessed  by and appreciate it is 89% pray to God that the remaining 11% will not be the joy killer.

The pacentage might have huge gab but its level of destruction can be alarming.

"inu oba she shi, a o ba mo ikun ashe ibi( Had it been you could see what is within human thinking, you would have been able to know who is good or evil)".

Take it or leave it!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Life and Choice.

Life is a hollow bubble until you fill it with faith in God it will always remain hollow and filled in with all sought.
If you do not live your life for and in God,you come to life crying,growing up sighing and later die and end up where crying is heard all round.
When you live your life in and for God,you come to life crying,grow up in hope that is divine regardless of the trials and when you die you end up in a place where you smile and rejoice forever.
It is all about Choice and The choice is yours.

Saturday, 6 October 2012


Sometime Human being guard their life so much that they forget that their Life does not belong to them but the creator.

Some will refuse to obey God because they are so concerned about themselves.

Have you forgotten that The only one that can take that breath of yours is The giver of Life?

Are you so world conscious that you believe that your life is working well because your organisational or intellectual skill is excellent? Do not get me wrong there is nothing bad in possessing excellent skills but when you think is your doing, you are deceiving yourself.

Do you think that, that sparkle and enviable beauty you possess is because of your cream,foundation,and make upppss?
Yeah they ADD TO IT but your source of beauty is what the creator has placed inside you from the day of your creation.

Do you think your performance at work, home,school,ministry(place of worship) is down to your wisdom and knowledge.
Stop! Stop!! Stop!!!

There is nothing, I repeat nothing that you possess that is not as a result of God's permission. If He had not said Yes there wont have been a yes. When He says No who dares change his decision? Nobody.

That life is not yours but God owns it.
Let your focus be high in pleasing God, Give all the glory to God Always.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

When He calls answer His call.

The job/work of this world sometimes have age limit.
No matter your age,race,social status or family background God can use you.
When He calls you answer Him(Make sure He is calling,recognise,Listen and follow His Lead).
Stop giving excuse and raising unnecessary barriers.
Give Him all.
He owns you.
He is all in all..
Will you answer His call?
Answer His call stop the questions and what Ifs.

Everyone Has A STORY.

As a child I loved reading different stories. At some point I realised that I loved writing stories which I did for a while.
Also I loved to tell stories some on fiction some on things I have witnessed.
I am not about to tell you my story in anyway but share a significant thing I have come to realise about Life.

Everyone has a story about their life. Episode by Episode.
Page by page.
Scene by scene.
The story of your life might seem worse but when you hear the story of someone else's life you will have no choice than to appreciate God for yours.

Some started life on a rough edge and ended rough. Some started rough and ended smooth. Some started smooth and ended smooth while some started smooth and ended rough. Whichever category you fall into there can be and there is a glory in that story.
This days we all claim the blessings of Abraham but most forget that Abraham had a story. He had his low times and times of awaiting expectation which at first seemed like will not come forth but God will never create anyone/thing without having a plan for the person/thing.

Life to some, is there destination and they care less about what happens after life. The story in your life will be played to you one day like a flashback. To be blessed from that story you have to focus on your Maker and let your hope in Him stand firm.
Even people that seem to have it smooth all through in life still experience ups and down but their ability to see the positive in the negative situation through their Hope in God helps them scale through.

People will envy, backstab, mock but when you are in the Market you do not get distracted by the noise in the market. You rather focus on the purpose of you being in the market. You achieve your purpose and head home. That is the way Life story is. Your goal and purpose of existence can only be found in God. If you get lost in the noise and uproar of the market, you will lose your goal.
So that story of yours has been written by God, He knows about the times you felt like throwing the towel. He knows about the happiest moment and the saddest moment but for you to eat the fullness of the story you must hand it over to who wrote the story(God Almighty).

There is a glory in your story. Your story will always bless another person in times of need if you allow God to take the glory.
Our Lord Jesus Christ had a story and the glory in that story is the eternal life you and I get if we believe and live for Him.
Adam the first man had a story and we partake in the result which is inheritance of sin and death.
If not for Christ what would have happened to human race?

So lovely friend, the glory is hidden in your story.
Stop lamenting, Ask God to encourage you and empower you. Leave it all to God.
Focus on God in that hard moment. Let God have His way and Let His will be done.

There will be glory after all..
Smile and Rejoice.
Give thanks in Advance.

Good Morning Lord

At every dawn of day My heart Rejoice and Sings: You deserve my worship you deserve My praise. Adoration and glory belongs to you always. Only God deserves it alll. Have you said Good Morning to the King of kings? Let your heart and soul rejoice and give all the praise to Him Always..
Psalms92:1-2"It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name O Most High,to proclaim your love in the Morning and your faithfullness at night".

Good Morning Lord..

Prayer from Acts 27:22-23

Song What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around Turned it around What the enemy meant for evil God has turned it around for my g...